Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1404 Going to die without hesitation

Chapter 1404 Going to die without hesitation

The sound of drinking water came from the loudspeaker, the mysterious man was not in a hurry, he cleared his throat, and continued.

"You really want to open this door, and the method is very simple. Aren't you brothers of Chen Kai? If you want to save Qin Xiang, then commit suicide. If one of your brothers dies, the door will open; Yes, I only give you one minute to think about it, otherwise, I will release the poisonous gas, and you will all die here."

As soon as the words fell, the mysterious man's last trace of laughter stayed here.

"This is not a joke."

The bald man smiled awkwardly, and patted his own head. The more he patted, the more slowly he moved, and the expression on his face became serious.

Chen Kai's mind went blank. He never thought that the mysterious person would arrange it like this. Such a vicious idea really makes people unable to make a choice. Is this a test of human nature?Perhaps this is the cunning of the mysterious man.

"Boss, following you has no regrets in life. I have no family, I am older, and my parents are gone. Now I am alone. I have no nostalgia, and I am not afraid. Boss must save my sister-in-law. enough."

1 minute is too short, by the time everyone has digested the information, almost half of it has passed.

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared, and a middle-aged man stood up and pointed a knife at his heart. Before Chen Kai could react, the middle-aged man stabbed him with a smile.

Chen Kai watched helplessly as his subordinate was lying in a pool of blood, he couldn't control himself and ran over quickly, checking the man's condition hastily, stabbing the man in the center was beyond hope.The middle-aged man slowly loosened his hand holding the knife, closed his eyes, and there was no pain on his face.

The people I brought here, except for Feihu who was an accident, the rest of them have been with me for a long time, and they are all familiar faces, and I trust them very much.

The front door also opened.

"Boss, let's go, or it will be too late to save my sister-in-law."

The bald man next to Chen Kai made a sound, and helped Chen Kai up; this sentence made Chen Kai unable to think about it for a while, and was surrounded by everyone.

It can be said that it is not surprising, this floor is still empty, and there is a new special door in front of everyone, Chen Kai's heart was shocked.

Sure enough, the mysterious man's voice appeared again.

"Last reminder, you only have 1 minute."

Obviously, the mysterious man's plan had leaked a little flaw, Chen Kai forced his brain to keep calm, but he only had 1 minute to finish his thinking.

At this time, the situation reappeared.

"Boss, I already knew that I would have this day, and I didn't have a family. There are many brothers and sisters in my family, and my parents don't lack for care. As long as you tell them I'm sorry, it's all right; if you must save my sister-in-law, I will accompany you." Now that you've come here, it's time to avenge your brother."

A young man under the age of 30 stood up, with a little mustache around his mouth, and another familiar face, with a knife in his hand aimed at his chest like a middle-aged man.

This time Chen Kai reacted and wanted to rush over to stop him, but Mustache would have expected it a long time ago, knowing that Chen Kai came back to stop him, and he was outside the crowd when he entered the door.

So, in the end, Mustache also lay down in a pool of blood, and Chen Kai stood beside him with a dazed expression.

Feihu in the crowd was also shocked. These brothers are so daring. I was frightened by such arrogance. Although I was very moved, I still haven't forgotten that I am under the mysterious man. I quickly hinted in my brain to let myself recover. .

Chen Kai also found a loophole. The mysterious man made his subordinates commit suicide in order to consume their own strength. As for the so-called poisonous gas, the enmity between the two could not leave room, but the mysterious man did not release it directly, indicating that Poisonous gas is not fatal to everyone's strength.

The time left for Chen Kai has been too short, and he didn't think well, and Chen Kai didn't think about these things until now.

The two brothers sacrificed voluntarily. Chen Kai's eyes were a little red, and his emotion and anger were all suppressed in his heart. He stood up and scanned the people he brought.

Everyone stood there without fear, and looked at Chen Kai calmly. It seemed that everyone was ready to die, and their eyes were very firm.

Except that Feihu was still in shock, and the eyes of Feihu who had a ghost in his heart were a little evasive. Chen Kai had no doubts and understood in his heart. After all, compared with these old people, Feihu had only been with him for less than a few months; although Feihu could brave the rainy night Find yourself, but the time is short, and it may not be to the point of dying.

"From now on, everyone must listen to me. I can understand your thoughts. I found some flaws. I hope that none of you will die."

Chen Kai's voice was a little trembling. The behavior of his brothers made him a little unbearable. At the same time, he felt more fortunate about himself. There were such a group of people who trusted him and gave up their lives.

It was too late to be in Moji, Chen Kai took everyone to the next floor, but the room was still the same as before, and there was still a desperate special door in front of him.

Chen Kai's face became more determined, what else could be behind the door, maybe it is still like this, how many brothers he wants to lose, and the mysterious person must not let the mysterious person succeed.

Everyone listened to Chen Kai's words, no one acted immediately, chose to trust Chen Kai, and waited for Chen Kai's order.

The atmosphere was tense again, and Chen Kai stood with everyone, waiting for the mysterious person's reaction.

Until 2 minutes passed, the voice of the mysterious man did not sound, and the so-called poisonous gas was not released. Chen Kai breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that his guess was right.

Feihu also let go of his doubts in his heart. The poisonous gas really shocked him. He thought it was the mysterious man who wanted to sacrifice himself for the sake of the plan. It seemed that it was just the mysterious man's plan. The sacrifice of those two people was really meaningless. .

Before everyone finished relaxing, the TV screen in the room lit up, and everyone suddenly became nervous, feeling that the mysterious person was coming.

"Qin Xiang?"

Chen Kai lost his composure and exclaimed.

I saw Qin Xiang being tied up on the screen. The injury on the back of Qin Xiang's head seemed to have been healed by the mysterious man, but now Qin Xiang has been tortured by the mysterious man's men, and the various wounds on her body are very eye-catching. There is also salt and chili oil.

Although these wounds were not fatal, the pain they brought made life worse than death. Seeing the scene of Qin Xiang struggling in pain, Chen Kai's heart was twisted together, his mind went blank, and he couldn't think of any countermeasures.

"Isn't your target just me? Let them all go, let them go, and I'll let you handle it, no matter life or death."

Chen Kai's hoarse voice sounded, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was panting heavily.

After waiting for a while, the mysterious man's voice still sounded unhurriedly. It seemed that Chen Kai had expected such a reaction.

"Okay, it's not impossible, then you just wait for me to deal with it, don't resist."

There was more worry in everyone's eyes, and their eyes slowly moved away from Chen Kai's body, and they began to guard the surrounding environment, guarding against any danger.

After a while, the door in front of everyone opened, and the door seemed to be the contents of the surveillance system. It seemed that Qin Xiang was behind the door.

Chen Kai suppressed the anxiety in his heart. The rescued Wang Feng and Li Xiao came out of the door. The mysterious person had already considered that Chen Kai wanted to rush in, and the two lost their way forward.

Li Xiao came to Chen Kai with a bowl of unknown things, while Wang Feng stayed at the door to guard.

"This is a bowl of poison. As long as you drink it, all grievances and grievances can be written off."

This is a bowl of poison, and Li Xiao handed it to Chen Kai.

Looking at the bowl in front of him, Chen Kai paused. Maybe the mysterious person didn't find the poison to restrain his internal force, but he was sure that the bowl contained something extremely poisonous. He didn't know if it would work for him.

The purpose of the mysterious person should be only himself. If he is dead, these should not be important to him. I hope that based on the oath, he will not kill them all.

"I have no problem drinking this poison. I hope you will not go back on your word and do what you say."

Chen Kai made up his mind, so he took a gamble, stretched out his hand to pick up the bowl of poison, and poured it all into his own mouth, regardless of the exclamation and organization of the people behind him.

Still thinking of his brothers who sacrificed for the mysterious man, as well as Qin Xiang, in his mind, he went all out.

(End of this chapter)

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