Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 133 No Tent

Chapter 133 No Tent
Zou Yuan stayed there for a long time with a bitter face, then suddenly heaved a long sigh, his eyes swept over the faces of those younger brothers.

"Let me tell you, the tent must be pitched before it gets dark today, otherwise, you won't have to follow me in the future."

Those little guys look at me, I look at you, no one dares to speak, one timid one has even started to set up the tent by himself, but he has never played with such a thing, After tossing for a long time, I still don't know how to open the tent.

Zou Yuan was very satisfied with his hospitality, so he stared at those younger brothers again.

"Look at them, and then look at you, don't worry about whether it will happen or not, at least they are doing it, all of you are all big-eyed and small-eyed here, are you waiting for me, the young master, to kill myself? Tent?"

These people didn't dare to stand still here anymore, and went up to help one after another, but this was a technical job, and it was really not an easy task for them who had never had such experience.

Fortunately, some of these dozens of students are smarter and read more extracurricular books, and they consulted the seller in detail when buying the tent, so after the initial hesitation, they began to work in an orderly manner.

Soon some people's tents took shape, and Zou Yuan started to lose consciousness when he saw the tents that were about to take shape, and suddenly he slapped his head as if thinking of something, and yelled.

"You idiots, I know you don't know how to pitch a tent, but don't you learn how to do it? Why don't you ask others how to pitch a tent, and then you follow the example and follow the gourd , don’t you still know?”

One sentence reminded those younger brothers that these younger brothers were not worthless, some of them already wanted to see it, but they felt a little unconvinced when they heard Zou Yuan's scolding.

There are so many people working on it, only this little girl, standing there alone, not only refuses to come to help, but also keeps yelling, it's really not decent.

Although there was already dissatisfaction in their hearts, no one dared to say a word. Some moved quickly and ran in front of the students who were gradually making tents, pretending to ask for advice humbly.

Those students were also very enthusiastic and patiently explained to them, but these people didn't come to study at all, they just wanted to take this opportunity to stay away from Zou Yuan.

Although he nodded from time to time, and occasionally showed a thoughtful expression, he actually didn't listen to a word. He thought that we couldn't make a tent anyway, and we would live wherever you lived. I believe that your pampered young master would never sleep in the wild.

It was precisely because of such a plan that I went there for a long time and never came back.

Zou Yuan became a little impatient, pointed at the remaining younger brothers and waved back.

"Go and see why those people haven't come back yet?"

In fact, as far as he could see, his younger brothers did not run out of his line of sight at all, but he still wanted to support the remaining few younger brothers to take a look, because he was really bored in his heart, and he was only instructing these younger brothers When they were together, he reminded him that he was still a young master.

Those younger brothers immediately agreed, and quickly ran in that direction, and soon stayed there, showing no intention of coming back.

Now that it was getting darker and darker, Zou Yuan saw that the tent was still not pitched up, with a sad face.

This place is far away from the city, and even if he had the money to take the bus back, it would be a bit unseemly. If he asked his family to pick him up, his classmates would definitely laugh at him behind his back.

So tonight, it is very likely that he will really sleep rough.

At this moment, the tents of the students in twos and threes have already been set up. Although there are still a few who are slow in their hands and feet, they are already in shape. There are still a few final steps, and the tents will be fully formed.

There was a big ditch not far from the camp, and there was a small river in the ditch. I don't know who discovered it first, and shouted towards this side.

"Come and see, there is a small river here."

When the male students heard this, they immediately showed excited expressions on their faces and volunteered to express themselves.

"Let's all go fetch water."

Chen Kai also wanted to go to the river to have a look, but right now he was setting up tents for two beauties, and it happened that one had already been set up, and there were two left.

Chen Kai was familiar with this kind of thing, looked at the tent that had already been set up, and smiled with satisfaction, when he was about to set up the second tent, he suddenly found that there was none.

He looked at Qin Yue with some doubts: "Didn't you prepare two tents? Why is there not one left now?"

Of course he was asking about the tent Qin Yue had prepared, because he had agreed before going out that each of them would prepare their own tent, but now he suddenly discovered that although Qin Yue had brought a lot of things, the most important thing was missing. tent.

Qin Yue was also puzzled: "How do I know this?"

Chen Kai frowned: "Let's say you and Gao Rourou have the same tent, but at least there must be one. Now there is no tent. What do you think you did?"

Gao Rourou was also surprised, and looked at Qin Yue with some puzzlement.

"At the beginning, we said on the phone that I would prepare the tent, but you said I would leave it to you, and said that the two of us would sleep on the same roof. Why didn't you bring it?"

Qin Yue immediately became popular. At first, she and Gao Rourou had agreed to do so, but she forgot about it because she was on the phone for too long that day. Now she suddenly remembered it, but this place is already far away from the city. How could it be possible to buy ready-made ones? Even if someone from the city sent them over, it would be too late.

And even if it can be delivered to the place where the bus stops, it may take midnight to transport the tent here.

It must be said that it is early, if there is a delay on the road, and the mountain road is so difficult, maybe it will be dawn when we arrive here.

What can I do?Qin Yue looked at Gao Rourou apologetically, and looked at Chen Kai helplessly.

Chen Kai couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "When I went out, I have repeatedly told you to be ready no matter what, everything that should be prepared, and you have promised me again and again that nothing will be left behind."

He said meaningfully and looked in the direction of the bus stop.

"If you hadn't repeatedly told me that you would never forget anything, I would have recited it for you, but now, it's already dark, so what do you think we should do?
(End of this chapter)

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