Chapter 1069
Eric looked at Chen Kai with a smug smile, and handed over the things in his hand.

"Speaking of it, I should still thank you. If you don't divorce Qin Xiang, I'm afraid I won't be able to hand you the wedding invitation. I hope you can attend our wedding."

"At this point, there is nothing to hide. Qin Xiang and I are our first lovers. If you hadn't appeared, we might have been married a long time ago."

Chen Kai looked at Eric dumbfounded as if he had been struck by lightning, and then suddenly realized why Qin Xiang was so panicked when he saw Eric in his office.

Why did he stop himself from cooperating with Eric? It turned out that the two had already known each other.

But Chen Kai no longer has the ability to think carefully, if it is what he thinks, why Qin Xiang would do this, and what benefits it will have for Qin Xiang and even Eric.

Seeing Chen Kai's shocked expression, Eric smiled even more proudly.

"But you don't have to worry. I know that you Huaxia people pay attention to the hatred of taking your wife. We don't have such a custom in our country, although I also hate you for taking my wife away."

Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed softly, held Qin Xiang's hand tightly, and said meaningfully.

"It's a good thing you've returned it. I can't say anything too magnanimous. Don't expect me to thank you sincerely, but I really hope you can show up at our wedding and have a glass of wedding wine."

Chen Kai was trembling with excitement, he only had one thought in his mind now, which was to kill Eric first.

His martial arts has always been good, but Eric has not received any professional training. If he really makes a move, Eric will definitely not be able to withstand his punch.

Even if he couldn't be killed, at least he had to be seriously injured.

Qin Xiang immediately realized what Chen Kai was thinking, and stood in front of Eric in a flash.

"If you really want to hit him, you have to pass me first."

The voice was unusually cold, and Chen Kai suddenly remembered that Qin Xiang had been talking to him with this tone and face when he first came to live in the Qin family's villa.

Feeling the warmth of this tone again at this moment, Chen Kai's heart was stabbed fiercely, and he stared at Qin Xiang in pain.

"Why? Why do you want to do this? I cheated because of a compelling reason. I was calculated by others, but why did you..."

Qin Xiang suddenly snorted coldly.

"Are you being tricked again? Why are you being tricked one after another? I can accept the matter of Gao Rourou in Jingdu. "

"Because Gao Rourou is a patient of depression, not to mention having had a relationship with you before, but who is this cheating with?"

Having said that, he suddenly shook his head vigorously.

"Forget it, we're already divorced, and it's pointless to discuss these things. What Eric said just now is right. We are indeed a couple in first love."

Speaking of the eyes here, Qin Xiang's eyes flashed with pain, but Chen Kai's mind went blank, and he no longer had the mind to feel Qin Xiang's mood at this time.

Qin Xiang continued speaking slowly in as calm a tone as possible.

"What I haven't told you is that I have never forgotten him in my heart. Are you satisfied? You have got the answer you want, can I leave now?"

Chen Kai only felt that the three souls and six souls had left his body. He didn't know how he was separated from Qin Xiang. He didn't even drive, and wandered aimlessly on the street in a daze.

Unknowingly, he came to the door of a bar. Chen Kai saw the sign on the bar, and clearly remembered drinking with Qin Xiang here, and after getting drunk, Qin Xiang sent himself home.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai suddenly wanted to have a drink, but drinking alone was a bit boring, so he called Yang Fan.

"Where are you now? Are you working in the company? Don't be too busy, just put down the work at hand. I'm at the door of the bar. Come and have a drink with me. I'm in a very bad mood now."

When Yang Fan heard Chen Kai's tone of voice, he immediately sensed that something was wrong with him, so he asked with concern.

"What's wrong with you?"

Chen Kai interrupted him impatiently.

"Why can't I understand a few words on the phone, come to the bar quickly, let's have a drink or two, and I will tell you exactly what I have experienced in the past few days."

As he spoke, he suddenly smiled wryly again.

"I can guarantee that it is definitely more exciting than any novel you have read, with ups and downs and fascinating."

"What's going on? I'll talk about it after we meet. I'll hang up first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yang Fan to agree, he hung up the phone on his own, put the phone in his pocket, and strode into the bar.

Yang Fan didn't want to go at all, there was still a lot of work to be done, but he was worried about Chen Kai.

I had no choice but to close the laptop, put on the coat that was put on the office chair, and walked out of the company.

The two met in the bar, and Chen Kai drank barley beer glass after glass.

After drinking the fifth cup, Yang Fan felt that Chen Kai must be drunk after drinking like this, so he stopped him, stared at him and asked.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say you'd tell me when I came? Since I got here, you've been drinking one cup after another. Are you still going to finish?"

Chen Kai is already [-]% drunk at the moment. In fact, with his drinking capacity, this little drink can't help him at all, but today is too sad, sad wine is always easy to get drunk.

Sleepily, he described the cause and effect of the incident to Yang Fan.

"Tell me, is Qin Xiang too unfeeling? Is she too sorry for me by doing this? Although I have a relationship with Xiaomi, it is not what I want at all."

"But what about Qin Xiang? We've been in love for so long, we've been married for several months, and we never told me that my first boyfriend divorced me in order to be with that Eric."

Yang Fan stared at Chen Kai dumbfounded, no matter what he did not believe that Qin Xiang would be such a person.

Chen Kai had finished speaking, and subconsciously grabbed his wine glass again.

Yang Fan immediately grabbed the cup, put it heavily on the table, and glared at him.

"Are you finished? It's true that I didn't know Qin Xiang as early as you, but we also had exchanges and contacts. Why don't I believe that Qin Xiang is the kind of woman you said?"

Chen Kai chuckled.

"Whether you believe it or not, now Qin Xiang has divorced me, and that Eric actually gave me an invitation to drink their wedding wine."

Said Yang Fan took out the invitation card from his pocket.

Yang Fan took it with a puzzled look and looked at it, and found that it was indeed Eric and Qin Xiang's wedding invitation, so he believed it in his heart, but immediately another doubt arose.

"Did you actually go to their wedding? Why did you keep this instead of throwing it in the trash?"

Chen Kai was in no mood to answer this question.

Yang Fan just wanted to ask again, but seeing Chen Kai's heartbroken look, he couldn't bear to ask again.

He didn't know how to comfort Chen Kai, and felt that as a good friend, the only thing he could do was to get drunk with him, so he also ordered a large glass of beer, but before he could drink, the phone rang.

Chen Kai glanced at the caller ID and found that it was Xia Yuan calling. He immediately frowned and connected the call. Before the other party could speak, he said impatiently.

"What's the matter with you? Chen Kai is drunk now, I'm in the bar, I'll call you later, okay?"

Xia Yuan flatly refused, her tone full of panic.

"What are you talking about? Chen Kai is just drunk, and this is Rongcheng, nothing will happen to Chen Kai, but if you don't come, I will be in great danger."

Yang Fan was taken aback, remembering the last time she was pushed into the water by Li Minmin, she hurriedly asked in horror.

"What happened to you? Where are you now? What danger did you encounter?"

Xia Yuan's voice became even more anxious.

"Whether it's dangerous or not is secondary. Anyway, come quickly, I have something very important to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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