Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 125 I'll Salt You To Death

Chapter 125 I'll Salt You To Death
So before the other party opened his mouth, Chen Kai immediately nodded and agreed. He had to hurry up, because he was afraid that the reply would be late, and other sisters would say some other requests, and then he would be embarrassed again, and then these sisters might Just get angry.

Seeing that Chen Kai understood what she meant, Qin Yue laughed immediately, and then hurried to eat again.

"You haven't said when are you planning to go on this outing?" Chen Kai asked casually while picking up vegetables.

While eating, Qin Yue whimpered and said: "It's just this week, there are still three days left, you should prepare a little bit, and remember to prepare all the things I need for me."

Chen Kai smiled wryly in his heart, thinking that he was a nanny and a bodyguard at the same time. Fortunately, these sisters are all very beautiful, otherwise, his life would be very difficult.

Qin Yue took another two mouthfuls of rice, and suddenly remembered the pervert's question just now, so she stared at Chen Kai with wide eyes.

"Hurry up and tell me the origin of that big pervert's nickname, or I won't be able to spare you."

Chen Kai had no choice but to smile wryly again, thinking that the little girl was really persistent, but he was becoming more and more dissatisfied with Qin Min in his heart, thinking that he had put on such a hat for no reason, if he was only at home, It’s okay for everyone to call it that way, and if it spreads to the ears of outsiders, those who don’t know the truth really think they have a problem with their moral character.

"No, I have to give this little girl some color, so that she won't tease me like this again."

Qin Yue was still waiting for Chen Kai to answer the question, but when she saw that he didn't speak for a long time, she felt even more dissatisfied, but she also knew that if she asked any more questions, Chen Kai might still not be able to speak, so she turned her attention to Qin Min.

"Qin Min, it seems that Chen Kai will never tell, so you have to tell me."

Qin Min thought to himself how could he tell you such words, but seeing the little girl's reluctance again, he felt a little helpless in his heart, and his face suddenly turned red again.

The more they faltered like this, the more Qin Yue felt that the two of them were tricky, but she immediately thought that Chen Kai had promised her to go on a weekend picnic, so she could spend more time with him, and there would be plenty of time. , asked him slowly.

Thinking of this, Qin Yue was not in a hurry and began to eat happily.

Seeing that Qin Min's bowl was almost empty, Chen Kai had an idea in his mind, thinking that this is really God's help, so he just took this opportunity to take good care of you.

So he stood up and looked at Qin Min with a smile on his face.

"Are you sure you're not full yet? I'll get you another bowl of rice."

Qin Min didn't have any doubts about this sentence, because Chen Kai had served him quite a few times in the past, and this was really a very common thing, so he simply handed over the bowl.

"Pretend a little more, I'm really a little hungry today."

Chen Kai smiled, but did not speak, turned around and walked towards the kitchen, added a large spoonful of salt after taking a bowl of rice, and sprinkled the salt evenly on the rice so that she could not see it. put it on top.

Seeing that Chen Kai didn't come back for a long time, Qin Min felt a little confused, so he yelled at the kitchen.

"Big pervert, did you die in the kitchen? Why haven't you come for so long? Are you going to starve me to death?"

Chen Kaishun replied with an accent: "Don't worry, I'll be here right away."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Kai brought the rice bowl to Qin Min.

"Don't you have to deliver food to the eldest sister in a while? I took the opportunity to serve you a meal and packed it for her, so I wasted a little time."

Chen Kai explained with a friendly smile.

Sure enough, Qin Min was not suspicious, picked up the chopsticks again, took a mouthful of rice, and was just about to gobble it up, when his face suddenly changed, he spat out the rice in his mouth into the bowl, and glared at Chen Kai angrily.

"You pervert, how much salt did you put in the rice? Are you trying to salt me ​​to death?"

At first, everyone didn't know why Qin Min's face changed. Hearing this sentence, he laughed immediately, and Qin Yue laughed even more.

"Who told you to give people random nicknames, and the nickname "big pervert" is too ugly. It is understandable for people to take revenge on you now."

Qin Min was not talking, he reached out to pick up the glass in front of Qin Yue, drank the big glass of water in one go, and then stared at Chen Kai with lingering anger.

"You big pervert, please remember well, you will be my favorite in the future."

Chen Kai laughed loudly: "Listen to what the little girl said just now, even people can't stand it anymore, you have to have a limit to how much you can bully people, and you don't want to teach you any nickname, but you give it to me again." I have such a nickname, how can I meet people in the future?"

Qin Min jumped and shouted: "You are a big pervert, you just call me if you don't let me, let's see what you can do to me."

Looking at the table, Qin Ying felt that the disturbance was a bit outrageous, so she stood up to smooth things over.

"I said, can you sit down and have a good meal, what do you look like making such a fuss?"

Chen Kai stopped laughing immediately, but Qin Yue still couldn't stop, and handed the empty water glass to Chen Kai again.

"Pour me another glass of water, and remember to wash the glass clean."

Qin Min's eyes widened and he looked at Qin Yue with dissatisfaction: "What's wrong? Do you think your sister is dirty? Use your cup to drink some water, and you have to wash it. What do you mean?"

Qin Yue stuck out her tongue mischievously: "I don't think you're dirty, I'm just worried that your mouthful of salt is still in my cup, and my water should be salty after a while."

As he spoke, he couldn't help laughing, Chen Kai felt that it would be better for him to leave the dining table at this time, lest Qin Min come to trouble him again.

So he reached out to take the water glass Qin Yue handed over, turned around and went into the kitchen again.

Qin Min's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to retaliate with retaliation, but Chen Kai's bowl is already empty at the moment, and he has no intention of filling another bowl.

It seems that today she will not be able to take revenge no matter what, but she is not in a hurry at all, thinking that the future will be long, at worst, she will learn to cook in the future, and then she will do the same for him, but at that time she will not put salt, Replace it with croton or something.

Thinking of Chen Kai's expression of going to the toilet repeatedly after eating, Qin Min also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Of course, her expression did not escape Qin Yue who was on the opposite side. She immediately guessed what Qin Min must be thinking, so she smiled mysteriously.

"Did you remember how to take revenge? Tell me, just promise not to tell Chen Kai."

(End of this chapter)

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