Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1396 Headache Paranoia

Chapter 1396 Headache Paranoia

Listening to the movement outside, Feihu felt that he was being carried into the cave, and maintained such a state easily; he kept sneering in his heart, it was really worthwhile to do this thing, everyone not only did not doubt it, but still admired him , I couldn't help but praise my performance.

Feihu lay there obediently, urging everyone to leave quickly in his heart, otherwise he would be too boring lying all the time, and he slept outside, but he still couldn't fall asleep for the time being.

Everyone settled down in Feihu, not in Moji, and began to discuss the search plan.It was first decided to let the doctor stay in the cave to take care of Lin Fei and Feihu who had suffered from different injuries; there is no shortage of this person to find, everyone wants to go down the mountain in groups to search, which is also faster.

There are more people, so there are more people, but when everyone just decided to start, Lin Fei, who was awakened by everyone's movement, began to cough, which attracted attention.

"Is it dawn? Why does my leg hurt so much?"

Lin Fei frowned. Although there were many injuries on his body, most of them were punched by the female anchor's men, so there were only a few bruises, so there were only a few places with blood on his body, and the one stabbed by a knife on his thigh was also the most serious. .

Hearing Lin Fei's voice, Qin Ying and the doctor hurried to Lin Fei to check on Lin Fei's wound.

When he just woke up, he didn't dare to disturb Lin Fei when he saw that Lin Fei was still sleeping soundly, and he didn't care when he saw that the wound on his body was fine, so he didn't go to check it.

Checking until now, the two of them were taken aback.

The wound on the leg has turned outwards, and the dressing last night did not have any effect, and there is no sign of healing. Now the periphery of the wound is starting to swell, and you can even see a slight surge of blood and flesh, which is very serious.

"This is not good. The knife wound has been soaked in rainwater for a long time, and it is already inflamed. We don't have enough medical tools here, so we can only send Lin Fei to the hospital as soon as possible to treat the wound properly."

Now came another problem, everyone looked at Lin Fei who needed treatment and was in unbearable pain.After all, the crew listened to Lin Fei, and now they are also watching Lin Fei's arrangement.

"No, you don't need to worry about me. Chen Kai and the others are in a worse situation than me. You go to Chen Kai first. I can still hold on. My business is minor."

Lin Fei endured the pain in his thigh, but his face was still a little ferocious, so he asked everyone to find someone quickly; Lin Fei's appearance made everyone feel at ease, so everyone just stood there, not daring to make a decision.

Seeing this situation, Lin Fei knew that everyone was still worried about him, so he gritted his teeth and turned to look at the doctor.

"Then give me a shot of painkiller, there is no other medicine, this should be there."

"Yes, but."

Painkillers are only the medicines needed for most of the operations, and they don't help the wounds at all. The doctor knew what Lin Fei meant, but he hesitated because of Lin Fei's body.

"You are hired by me now, don't forget the contract, listen to me; besides, give me painkillers, and my wounds will be relieved. Hurry up and find Chen Kai, and there is still a chance to send me to the hospital."

Although Lin Fei's words can deceive most people, but the doctor cannot be deceived. Seeing Lin Fei's tough attitude, the doctor is also in a dilemma.

Lin Fei's leg injury has worsened for the second time, not to mention that it will leave serious sequelae; if he doesn't get timely treatment now, if he continues to delay, it is very likely that a large area of ​​necrosis will occur, and even most of his leg will need to be injured. Cut off, so that the legs are no longer available.

Lin Fei couldn't bear it anymore, and urged the doctor again, and even wanted to get up to get it by himself, but his weakness prevented him from getting up.

The overwhelmed doctor decided to get the medicine first, looked up and saw Qin Ying's wink, and instantly understood that Qin Ying had a plan, and the inner aversion to the critical patient disappeared a lot.

Everyone was still waiting for the result at the entrance of the cave, suppressing their worries about the two of them, Qin Ying had already made a decision in her heart, first deal with Lin Fei who was anxious in front of her, and could only hope that the strong brother-in-law in her heart could protect the two of them. People are thoughtful.

The doctor went to get the medicine box, Qin Ying followed behind and pretended to help, Lin Fei was enduring the pain, unable to think carefully, and did not notice any abnormalities between the two of them.

"Doctor, just give him medicine, but you can replace the painkiller with an appropriate amount of sleeping pills."

Quickly walked to the place where the medical box was placed, making sure that Lin Fei could not hear, Qin Ying quietly told the doctor what she thought.

The doctor looked surprised and didn't understand what Qin Ying meant, but he didn't stop turning over the medicine box in his hand to prevent Lin Fei from noticing, so he asked quietly.

"what do you mean?"

"What I meant was to put Lin Fei to sleep with sleeping pills, and then we rushed Lin Fei to the hospital for treatment."

The doctor was a little surprised by Qin Ying's words, and couldn't help looking at Qin Ying, feeling that Qin Ying was joking.

"Are you sure to send Lin Fei to the hospital first? So what should Chen Kai and the others do?"

"I was serious."

Looking at Qin Ying with a serious face, the doctor felt helpless as he was just a hired doctor.But from the perspective of relationship, Qin Ying, Chen Kai and others are still with Lin Fei, so there is no problem in making decisions on these matters; besides, Qin Ying is not joking, so I should listen to Qin Ying.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it if something happens."

The doctor didn't have any worries after hearing this, so he took the time to grind up the sleeping pills and put them in the glucose, and measured them well, just in time to supplement the sugar for Lin Fei; the two returned to Lin Fei's side again.

Seeing the needle piercing Lin Fei's skin, Qin Ying was a little dazed, her eyes were slightly absent-minded. Too many things happened in the past few days, and they were pressing on her body. Up to now, she is still holding on and pulling herself together. ;I made the decision to save Lin Fei first, and I felt even worse, so I had to choose the safest option.

Lin Fei had just given the sleeping pills, so he wouldn't respond immediately. Qin Ying understood that the doctor should stay here to take care of him first, and he would take everyone out of the cave.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Lin Fei also breathed a sigh of relief, but gritted his teeth a bit.

"Why do I feel that the painkiller is not so effective, it still hurts so much."

"The effect of the medicine will not work so quickly, just bear with it."

The crowd followed Qin Ying out of the cave, but stopped before walking far.

"Okay, let's send Lin Fei to the hospital for treatment first. After waiting, hurry up and let the professional rescue team come to my sister and the others."

Hearing this sentence, everyone was baffled, why did he save Lin Fei first, and how to save Lin Fei, Lin Fei did not agree at all. At this moment, everyone's doubts were buried in everyone's hearts, so everyone looked at Qin Ying and waited. reply.

"It's okay, what Lin Fei was injected with was either painkillers or sleeping pills. Lin Fei fell asleep after a while. Let's take care of Lin Fei first."

Everyone suddenly realized when they heard this, no wonder Qin Ying wanted to get the medicine box with the doctor just now, but no one objected, after all, Qin Ying's identity is more suitable than everyone else to control this matter, and what he did is not against the law of nature.

Everyone stood outside and waited until the doctor called Qin Ying to inform them. Then everyone got up and went back to the cave. As soon as they entered, they saw Lin Fei who was sleeping soundly again.

He didn't dare to make a loud noise, for fear of waking Lin Fei up, otherwise things would go wrong.After calling the hospital, everyone carried Lin Fei and was about to rush there. Qin Ying saw Feihu who was still sleeping in the cave. He had just rested not long ago, so it was not good to disturb him directly.

A few people from the production team were left to wait for Feihu to wake up, and explained the situation clearly to Feihu; after explaining the matter, everyone sent Lin Fei to the hospital in a mighty manner, where Lin Fei fell asleep and received treatment from the hospital.

In the hospital, hoping that Lin Fei would not blame her choice when she woke up, Qin Ying thought silently, put away such thoughts in her mind, quickly called the rescue call, and reported the situation of Chen Kai and others.

Seeing that Lin Fei's condition gradually stabilized, everyone felt relieved for the time being, but they all turned to look at Qin Ying when they remembered the matter of saving Chen Kai and the two of them.

"Don't worry, I've already called, and the rescue team has already dispatched, and everyone just has to wait for the news."

Qin Ying comforted everyone with a strong smile, but she was still very worried about the situation there;
In the end, Qin Xiang decided to take Yang Fan and others to catch up with the rescue team first, to see if there was anything that could help, and the other was to be able to pay attention to the progress of rescuing Chen Kai in time.

(End of this chapter)

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