Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1408 The Enmity Has Not Ended

Chapter 1408 The Enmity Has Not Ended

In the cemetery, Chen Kai led his men to stand in front of the two tombstones, thinking that Feihu was qualified to accompany him to do these things, but Feihu didn't have to come here again because of his injuries.

The brothers handed over their lives to Chen Kai, closed their eyes, and their words and faces still appeared in his mind, which cannot be forgotten, and it is impossible to forget.

"Thanks to my brothers, I, Chen Kai, successfully rescued my sister-in-law. I came back safely, and I didn't leave you there; don't worry, I will do what I promised you, and that mysterious person, I will leave you sooner or later. He sent it down to meet you."

Chen Kai supported the tombstone and held back the tears from the corners of his eyes. He would endure these things and return them to the mysterious person twice. After doing so many things, he would not let him go.

It's a pity that he only broke his two arms last time, so it's better to kill him next time, Chen Kai calmed down his mood.

At the same time in the hospital, Feihu also came to the toilet. After confirming that there was no one else in the toilet, he picked up his mobile phone and wanted to contact the mysterious person to ask about the situation.

"Hello? I'm Feihu."

"How are you doing now? It's okay. It's thanks to you that everyone can get away."

The mysterious man understood what Feihu did at that time, and prevented Chen Kai from catching him again, but that would really make it impossible to turn the tables.

"This is what I should do. Since we have nothing to do here now, we can continue to act. I am not exposed."

Facing the compliment from the mysterious person, Feihu didn't feel anything else, and he cared more about the plan.

"However, boss, don't be so anxious. There is still a chance. Because of this knife, I have already been valued by Chen Kai. Only when we have patience will we eat Chen Kai slowly."

Clutching his stomach, it seemed that he still had to rest, the wound had just been stitched up, Feihu's face twitched a little, and his stomach couldn't take it after walking these few steps.

Now the Internet is swiping again. When Chen Kai brought the injured Qin Xiang to the hospital for an examination, he was photographed by someone who cared and posted it on the Internet.

This turned the tide, thinking that Chen Kai's domestic violence against Qin Xiang is going to be a real blow, and the photos have been leaked, now let's see how Chen Kai escapes.

Originally, this turmoil has not been resolved, but now this photo is exposed, which is really hard to argue with; now the company has just stabilized and is facing collapse again, and it is judged by netizens that no one dares to cooperate with me .

Chen Kai really had no choice but to decide to call a press conference to see if he could tell most of the truth to everyone and convince everyone.

But Chen Kai didn't think that these people didn't intend to listen to his explanation at all. What's the point of the truth to them?

Just like the people who spread rumors on the Internet and believe them indiscriminately, there are a few who have actually verified the truth of the matter. They just follow the trend blindly, and some of them are for daily entertainment, which puts their company in a desperate situation.

There is nothing I can do, such a high hat that has been suppressed makes me lose the right to speak, and no one will listen to my words. This is the rejection of the supervisory consciousness.

Everyone began to siege Chen Kai with words, and Chen Kai no longer had the energy to deal with these words with colored glasses, which were meaningless at all.

On the contrary, it was such a performance that Chen Kai's press conference was once again on the top of the trending searches. The so-called "guilt guilty", "difficult to argue with a hundred mouths" and so on, were all used to describe himself.

Chen Kai is also very helpless, these people are just for profit, regardless of any means, and they don't explain anything, there is no need, as long as Qin Xiang knows what is going on in his heart; Chen Kai thinks that time will tell Proving everything, I don't need to consider other people's conjectures now.

Although Chen Kai's idea is very good, but he can withstand such a toss, but his company is not good enough, the company needs word of mouth.

Soon, the phone calls from the company were about to explode Chen Kai's cell phone. Chen Kai looked at the company silently, and he still had to support his brothers, so he still couldn't escape such a thing.

The voice of the director of the company became very hoarse. It seemed that he was getting angry because of the company's affairs, and what he brought was not good news.

"Boss, because of these things on the Internet, the company's market value has begun to drop sharply. The companies that have been cooperating with us have also terminated their contracts with us. The company has already suffered a lot of losses."

The haggard voice reached Chen Kai's ears, and Chen Kai had no choice. Although he didn't want to think about the company, it was difficult for him to eliminate everyone's prejudice against his company.

It's really a wave of unrest and another wave. The outbreak of this incident may not be caused by the mysterious person again. The mysterious person is probably still making up for his own losses and will not attack himself.

So this time, because I saw myself sending the injured Qin Xiang to the hospital with my own eyes, it was even more difficult to solve without the push of the mysterious person. This was a misunderstanding from the majority of netizens.

Chen Kai was lying on the bed, pressing his fingers on his aching head. After returning from the mysterious man's lair, he hadn't had a good night's sleep to recover his spirit.Turning over, Chen Kai, who was very exhausted, fell asleep unconsciously.

The next day, Chen Kai fell asleep in a daze, and the shortfall could not be made up in one night; the phone rang suddenly, waking up Chen Kai who was dreaming.

"Hello? Who is it?"

Chen Kai didn't open his eyes, but subconsciously answered the phone and asked, it turned out to be his company assistant.

"Boss, the company's public opinion has been resolved, our troubles have disappeared, and the losses these days are slowly making up."

The assistant's excited words reached Chen Kai's ears, what?Chen Kai suddenly opened his eyes, what is the situation, is he still dreaming, why the matter is suddenly resolved.I am also very aware of the difficulty of this matter.

It seemed that the assistant knew that Chen Kai would not believe it, and did not receive Chen Kai's response for a long time, so he spoke again.

"I didn't think about it either. Boss, just turn on your phone and check the latest news."

As soon as the voice fell, the assistant hung up the phone.

Chen Kai's eyes were still a little straight. This accident really caught people off guard. When he came back to his senses, he quickly followed the assistant's instructions and turned on the news on his mobile phone.

The first article was put on the top, 'the secret under everyone's misunderstanding'

Seeing this title, Chen Kai narrowed his eyes, and seemed to have sensed something in his heart, so he quickly clicked in without thinking.

It turned out that this news was actually about Lin Fei. Lin Fei had the guarantee of many insiders, and wrote about Qin Xiang sliding down the mountain in the forest and saving his life to save him;

Chen Kai feels that Lin Fei's actions don't seem to have such a big impact. I believe it is the same thing, but after all, it is Lin Fei who has the reputation, not himself; Chen Kai didn't show any expression, and continued to scroll down. , The comments below are all praises for my actions, and they also picked up the previous things to cheer myself up.

Turning off the phone, Chen Kai fell into deep thought.

Lin Fei still has a certain status and reputation in the entertainment circle, and coupled with his contacts in the circle, it is not difficult to stir up public opinion; it seems that if he wants most people to stand in his line, he must Sufficient exposure and popularity, which happen to be what I don't have.

Chen Kai didn't have time to think about other things, his cell phone rang again, looking at the caller ID on the cell phone screen, Chen Kai's expression became very rich.

"Hello? Hello, what can I do?"

"Oh, Mr. Chen, it's me, Mr. Wang. I didn't expect that I was deceived by the rumors outside and believed their nonsense; I'm really sorry. I'll find a chance to have a good meal outside. You see, we also have a period of time." There is no gathering."

Hearing such words, a smile appeared on Chen Kai's face, and at this moment he was still trying to get close and evade.

"Mr. Wang, if you have anything to say, just say it, and don't beat around the bush in our friendship."

"It's the contract we accidentally terminated yesterday. Do you want to make it up? After all, I still believe in working with your company."

Although the words were polite, the embarrassment on the other end of the phone could still be clearly heard.

(End of this chapter)

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