Chapter 127
But for things like eating, if you don't have enough to eat and face the plate of delicious food in front of you, you will always feel hungrier.

Looking at the four dishes and one soup, Qin Min couldn't help swallowing, and finally couldn't help but took a small mouthful with his chopsticks.

"Let me taste it a little first. If that kid still dares to put so much salt in it, let's see how I can fix him after he comes back."

So he tasted it carefully, and found that the taste was not bad, it was the taste of Chen Kai's usual craftsmanship, Qin Min nodded in satisfaction.

"This dish is pretty good, but it doesn't mean that the other three dishes haven't played tricks on me."

So, I took a small bite of each dish to make sure there was really nothing wrong with it, and then I packed another bowl of rice for myself and started to gobble it up.

That way of eating really doesn't look like what a lady should have, but anyway, there is no one else in the kitchen, and they are always carrying food, and they can't get enough to eat.

Chen Kai walked out of the house, turned around, and looked at the room meaningfully, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He believed that Qin Min would definitely eat what he made.

In this way, I'm afraid I won't be angry with myself again after I come back.

Sometimes Chen Kai is only joking when he is joking, but he also knows the truth of slapping a jujube with a slap.

The eldest ladies of Xiangqin's family can't joke too much no matter what, if Qin Min hadn't been calling himself a pervert when he was in the kitchen just now to make him unable to step down, I'm afraid he wouldn't be in her bowl put so much salt.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, quickly got into his car, and had to send Qin Xiang's meal to the company quickly, so as not to delay here for a long time and the meal would get cold.

Nothing happened on the way. Chen Kai came to the company smoothly, but when he just walked to the corridor of the company, he found that Qin Xiang and Han Shuang had just finished their meeting and were on their way to the office.

Chen Kai smiled at Qin Xiang from a distance, quickened his pace, and walked towards her.

"I know you work overtime, so I made some delicious food for you at home, so you don't have to eat takeaway."

Qin Xiang nodded in satisfaction, smiled and walked into the office with Han Shuang.

Chen Kai also walked in with the lunch box.

Han Shuang looked at Chen Kai meaningfully, and then at Qin Xiang. She knew that the relationship between the two of them was unusual, and she really felt like a light bulb here.

So he smiled lightly: "Then you guys chat here, and I'll go to work first."

As she picked up the documents and was about to walk out of the office, Qin Xiang suddenly stopped her.

"Didn't you also eat? You have been meeting with me for a long time, and now you are already hungry. Even if you go out to order takeaway, I'm afraid you will have to wait for a while."

Han Shuang looked at the lunch box in the master's hand, and immediately understood what Qin Xiang meant, which clearly meant to let herself eat along with her.

Sure enough, Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai: "What meal did you cook today? Is it enough for two people?"

Chen Kai laughed immediately: "Of course it's enough, I specially made four dishes and one soup today, let alone you two girls, even a few more people would be enough to eat."

Of course, these words are a bit exaggerated, but the appetite is large enough, and it is more than enough for two girls to eat.

Han Shuang instinctively wanted to refuse. On the one hand, the meal was not for him, and he was just the CEO. Stop it. It's really not embarrassing to eat here. There are always some indescribable tastes. Come again That is, the meal given by the man was originally for one person, and she didn't know if Qin Xiang was being polite to her in that sentence just now.

If it's just a polite word, then the situation will be even more embarrassing if the two of them don't have enough to eat if they stay by themselves.

Seeing her hesitant expression, Chen Kai immediately understood what she was thinking.

He also quickly opened the lunch box, brought out the four dishes and one soup, and looked at Han Shuang with a smile.

"I know you are worried about not having enough food, you should be relieved now, right?"

As soon as the lunch box was opened, Han Shuang immediately smelled a scent, and remembered that the meals Chen Kai sent him home to cook last time were really delicious.

It gave her a more intuitive understanding of Chen Kai's culinary skills, and now that she sees that the portion is really good, if she insists on refusing, it seems a bit too embarrassing.

Qin Xiang also smiled and waved at her: "What else can you do there? I don't believe it, you've been busy for so long and you're not hungry."

Chen Kai felt that Han Shuang might be a bit embarrassing, so he walked over and reached out to hold her hand.

"It's just a regular meal, why be so polite?"

Han Shuang had no choice but to sit down together. Qin Xiang took a mouthful of vegetables and stuffed them into her mouth while eating and nodding with a smile.

"Han Shuang, you don't know yet, Chen Kai's cooking skills are outstanding. Sometimes I even think that even if Chen Kai opens a restaurant with his cooking skills, the business will be very booming."

Han Shuang thought to herself, how could I not know, obviously I have only tasted his craft last time, but I feel that it is inconvenient to say this, and the embarrassing scene at home last time is often recalled in his In his mind, every time he sees Chen Kai, he will feel terrified and his face will be hot.

Now she remembered that scene again, so she immediately lowered her head again, and hurriedly ate the rice in the bowl, not daring to speak anymore.

Seeing this appearance, he immediately realized what Han Shuang thought of, but that time was really unintentional, and then Chen Kai thought of Qin Min who he saw in the living room today, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, wondering what happened to this affair? Is it always endless?
He didn't even think about it, like this kind of affair, others can't ask for it. In just two days, he met twice, and they were different women, and these two women were very different. She is a stunning beauty.

Qin Xiang also felt that Han Shuang was strange, took a mouthful of food and put it in Han Shuang's rice bowl, and asked with concern.

"What's the matter with you? Are you not feeling well? You look a bit unwell. Otherwise, you'd better go back and rest after eating. Don't continue to work overtime here. You won't be busy working when you have enough energy. Late."

Han Shuang hurriedly raised her head, looked at Qin Xiang and explained, "No, no, I'm not sick, it's just..."

At this point, she suddenly couldn't continue, because it was really hard for her to talk about it, and she was also worried that Qin Xiang would cause misunderstandings after listening to it, and create a gap in the relationship between Chen Kai and Qin Xiang.

"I'm not sick, I'm just a little tired just now."

(End of this chapter)

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