Chapter 1077
After Xia Jianying regained her composure, she immediately called the bodyguards.

"Hurry up and come to this place according to the address I sent you, the sooner the better, my daughter's car has fallen off a cliff."

After speaking, I couldn't wait to hang up the phone, because I had to call the local emergency center.

Chen Kai originally wanted to drive back to the office, but today's task has been completed, and the next step is to wish Yang Fan and Xia Yuan an early baby.

As for the wedding, I'm afraid it will only be reissued in two years. Halfway through, I suddenly felt a little worried and wanted to follow behind to see if Yang Fan and the others had really left.

When necessary, they can also help deal with those bodyguards who are chasing after them.

It was precisely because of this plan that he rushed to the scene of the accident in time. Xia Jianying stood on the edge of the cliff, crying and crying.

"Xia Yuan, it's dad who's sorry for you. If I knew this, dad might as well let you be with this brat. What do you think is good about this brat?"

"At that time, I was afraid that something like this would happen to you, so I tried my best to stop it, but you were disobedient, which led to today's end. How can you let Dad live alone?"

These words almost made Chen Kai amused. Although Xia Yuan was very likely to be in danger, was it a bit too anxious to cry like this before the body was found?

But now he is not in the mood to persuade them, he can only call everyone he can call, and go to the accident site to find the two people.

When people came to the crashed car, they only found Xia Yuan alone, but Yang Fan was no where to be seen.

The ambulance personnel hurriedly lifted Xia Yuan out of the car and found that Xia Yuan was still alive, and because she was wearing a seat belt, she was not seriously injured, but passed out due to excessive fright.

But to be on the safe side, the ambulance personnel took Xia Yuan to the hospital for a full-body examination.

Xia Jianying let out a long breath in her heart, thinking that no matter what, her daughter finally came back alive.

But where did Yang Fan go?Can't see people alive, but can't see dead bodies?

Chen Kai also led people to search here for a long time, but there was no clue at all, which made Chen Kai very anxious.

Xia Jianying suddenly felt a little guilty, and murmured.

"I'm really sorry, it's all because of your father's sins. If your father didn't do something wrong to me, you might have been married a long time ago."

What he said was a bit too unfeeling. Normally, Chen Kai would definitely refute, but now he was even more worried about Yang Fan, and he was really not in the mood for such a spat.

Although Xia Jianying said so, she still felt guilty towards Yang Fan in her heart.

Just don't want to say it.

Chen Kai led people to search here all night, but still couldn't find Yang Fan's whereabouts. Chen Kai thought that he should tell Yang Fan's father about this matter. After much deliberation, he finally made a decision and called Yang Wang.

"Do you know who I am? I'm Yang Fan's good friend. Chen Kai told you some unfortunate news. Yang Fan and his girlfriend fell into a cliff with their car. Now his girlfriend is fine, but Yang Fan has disappeared. "

When Yang Wang heard Chen Kai's voice, he immediately had an ominous premonition, and after he finished talking about Yang Fan's car accident, he immediately passed out.

Chen Kai didn't know what happened, he was very anxious, and immediately got into the car and rushed to Yang Wang's house.

He rang the doorbell at the door for a long time, but no one came to answer the door. Chen Kai became even more anxious, so he kicked open the door and rushed in. Then he saw Yang Wang fainted on the ground.

Chen Kai ran over to help Yang Wang up, and was among those who pinched him.

Yang Wang woke up leisurely, and when he saw Chen Kai, he burst into tears.

"What's wrong with my son? I've only had this son for most of my life. Why did God treat me so unfairly? Why did he take him away from me?"

Chen Kai couldn't answer such a question, Yang Wang was crying heartbroken, and Chen Kai didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only watch quietly from the side.

Yang Wang cried for a while, then fell down again and passed out again. Chen Kai was startled.

Call the emergency center in a hurry.

The ambulance came soon, carried Yang Wang into the car, and sent him to the hospital.

Chen Kai felt that he should be more or less responsible, so he went to the hospital.

After a whole body examination, Yang Wang's body didn't show any problems, but his spirit was very listless.

Chen Kai knew that this person's spiritual pillar had collapsed, and he was afraid that he would defecate abnormally, unless Yang Fan could come back alive.

This made Chen Kai feel even more guilty.

He sat in front of Yang Wang's hospital bed, looking at him helplessly.

"I'm really sorry. If I had foreseen that such a thing would happen in advance, I would never have helped this favor."

"But having said that, in that situation, this couple who love each other can't be together. I also worry that one day they will meet and commit suicide together, and go to the underworld to be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks."

Yang Wang suddenly held Chen Kai's hand tightly.

"I know you are not an ordinary person. Your martial arts are very good, and you have such a priority, and you have a lot of contacts. Help me find my son. I have a faint feeling in my heart that he will be fine. Otherwise, how could it be possible? Can't find anyone?"

"When you called, you said that you and my son are good friends, and I also know that he holds a very important position in your company. Help me, you must find him."

Chen Kai secretly thought in his heart, already sent a large number of people to look for it, but there is not even a single clue, of course I will not give up easily, but can I promise you that I will find this person?

Chen Kai was really not sure at all, but seeing Yang Wang staring at him expectantly, he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"I can only help you try as much as possible."

Yang Wang let out a long sigh.

"As long as you promise me, you will feel a little more at ease. Yang Fan has a particularly stubborn temper since he was a child. In fact, this is also my fault. Xia Jianying is also a real person. If you want to come after me, can you just do it?"

"Why do you have to embarrass the child? Now that my son's whereabouts are unknown, Xia Jianying can't say that I still owe him?"

Chen Kai had no choice but to comfort him non-stop. After talking for a long time, Yang Wang finally got tired, so he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Kai couldn't bear to disturb him anymore, so he stood up and left the ward, and sat down on the seat in the corridor.

He was extremely depressed and wanted to find someone to talk about his distress.

The most suitable candidate is of course Qin Xiang. Just as she was about to call Qin Xiang, she realized that Qin Xiang had nothing to do with her.

If it wasn't for the hospital, Chen Kai wanted to cry a lot.

But Chen Kai still held back after all, and sat there dejectedly.

At the same time, Qin Xiang didn't know what was happening outside, and she was also facing difficult choices.

Eric came out every now and then to force Qin Xiang to marry him.

"Have you figured it out? My patience is very limited. If you don't agree, you won't be able to regain your freedom."

"And I don't know what you're wasting. Do you still hope for a miracle? You and Chen Kai are already divorced. This person is busy with his career now, so he doesn't even think about you."

"You are such a smart woman, why do you do such a stupid thing?"

"What I want is very simple, which is your family's property. As long as you marry me, and then transfer all the property under your name to my name, wouldn't it be a happy thing for everyone?"

After several days of careful thinking, Qin Xiang knew that the situation was very unfavorable to her, and now she could no longer expect anyone to rescue herself and Qin Min.

Now in this situation, I can only rely on myself to deal with him. Seeing that Eric is so impatient, Qin Xiang reluctantly nodded.

"I can agree to marry you, but there is one thing I don't quite understand. Why are you so impatient? Since you already have the chance of winning, why don't you wait a little longer?"

Eric shook his head slightly, staring at her meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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