Chapter 1071
Yang Fan shook his head helplessly, and sighed softly.

"Although I said that, do you know what Chen Kai said about me? He actually said that I value sex and despise friends. It really pissed me off."

Xia Yuan looked at Yang Fan flickeringly, and smiled mischievously.

"To be honest, I would like to see that in your heart, I am more important than Chen Kai. People often say that men are like brothers and women are like clothes..."

Yang Fan corrected by rolling his eyes helplessly.

"You're wrong, that's called brothers like brothers."

Xia Yuan deliberately opened his eyes wide, pretending to be very angry.

"Then do you think I am clothes? Can I change it casually?"

What can Yang Fan do if he meets such a girlfriend?I could only shake my head again and again.

"Didn't I come here in a hurry? But what's the matter with you? Let's get down to business first. I was scared to death by you just now."

Only then did Xia Yuan stop, and smiled mysteriously.

"Of course I have something very important to call you here, otherwise you think I'm making trouble out of no reason. How about this, you close your eyes first and don't peek."

Yang Fan was confused, but he closed his eyes obediently.

Xia Yuan smiled in satisfaction, stretched out his hand to take Yang Fan's hand, and was about to move forward when he suddenly remembered something and screamed.

Yang Fan was startled, and hastily opened his eyes.

"What's the matter? Such a surprise?"

Xia Yuan shook his head lightly.

"I don't think it's enough for you to just close your eyes. I should cover your eyes so that I don't worry about you peeking."

Yang Fan felt even more baffled and shook his head helplessly.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Xia Yuan smiled mysteriously again.

"Don't ask so many questions now, you will know later."

As he spoke, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and covered Yang Fan's eyes.

"That's fine, now I'm holding your hand, you go with me, without my permission, you are not allowed to take off the handkerchief, or I will be angry."

When things got to this point, Yang Fan could only nod helplessly in agreement.

"Isn't it okay to follow your arrangement? What are you doing? Let's go quickly."

It took about 15 minutes for Yang Fan to be held by Xia Yuan and Xia Yuan took off Yang Fan's handkerchief with a charming smile.

"Now you can open your eyes."

Yang Fan opened his eyes only to realize that this place is a playground.

Xia Yuan looked at Yang Fan with a mischievous smile.

"I know you were very busy and tired from work a while ago, so I want to ask you out to relax. Do you like this place?"

Yang Fan shook his head helplessly.

"I like it, but I like it, but the way you ask people out is really scary. I feel a little guilty about Chen Kai until now. Fortunately, when I left, I told the bartender to help him send Chen Kai back. , and gave the bartender some money."

Hearing this, Xia Yuan laughed even more happily, put his arms around Yang Fan's neck, and whispered softly in his ear.

"I knew you would have a way to deal with this kind of thing. Now Chen Kai can rest assured that we can have fun."

Yang Fan let out a long breath and said with a happy smile on his face.

"You're right. I've been really depressed during this period of time. Let's enjoy the happy time."

The two played to their heart's content in the playground, and they were very happy with each other. Yang Fan forgot all the troubled things in the past, and felt that being with Xia Yuan was the happiest and happiest time in his life.

But the good times didn't last long, when the two of them got carried away with playing, they suddenly heard a cough.

The voice was so familiar, Yang Fan subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice, and then he saw Xia Jianying with a straight face.

The smiles immediately froze on the faces of the two of them.

Xia Yuan asked timidly.

"Dad, why did you suddenly appear here?"

Xia Jianying did not answer this question, but looked at Yang Fan coldly.

"I told you once that I made you leave my daughter, why didn't you listen?"

Yang Fan had a look of grievance, and helplessly argued.

"Uncle, Xia Yuan and I really love each other, please don't obstruct us, I know my father is sorry for you, but you really shouldn't count your generation on my head."

Before she finished speaking, Xia Jianying snorted coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense, no matter what you say, I will never marry my daughter to you."

Xia Yuan instinctively wanted to say something, but Xia Jianying's eyes were so cold that Xia Yuan was too scared to say a word.

"Why don't you hurry home with me? What are you still doing here?"

Xia Yuan shook his head grievously.

"I have already run away from home. I have already told you that no matter what you do, you will not stop me from being with Yang Fan. Go back now, and I will naturally go back when I am ready to go home."

Xia Jianying snorted again.

"I knew you would say that, do you think I came here by myself this time?"

As he spoke, he suddenly clapped his hands.

Immediately, five or six rough people appeared beside him.

Although Yang Fan doesn't know these people, he also knows that these people are Xia Jianying's bodyguards. He himself is a tenth-degree black belt in Taekwondo. He can barely deal with one or two people, but these five people are really helpless. .

Even so, Yang Fan still refused to admit defeat, he stared at Xia Jianying coldly.

"If you want to take Xia Yuan away from me by force, I'm afraid I will have to overestimate my strength."

Xia Jianying stared at him with disdain.

"You still know that you are overreaching? To be honest, I don't want to make my daughter sad, so you'd better not act rashly. "

Xia Yuan burst into tears, begging Xia Jianying non-stop.

"I will not go back with you even if I die. I will be Yang Fan's wife for the rest of my life. Even if you take me back, as long as I am free, I will definitely escape. Why bother?"

Xia Jianying looked at Xia Yuan with a painful face, and let out a long sigh.

"Why are you so disobedient? It's all for your sake."

Xia Yuan kept shaking her head, and tightly grasped Yang Fan's hand.

"We're leaving this place, my dad is unreasonable now."

As soon as the two turned around, they realized that there were five tall and three rough people behind them at some point. Judging by their attire, they were obviously also the bodyguards of the summer camp.

Yang Fan couldn't help but gasped, turned around and stared at Xia Jianying.

"Do you really want to use the wall?"

Xia Jianying was too lazy to talk to Yang Fan, and waved to the bodyguards.

"Bring me the summer garden back."

Xia Yuan immediately turned pale and burst into tears.

"You don't want to be like this, you take me back and I will be with you forever."

Xia Jianying didn't want to listen anymore, the bodyguards were helpless, they were earning Xia Jianying's salary, of course they had to do what others said.

Although Yang Fan had tried his best, he still couldn't beat so many bodyguards.

Fortunately, Xia Jianying didn't think about what to do with him, its purpose.You just took Xia Yuan away, so you just beat Yang Fan to the ground and left here with Xia Yuan.

Xia Yuan kept struggling, but it was of no avail.

Xia Yuan was taken back home and locked in the room by Xia Jianying.

"You should reflect on it here. When you agree to break up with that boy Yang Fan, when will I let you out, and you can rest assured that I will send someone to bring you food and drink."

Xia Yuan sat in the room and kept crying.

Yang Fan's body was not seriously injured. After the bodyguards left, he got up and sat on the ground, hitting the ground with his fist in frustration.

"Yang Fan, why are you so useless? Why are you so incompetent? You can't even protect your own woman, and you watch others snatch your woman away. What kind of man are you? Why don't you just die? "

He hammered the ground non-stop, his fists were stretched out, but Yang Fan still didn't intend to stop.

He felt that his heart was full of sadness, full of anger, but he couldn't find a place to vent.

(End of this chapter)

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