Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1398 Flying Tiger?

Chapter 1398 Flying Tiger?

Chen Kai confirmed that he had gone the wrong way, and now the two of them should have reached the depths of the forest. Fortunately, Qin Xiang's condition has not deteriorated, and it may be that his simple bandaging has had some effect; seeing that Qin Xiang has not woken up yet Chen Kai turned around and walked in the direction he came from without hesitation. Since he was in the depths of the forest, he would definitely walk out of the forest if he walked in the opposite direction.

Now that he gambled in the wrong direction again, Chen Kai kept walking regardless of his leg injury. If he got down like this, his speed would become slower and slower.

If the matter develops into the bad situation in Chen Kai's plan, he has no way to improve the situation now, so he can only pin his hope for a turnaround on the people who will come to find him and Qin Xiang.

Enduring the pain in the calf bone, temporarily ignoring the possible sequelae of excessive walking, Chen Kai now only worries about Qin Xiang, who is still in a coma on his back, as long as Qin Xiang is fine, that's enough.

I don't know how long they walked, and there were not as many trees as before. Chen Kai knew that he was going in the right direction, and the two of them were heading out of the forest.

Suddenly, there were many small and mixed footsteps near him, and it could be heard that these people were still relatively far away from him; could it be that Qin Ying brought someone over to find him?Chen Kai thought of this very likely situation.

It has happened for so long, if everyone rested in the cave all night, and then came to find himself now, Chen Kai began to think, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was Qin Ying, otherwise would there be someone else here?
Now the silhouettes of that group of people can also be vaguely seen, Chen Kai suppressed the excitement in his heart, just to be on the safe side, it's better not to contact him suddenly.

"Qin Ying? Qin Ying?"

Chen Kai first shouted at the group of figures, then pricked up his ears, but did not receive a response, but his position was exposed, and the group of people started walking towards him.

Impossible, isn't Qin Ying following here?Chen Kai was not reconciled in his heart, and shouted at the figure again.

"Yang Fan? Yang Fan? Flying Tiger?"

There was no response to these calls, but the figures were moving towards him faster and faster. Chen Kai almost saw the appearance of those people, and they were all strong men.

Chen Kai realized that something was wrong. Not only was there no one he knew inside, but they didn't respond to him with a single word, and they obviously didn't look like rescuers.

When such an abnormal scene appeared, Chen Kai didn't dare to confirm it. He still had Qin Xiang who was unconscious here, so he quickly turned around and ran, ignoring the pain from his legs. He had to ensure that the two of them got to a safe place first.

When Chen Kai started running with Qin Xiang on his back, he looked back, and sure enough those figures also started to speed up and catch up behind him.

Chen Kai still didn't expect such a situation to happen. Where did these people come from? Although he didn't recognize their appearance, it was obvious that their target was him.

If this is the case, the answer to the matter appeared in his heart. If the mysterious person also tried to find a way to understand his situation, it would be obvious that these people were sent by the mysterious person to chase and kill him.

My physical condition has begun to decline, and with Qin Xiang on my back, I can't run fast at all. It's not because Qin Xiang is heavy, but because I'm afraid that running too fast will cause Qin Xiang's injuries to worsen. This is the most important thing of.

Chen Kai's brain began to think, according to his current speed, he must be caught up, but it is not convenient for him to confront them, and he can only be beaten passively when he meets them;
However, I found that there was a worse situation. The heavy rain overnight made the land in the forest very muddy, making it very difficult to walk on the ground, but the obvious footprints left were the most troublesome. Can't catch up with the people behind.

The mysterious man is really pervasive. It seems that he will not give up any opportunity until he solves it. It seems that he still has to solve this difficult problem, but let's get rid of his current predicament first.

He couldn't spend it like this anymore, Chen Kai knew in his heart that Qin Xiang's situation was still in crisis, and he had to find a way to deal with the pursuers as soon as possible.

Chen Kai frowned tightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little. Because he started running for so long, his legs hurt a little bit, and his speed started to slow down a bit, so he could only fight with them, but remembering that Qin Xiang was still on his back , it seems that Qin Xiang must be hidden first.

Hiding Qin Xiang by himself can't let the people behind find out, Chen Kai thought about it, and ignored his legs, his feet shook the ground and accelerated, and soon he couldn't see the people behind; Flying by, Chen Kai was frantically looking for a suitable place to put Qin Xiang down.

Soon, Chen Kai found a broken tree, and he was walking into the depths of the forest again. The nearby weeds were also relatively high, and it was not easy to find someone hiding, which is why he chose the direction of escape.

Standing next to the broken tree, Chen Kai realized that the ground below the broken tree was sunken. Put the clothes on the ground first, and slowly lay Qin Xiang down so that Qin Xiang can maintain normal breathing.

Seeing the emotions lying quietly inside, and there was no sign of waking up, Chen Kai picked up the leaves and weeds, and simply hid the place.

After all this was done, Chen Kai got up, but he didn't see anyone behind him, but he just didn't catch up for the time being. He tracked the footprints on the ground, and it was only a matter of time before he caught up.

The target of these people is himself in the end, so he hastened to lure these people away, so as not to let them find Qin Xiang, Chen Kai had to let them chase him all the time.

After waiting in place for a while, the chasing figure appeared in front of him again, Chen Kai turned around, gave Qin Xiang a worried look at the end, and after making sure that there was no problem, he ran in another direction he hadn't been to before. Walk.

When those people saw Chen Kai's figure again, they continued to follow without any doubt, obviously feeling that the distance with Chen Kai was gradually closing.

"Follow up, Chen Kai can't hold on any longer, don't relax, let's surround him quickly."

The leading man in black had a calm face. Although he was sweating all the time after chasing him, he didn't feel any discomfort.

Chen Kai deliberately slowed down his speed, not only because his leg injury worsened, but mainly because without Qin Xiang by his side, he could let go and fight with them. Let yourself lose the chance to come back.

After chasing for a while, Chen Kai estimated that the place where Qin Xiang was hidden was about the same, and slowly let the people behind him surround him.

"Are you the ones sent by the mysterious man?"

The people who came after him didn't answer Chen Kai's question, they didn't want to talk to Chen Kai, and their purpose was very simple, just to punch him.

Although these people ignored him, Chen Kai was not angry, not to be outdone, he fought this person head-on, and drove him back to prevent the opponent from taking advantage of him.

Seeing that Chen Kai didn't seem to be in any serious trouble, several people frowned. This seemed to be different from the report, but there were still a lot of people here, at least the ending would not change.

Although Chen Kai cannot be beaten by himself, everyone will fight together. Even if Chen Kai expected such a situation to happen, there is nothing he can do. Chance strikes back.

While dodging, these people seemed to realize that Chen Kai was not very flexible. Slowly, Chen Kai's left calf was always stuck for a moment, and this abnormality was gradually discovered.

"Quick, don't be lazy, his leg is injured, take him down quickly."

Chen Kai's injury was exposed, and the leading man in black saw it right away, telling everyone to speed up.

After discovering Chen Kai's weakness, these people began to target, intentionally attacking Chen Kai's injured leg, which made Chen Kai very annoyed, really powerless.

There were too many people surrounding him, and after discovering his injury, Chen Kai kept avoiding the attack with his injured leg, enduring the excruciating pain, and slowed down the movement of his leg.

(End of this chapter)

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