Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 123 You Are A Pervert

Chapter 123 You Are A Pervert
"Did you just say that you were able to leave completely because of Chen Kai's appearance?"

Qin Xiang stared at Qin Ying and asked with concern.

Thinking of Chen Kai's unrestrained appearance, Qin Ying immediately became excited, and happily described everything that happened to Qin Xiang.

After Qin Xiang finished listening, she nodded secretly, and finally felt relieved in her heart. Since Chen Kai arrived at the villa, she has solved a lot of trouble for her.

The last time a little sister Qin Yue was kidnapped, this time it was Qin Ying who was harassed by hooligans. If it wasn't for Chen Kai, the consequences would have been unimaginable. Since he came, it seems that there is an extra patron saint in the family.

She didn't realize that her attitude towards Chen Kai had also changed slightly.

After Qin Min returned to the room, he couldn't fall asleep anyway. He couldn't explain what kind of mood he was feeling at the moment when he wanted to be clean by Chen Kai.

On the one hand, of course, he should express his resentment towards that kind. Even if he was dressed too coolly, he was still in his own home. Chen Kai shouldn't have seen it.

This is of course the thoughts of ordinary little women, but on the other hand, they feel that they are not angry that Chen Kai saw it.

It was because in front of Qin Ying, she was looked down upon. Although she was not an outsider, it was precisely because the second sister saw this that made her feel even more embarrassed.If only Chen Kai saw it, then the next thing would be much easier.

She can pretend to be nonchalant, and then slowly test, or approach Chen Kai, anyway, she already has a liking for Chen Kai, so she has a reason to bump into him, but now she has to pretend to be cold, For the girl's unique reserve.

After lying on the bed for a long time, I suddenly felt a little hungry. Among the whole family, he was the one who ate, and at most he was the one who was the fastest hungry. Obviously, the younger sister was the time to grow up, but she didn't know Why, I always struggle with food every day.

Thinking that Chen Kai has come back anyway, and he has already prepared bath water for the second sister, so he must have already finished his work at this time, and it is time for him to prepare dinner for himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately put on his shoes and walked out of the bedroom, but when he just walked to the door, he suddenly realized that he hadn't changed his clothes yet, and his face immediately turned red.

So he flipped back angrily, dressed neatly, then looked in the mirror with a satisfied smile, and then walked out of the bedroom.

"I said Chen Kai, where did you die? Did you cook? Are you thinking of starving me to death?"

The voice revealed the meaning of continuing to act like a baby, but she didn't realize it herself. She just felt that she always asked Chen Kai in the same way, always shouting at him, and always showing no respect at all.

And not only she is like this, the other sisters in the villa also have this virtue, everyone has already become accustomed to it, and they don't feel anything wrong at all.

Chen Kai subconsciously looked at the wall clock on the wall, and found that it was still very early, so he smiled helplessly.

Hearing that Qin Min was still whistling outside, he had no choice but to come out of his room. Seeing her well-dressed appearance, he thought she was going out, so he asked a question out of nowhere.

"Are you going out? Don't you mean you're hungry? You're going to eat soon. When you go out and wait for your return, the food might be cold."

Qin Min curled his lips, suddenly felt that this was not enough to express his dissatisfaction, so he rolled his eyes again.

"What do you know? I'm an anti-pervert."

Chen Kai obviously didn't realize that this sentence was aimed at him, because the scene where she was dressed in cool clothes just now was not intentional.

So subconsciously asked: "You don't go out, what kind of pervert are you at home?"

After saying this, he suddenly saw Qin Min glaring at him shyly, and immediately understood that the so-called pervert was referring to himself.

This made his cold sweat flow down immediately, he was really embarrassed and felt very wronged.

"I don't understand what I'm talking about. It's obviously you who dressed like that and fell asleep in the living room. Instead, you blame me for being a pervert. How can there be such a reason in the world?"

Qin Min blushed even more, lowered his head and remained silent for a long time, then suddenly stomped his feet, rushed to Chen Kai, pushed him into the kitchen, and shouted loudly.

"Stop playing around here, you are obviously a pervert, if an honest gentleman saw me like that, he would have already closed his eyes."

As Chen Kai was being pushed towards the kitchen by her, he thought to himself, of course I closed my eyes, and there are some logical problems in saying this, if I didn't see it, why should I close my eyes?

If I see it, isn't it too late to close my eyes?But I also knew in my heart that it would be very unwise to reason with her now. It seemed that I was definitely wearing this pervert hat.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai could only shake his head and smile wryly, but Qin Min still refused to let go.

"Big pervert, don't be lazy, this girl is already so hungry that her stomach is growling, if you don't serve me the food within half an hour, I will..."

Speaking of this, I suddenly couldn't continue, because I really didn't know what to do with Chen Kai?
Chen Kai had no choice but to find the ingredients from the refrigerator and cook for her, thinking that she could say whatever she wanted, so she could say whatever she wanted.

But just after washing a dish, he suddenly heard the doorbell ring, followed by Qin Yue's cheerful voice.

"I am back."

Then came Qin Min's voice: "It's good to be back. Did anything new happen in school today? Come here and tell my sister."

Qin Yue stuck out her tongue at her: "Let me tell you that our school made a very meaningful decision today. I'll tell you all when we have dinner, or I will tell you now, and I will tell you later. I have to tell everyone again.”

Qin Min snorted coldly with disdain: "When did the little girl learn how to play tricks? You tell me now, or I won't let you serve at the table later."

As he spoke, he rushed forward, trying to tickle her.

Of course, it was impossible for Qin Yue to be caught by her. The two sisters circled around in the living room of the villa, laughing endlessly.

Chen Kai thought, this is fine, anyway, Qin Min's attention is not on himself now, after all, being called a pervert by such a girl still feels somewhat uncomfortable in his heart.

Soon, the food was ready, and Chen Kai brought the food to the table, and then shouted to the outside.

"time to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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