Chapter 111
Gao Ming's tone was somewhat teasing and perfunctory.

"I said Brother Kai, look at what you said, can I call you if it's okay? After I left you yesterday, I took the flight that night and returned to the city where I am. Today I still miss you a little bit, as the saying goes, a confidant in the sea is close to the end of the world, so I should give you a call and say hello, isn't that a matter of course?"

The more Chen Kai listened, the more he felt that something was wrong, because he knew that Gao Ming was not the kind of person who would talk about nothing. Although he was a little foolish in front of others, for him who wanted to worship himself as a teacher, he made a phone call. There must be something important.

"I said, can you stop going around in circles, and just say what you need. I tell you that I don't have any extra time now. I'm talking with you here. If you have nothing to do, I'll hang up."

As he was about to hang up the phone, Gao Ming immediately became anxious.

"I said brother, can you not look like this? I do have something, but it's not a big deal for you, it's just a little effort but it's very important for me..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Kai interrupted him impatiently.

"I said are you okay? If you go around in circles like this again, I will really hang up the phone."

"Don't, don't, don't." Gao Ming was really anxious, and suddenly sighed, with a bit of difficulty in it.

"My master has a friend who wants to go to your place. I'm thinking that you are fine anyway for the plane tonight. Maybe I can pick it up."

"Pick up?"

Chen Kai thought about it for a long time before he realized what he meant, and immediately yelled at the phone.

"Gao Ming, are you red-haired? Do you know what your brother Kai does? How many things are waiting for your brother Kai every day, and now you dare to bother your brother Kai for such a trivial matter? You have no brains Kicked by a donkey?"

Gao Ming seemed to have expected that Chen Kai would definitely get angry about this matter, so he also smiled and said calmly.

"I knew you would have such an attitude, but this matter should not be underestimated. I have difficulties, and I really hope you can help. If you don't pick up the plane, this matter may really be difficult to handle. gone."

Hearing what the other party said was so serious, Chen Kai also realized that this matter might not be as simple as picking someone up. He arranged his own time and felt that he should be free tonight, so he nodded silently.

"Let me tell you, if you finally let me find out that this is just picking up a person, it's such a simple thing, I will never end with you, and be careful that I will cripple all your limbs, and let you spend the rest of your life They're all lying in bed."

As he spoke, he hung up the phone without waiting for Gao Ming to answer.

When we arrived at the airport at night, Gao Ming was already waiting here, and a look of surprise flashed across Chen Kai's face.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly walked up to him and yelled at him!
"Didn't you tell me to go back to your own city? Why did you appear in my city now? And you are here by yourself, why do you ask me to help pick you up? You'd better explain to me Be clear, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Gao Ming's eyes dimmed, he lowered his head and remained silent for a while, then looked at Chen Kai apologetically.

"To be honest, I really wanted to leave last night, but after another thought, I finally came here. If I didn't stay here for a few days, wouldn't it be in vain? So I thought about it in two days. Let's go, but I received a call last night from my previous master..."

Chen Kai interrupted him impatiently: "Don't talk about these useless things, tell me the key points, what's going on?"

Gao Ming sighed softly: "You are still waiting for me to finish speaking, isn't this the point that will come soon?"

It turned out that Gao Ming's former master had a friend who was addicted to martial arts, but he had nothing to say about his behavior, but he had a bad habit, and he was a disciple who had to work hard and not make progress.

Gao Ming met this friend before, although he was the best apprentice under his master, but he was the least diligent in martial arts, and that friend would teach him every time he saw him, and every time he beat him black and blue You have to lie in bed for several days before you can get out of bed.

Hearing this, Chen Kai frowned and couldn't help asking.

"You are not his apprentice, at most he is just a friend of your master, why did your master not stop him from such a heavy hand?"

Gao Ming smiled wryly and shook his head, with a little sadness in his eyes.

"You don't know. I wish I could be beaten and beaten by others. He always feels that practice is always the most important thing in learning martial arts. Only by competing with those masters can he grow faster."

Chen Kai stared silently and nodded. In fact, he also understood this truth, and it was precisely because he walked that road that he had today's achievements.

But Chen Kai soon realized that something was wrong, so he stared at Gao Ming with wide eyes.

"This is even more wrong. Your master made it clear that he wanted you to be beaten, but isn't it enough for you to be beaten here? And from what you said just now, you should be used to this kind of thing, right? Why did you call me here?"

Gao Ming was speechless, and looked up at Chen Kai with a perplexed expression.

Chen Kai grabbed Gao Ming's collar and said, "You must have something to hide from me, you kid, tell the truth, or you won't have to wait for your friend, master, to beat you. I'll beat you all over the place right now." .”

Gao Ming hurriedly waved his hands: "Speak up if you have something to say, why don't I tell you?"

Chen Kai let go of his hand, and pushed him casually. Gao Ming was caught off guard, and involuntarily stepped back several steps before barely standing still.

Some helplessly looked at Chen Kai: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that I don't want to fight anymore, but if my friend, master, doesn't fight me, I'm afraid he will never let it go. This request from others to fight, so I thought of you."

It was only then that Chen Kai realized that Gao Ming had deliberately called him here just to make himself stand out for him. It may not be right to say this, but it is essentially what he meant.

Gao Ming can't beat others by himself, and he doesn't want to be beaten by others. This is like two children fighting, one of them loses, and he goes back and asks an adult to help him fight.

(End of this chapter)

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