Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 121 Wing Chun Disciple

Chapter 121 Wing Chun Disciple
"It's all over now, so I should also go to the place I have prepared before. If there is anything to do, just call."

Gao Ming's eyes widened even more. I heard that Mingming was still arguing to live in my villa just now?You don't agree to arrange a hotel room for you.

The old man saw Gao Ming's serious doubts, so he laughed.

"I was just joking with you on purpose. Who doesn't know that you young people like sensuality, not to mention that you are so rich. If there is an old man by your side, you will be bored to death."

Gao Ming's face turned red, and he really wanted to refute himself in his heart. He was not that lecherous. Deep in his heart, martial arts were still the most important thing, but when he thought of saying these words, the old man probably wouldn't believe them, let alone that the old man didn't Believe it, even I don't believe it, but it is the truth.

Seeing the embarrassing expression on Gao Ming's face, the old man smiled even more happily, patted his shoulder and said.

"Actually, you don't need to say that other young people like this girl. It's really normal and not bad. After all, if you are not close to women, it really surprises me. My old man even suspects that you are There's nothing wrong with it."

Gao Ming didn't know what to say, but luckily the old man changed the subject after a change of tone.

"Actually, I didn't come here simply to teach you a lesson, because if it was just for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have to come so far. I can call you to where I am at any time, in front of you. In the face of the master, please guide your martial arts well."

Gao Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought to himself, you are not a guide, you are clearly just venting your anger on me, but he dare not say these words.

Because there is no Chen Kai by his side now, once the old man really fights with himself, I am afraid that he will really have to lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months.

The old man didn't have the heart to think about what Gao Ming was thinking, so he sighed softly.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I came to your city for my own business. I'm afraid I can't tell you what's your business now. If you have anything, you can contact me at any time. I'm leaving now. .”

As he said that, he turned around and was about to leave. Gao Ming waited for him to walk a dozen steps away, and then he suddenly regained his composure, so he called out to him behind him.

"Don't worry, where do you live? I'll drive you."

The old man didn't even turn his head, suddenly raised his right hand high, and responded loudly as he walked forward.

"I'll just make a call myself. You young people are busy with affairs, so you don't have to accompany me, an old man."

After saying this, a taxi just stopped in front of him, the old man turned around, waved at Gao Ming, and got into the car.

The place where he lives is not too far from here, and it is only 10 minutes by taxi.

He returned to his residence, took a hot bath, and then lay on the bed and meditated.

Although Gao Ming briefly introduced Chen Kai's background, because Gao Ming has not known him for a long time, he really doesn't know much. Although he has enough channels to investigate this person, the information he told himself is also Quite limited, the old man did not believe anyway, Chen Kai learned Wing Chun by himself.

This raises two questions, one is who is his master?Why do you insist that you learned it by yourself?The second is the internal force in him, where did he get it from? ?
These two questions have been entangled with him all the time, and he was dizzy thinking about it all the time. He really couldn't figure it out, so he subconsciously grabbed the phone and dialed a number.

The person on the other end of the phone didn't seem surprised at all when he received the old man's call, but instead asked with a smile.

"It's you, old boy. You have always been in the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. You suddenly called me today. There must be something. According to our friendship, there is no need to say more polite words. What's the matter?" Just say it."

If an ordinary person spoke to him in such a tone, the old man must have already fallen out, but now he has a smile on his face and speaks very respectfully.

In fact, I don't blame him for this, because the person on the other end of the phone is the current leader of the Wing Chun school.

The old man's name is Chen Zhanquan, and he is the younger brother of the leader of the Wing Chun school.

Therefore, he is very familiar with Wing Chun. Chen Kai's kung fu is indeed authentic Wing Chun. Even an old man like him may not be so proficient in some moves.

"I said brother, today I met a young man, this young man is really strange, he can know Wing Chun, but whose apprentice he is, I can't find out whether he is dead or alive, and he himself said that he is Self-taught."

After his senior brother heard it, he smiled disapprovingly.

"I said you old boy is becoming more and more suspicious. Wing Chun has such a great reputation, and there are boxing fighters everywhere. A young man, because he likes martial arts, so he learned some superficial things. Isn't that normal and nothing? Why bother to make a phone call in person?"

Chen Zhanquan interrupted him anxiously: "I said, brother, are you okay? Are you a few years old in recent years, so your mind is a little confused. If you just learned some superficial things, I need to give you some advice." Are you calling?"

He said with a long sigh: "Let me tell you, this young man is called Chen Kai. Wing Chun is not good enough, and his internal strength is even higher than mine. I have competed with him. After a while, I almost lost to him, if it wasn't because of his mercy, I wouldn't be able to hold back my old face."

After listening to the senior brother, he also felt that the matter was not trivial, but the senior brother discussed here for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out what was behind Chen Kai.

Although Chen Zhanquan expressed dissatisfaction with this plan, he also knew that he couldn't think of a more suitable plan now, so he reluctantly agreed, and then hung up the phone.

At the same time, Chen Kai and Qin Ying returned to the villa, Qin Xiang and Qin Yue were not at home, only Qin Min was lying on the sofa alone.

There was nothing strange about this situation, but what made Chen Kaijiao blush was that Qin Min was dressed very coolly, and was obviously asleep at the moment, and his posture was also very indecent, which easily made people think about it.

Seeing this scene, not only Chen Kai felt embarrassed, but even Qin Ying beside him blushed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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