Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1062 Fair Competition

Chapter 1062 Fair Competition
Eric smiled lightly.

"Why are you so sad? Being with me is guaranteed to be much happier than being with Chen Kai."

Qin Min really couldn't bear to listen, and couldn't help but take up the conversation again.

"You bastard bastard, you're not even worthy to lift my brother-in-law's shoes. Although my brother-in-law agreed to a divorce, in the hearts of our sisters, he is always our brother-in-law."

"You are a person who can't be touched by eight poles. Even if my sister agrees to marry you, our sisters will regard you as a thorn in my side and resign."

"Don't let me seize the opportunity. When the time comes, I will definitely tear you into pieces, so that you can't live or die."

Eric looked at Qin Min meaningfully, still with a smile on his face.

"If you think you can scare me like this, you are a little too naive. I don't bother to say anything to you now. Let's wait and see."

Having said that, he suddenly let out a soft sigh.

"What a great person you think Chen Kai is. I'll let you know right away that he's just a child who hasn't grown up in front of me. I can play around with him."

"But he can't do anything about it. You Huaxia people say that the hatred of taking a wife is irreconcilable, but I want you to know that I robbed his wife, and he has to humbly beg to cooperate with me."

Qin Min was speechless, until now she didn't know what a terrible enemy she was facing, this person was not only despicable and shameless, his skin was thicker than the city wall.

She cast her eyes on Qin Xiang, her eyes were full of searching.

"Why did you want to know such a person in the first place?"

Qin Xiang shook her head helplessly, but did not answer this question.

She also asked herself silently in her heart, why she had to get involved with someone like Eric, but it was too late to say this now.

Eric looked at them with a smile, as if very satisfied with their attitude.

"You may wish to guess now, what should I do next?"

Qin Min tilted his head and did not speak, Qin Xiang also lowered his head, tears streaming down his face.

Eric let out a long sigh.

"Don't you want to look like this? Even if you can't express your happiness, you should at least express your curiosity. Otherwise, no one will read my plan, isn't it too boring?"

Qin Xiang helplessly shook her head.

"I have promised to divorce Chen Kai, and I have done as you said. You should put our sisters back. As for what you should do next, that is your own business. We don't want to know, and we are not in the mood to participate. .”

Eric shook his head again.

"I wouldn't do that."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Kai's number.

"Chen Kai, I'm Eric. I'm really sorry just now. Some important things on my side were delayed. I heard from the secretary that there was some dispute between you."

"But don't get me wrong. It's definitely not authorized by me. I really want to talk to you about our cooperation. Come here now."

"I think we should change to another restaurant. After all, that restaurant just now has made you angry. In order to show my sincerity, you should jump to a random place."

Chen Kai frowned, he was already full of anger, Qin Xiang was going to divorce him just now, he was really not in the mood to talk about work.

But he also knew that this opportunity was once in a lifetime, and Eric finally let go and let himself choose a place, which he had to consider carefully.

"Since you've said that, if I don't show face, it's really unjustifiable, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and you'd better come to my office."

"I have been waiting for you for more than an hour just now, and your secretary was so rude to me. This is completely playing me. To be honest, although I know that I should not be as knowledgeable as you and the secretary, I am still a little angry."

"If you come to my office to discuss this matter in person, maybe the major issue can be reduced to a minor one, but it still depends on what you do. I don't mean to force you."

Originally thinking that Eric would not agree, Chen Kai had already thought about what to say next, but unexpectedly, Eric laughed heartily.

"You're right. I did something wrong just now. Are you in your office now? Wait for me, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Just let me remind you, we can't play childish temper. Although I'm sorry for you, don't play tricks on me. I have decided to cooperate with you."

Chen Kai was a little surprised by the news, and after hanging up the phone, he couldn't help but muttered with a wry smile.

"I can't blame people for saying that it's too uncomfortable for Qin Xiang to divorce me because she was proud in business but frustrated in love. But fortunately, there is good news at last."

"As for the matter with Qin Xiang, let's talk about it slowly after finishing the business."

Eric really kept his word, and appeared in Chen Kai's office within 15 minutes.

As soon as they met, they stretched out their hands and shook hands with Chen Kai.

"I'm really sorry. I really did something wrong today. I hope you don't count the faults of villains."

Hearing what Eric said, Chen Kai felt a little embarrassed, and said with a smile.

"Actually, it's not as serious as you said. What's more, in front of you, what kind of adult am I? As long as the cooperation can be negotiated, everything else is trivial."

Eric smiled, thinking silently in his heart, if you knew that I robbed your wife, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so polite.

But Eric also knows that now is not the time to talk about this kind of topic.

The two sat down as guest and host, and Eric asked straightforwardly.

"I asked you to meet me in the restaurant with the latest design plan. I heard from the secretary that you are indeed holding a file bag. What kind of plan do you have?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly, and said with a wry smile.

"I really wanted you to see my new plan, but I suddenly changed my mind. I think since we want to cooperate, I want to compete fairly with Duan Minglang."

Eric looked at Chen Kai in surprise.

"We have already reached an agreement, as long as we sign, we can cooperate completely. Why do you want to bring Duan Minglang into it?"

"Isn't this adding variables to our cooperation? I really can't figure out what you think."

Chen Kai nodded with a smile.

"You are right. I just want to take this opportunity to know my true strength. As long as I win a lot of wolves under fair competition, the outside world will not criticize me. I have absolute confidence in my strength. "

When Eric heard what Chen Kai said, an imperceptible smile rose from the corner of his mouth, he was silent for a while, and finally nodded silently.

"Since this is the case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient, but I still need to tell you the answer in my heart. I don't agree with you doing this, because it's too risky."

Having said that, he suddenly let out a soft sigh.

"If Duan Minglang's game project is better than your company, I have no reason not to choose them, but choose you."

Chen Kai smiled confidently.

"If something like that happens, then I have no complaints."

Eric was silent for another moment, and finally smiled.

"Then I'll call him now, or you can inform him yourself and tell them to get ready."

Chen Kai looked at Eric with a smile.

"It would be inappropriate for me to call. After all, you are the one who chooses a partner, or you should inform him personally."

Eric nodded silently, and asked the secretary to call Duan Minglang.

Duan Minglang didn't know this number and had been asked.

"who are you?"

The secretary smiled and answered.

"I am Eric's secretary of Yinghua Group. I want to inform you of a very important news. Eric and Chen Kai have reached an agreement and want to compete fairly with you."

"Think about it seriously, Eric is waiting for your response, but I hope you don't make him wait too long, our patience is limited."

(End of this chapter)

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