Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1064 Fair Competition

Chapter 1064 Fair Competition
But Chen Kai suddenly calmed down.

This made Yang Fan even more incomprehensible.

"Why are you still acting so calm? Don't you know that all our information is hidden in this computer?"

Chen Kai smiled and shook his head.

"How long do you think the computer would take to fix?"

Yang Fan tilted his head and thought for a while, then sighed helplessly.

"I guess this must have been attacked by a very skilled expert, and the purpose is obvious, which is to delete all the data in the computer."

Chen Kai nodded, agreeing to Yang Fan's reasoning.

"Then do you think the current situation of computers, has their purpose been fulfilled?"

Yang Fan let out a long sigh, and tapped his fingers on the keyboard for a while, but the computer didn't respond at all. Yang Fan sat down on the chair in frustration, and said helplessly.

"From where it stands, they've clearly achieved their goal."

Chen Kai smiled lightly.

"I know you have this very professional skill, can you restore all the data in the computer?"

Yang Fan let out a long sigh.

"This is not a particularly difficult thing for me, but it's a pity..."

Having said this, he suddenly couldn't continue, and cast his eyes on Chen Kai, but his eyes were full of despair.

Chen Kai raised his eyebrows.

"Why don't you continue talking?"

Yang Fan had no choice but to continue talking.

"Of course we can use technical means to restore the data inside, but this is obviously not something that can be done in a short time."

"It will take at least three days. Ke is now racing against time to research the project. Three days are really precious to us."

"We can't afford to delay, so we must find a way as soon as possible to copy the data in the computer."

Chen Kai let out a long sigh after listening.

"But our computer is paralyzed now, and there is no way to turn it on, let alone copy the data in it, not to mention that the data must have been deleted now, so there is no need to waste effort."

Chen Kai spoke in a very relaxed tone, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, which made Yang Fan even more incredible.

"Are you all right? Don't you realize how serious it is?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.Leaning back on the office chair with her head in her hands, she said leisurely.

"Of course I know, but you don't have to be so nervous. I can even tell you clearly that you don't need to worry at all."

Yang Fan stared at Chen Kai dumbfounded, and couldn't help reaching out to touch his forehead, wondering if he had a fever.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling unwell, or should we go to the hospital?"

Chen Kai opened his eyes and stared at Yang Fan meaningfully.

"Do you think I'm the wrong person now?"

"When did we ever fight an uncertain battle? So I let you rest assured, you can rest assured. As for why I behaved so calmly, I can't tell you now, but I don't think it will take long before you will Should be able to understand."

Seeing that Chen Kai had said this, Yang Fan couldn't say anything more, and shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"I guess it must be Duan Minglang's fault, or should we go directly to him to discuss it?"

Chen Kai shook his head again.

"Now we don't have any evidence, he won't admit it, and then he was so angry, why should we be uncomfortable?"

Yang Fan was speechless.

Duan Minglang was very excited, and even laughed from ear to ear.

He called Eric himself.

"I have just researched the project here, I hope you can take a look."

Eric looked curious.

"Have you guys researched it so soon? I'm afraid it's not interesting for me to go to see it. Since it was Chen Kai who proposed fair competition, I think it's better to call Chen Kai and show me your project together. Which side I'll choose whichever side is better."

Duan Minglang was exactly what he wanted, so he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Eric hung up the phone, and asked his secretary to call Chen Kai to inform him of the meeting time.

Chen Kai did not raise any objections.

"When Duan Minglang wants to show it, show it at any time."

Eric picked the day to be tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Duan Minglang, Chen Kai, and Eric appeared at the agreed place almost at the same time.

The three of them went through some courtesies, and then they were seated separately.

Eric smiled approvingly and looked at Duan Minglang.

"It's only been a few days since I informed you about the fair competition. I'm really surprised that you guys came up with the project so quickly."

"I can't wait to see your products, so hurry up and show me them."

Duan Minglang nodded with a smile, and then began to talk about his plan.

During the whole process, Chen Kai didn't say a word, and listened quietly, for fear of missing any important content.

Duan Minglang talked on and on for 15 minutes, finally finished, and then looked at Chen Kai with a proud face.

"Now it's time for you to tell your plan."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"Don't talk about our plan yet. I heard your plan just now, and I think there are a few questions I want to ask you. I hope you can answer them truthfully."

Duan Minglang's complexion changed immediately, he was about to get angry, but he suppressed it reluctantly, and asked patiently.

"I've already finished my plan. Logically speaking, it's time for you to explain your product. Why do you ask me questions?"

Then he turned his gaze to Eric again.

"You said what I said, right?"

Eric looked at Chen Kai and smiled meaningfully.

"Since Chen Kai has a question to ask, I think it's better for you to try to answer it as much as possible. If Chen Kai doesn't ask, I will ask, but I think it is fairer for competitors to ask, and it is more able to hit the point. focus."

Eric has already said this, even if Duan Minglang disagrees, there is nothing he can do.

Chen Kai coughed lightly and asked him a question.

Duan Minglang was still very nervous at first, but when he heard Chen Kai ask such a simple question, a relaxed smile appeared on his face immediately.

"You originally wanted to know this. When we were designing the plan, we also thought about this problem. Our designers creatively solved this problem."

Then he nodded slightly towards Eric.

"Please rest assured that our plan will definitely not have any problems that we are worried about."

Then he turned his gaze to Chen Kai.

"Now it's your turn to talk about your plan."

Chen Kai shook his head again.

"Just now I just asked a question, I appreciate your solution very much, but I have a more serious question, I hope you can answer it."

An angry look appeared on Duan Minglang's face.

"Are you finished? Do you have to find fault with our products, or are you here to show your products?"

Chen Kai still smiled calmly.

"I'll ask one last question, as long as you can answer me, I can show our project."

Duan Minglang looked at Eric, who shrugged noncommittally and made a helpless expression.

"Since Chen Kai wants to ask, let him ask. I also want to know what wonderful questions Chen Kai can ask, and your wonderful answers."

Duan Minglang had no choice but to nod his head helplessly, and rolled his eyes angrily.

"Then you'd better keep it short."

Chen Kai smiled lightly, and asked the question that he had in mind to seal his throat with a sword.

Duan Minglang broke out in cold sweat immediately, he never expected that Chen Kai would ask such a question, and he had no way to answer this question.

Seeing the expression on Duan Minglang's face, Chen Kai smiled even more happily.

"Is there no way for you to answer? If that's the case, then it should be my time."

As he spoke, he nodded silently to Eric.

"Our plan is like this..."

Chen Kai happily explained his plan for 10 minutes. Although the time was 5 minutes shorter than that of Duan Minglang, everyone felt that the amount of information was very large.

When Chen Kai finished speaking, these people still hadn't recalled it.

One minute later, there was thunderous applause, and everyone gave Chen Kai their thumbs up.

"Your plan is really wonderful."

(End of this chapter)

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