Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1410 An Inadvertent Flaw

Chapter 1410 An Inadvertent Flaw
The two had just hidden the driver when the phone rang from Wang Feng's pocket. In the empty garage, the sound was very loud, and it also activated the voice-activated lights in the garage, scaring Li Xiao who was clapping his hands to clean the ashes. Jump.

"Is it the driver's call? From the garage?"

Wang Feng didn't answer, he took out his mobile phone slowly, looked at the caller ID, and stretched out his finger to signal Li Xiao to keep silent; Wang Feng also considered the situation of answering the phone with the garage, so he didn't panic, he just cleared his throat and lowered his voice. Voice, answered the phone.

"It's almost time. Get out of the car and go to the gate of the hospital. We'll get down right away."

Wang Feng frowned, and the two of them couldn't monitor Chen Kai's mobile phone. They didn't know that Chen Kai came to pick up someone, but it probably didn't have any effect; Li Xiao saw Wang Feng's gesture, and quickly investigated who would live next to Wang Feng. in this hospital.

"Okay, no problem. Do I need to take anything with me when I leave the hospital? The car may not fit in it."

Hearing this sentence, although he asked no questions, Chen Kai felt that the driver's voice was very deep; maybe the driver had a cold, and he didn't ask any questions on the way here. He didn't hear the driver speak, although the tone was gloomy. That's weird, Chen Kate glanced at the phone again, the number was for the driver, and there was no wrong number.

"Oh, things, don't take anything, there is nothing here, only people."

Chen Kai didn't take it seriously, the mysterious person estimated that he was recuperating, and he shouldn't come to the door again so soon, and hung up the phone directly after confirming.

In the underground garage, Wang Feng let out a sigh of relief, put the phone back into his clothes, and told Li Xiao his plan.

"It seems that Chen Kai is not suspicious. I will drive them for a while, and you will hide in the trunk. When the time comes, find a chance to do it together."

"No problem, I will follow your arrangement."

Li Xiao didn't dare to make any noise when they were on the phone just now, for fear that Chen Kai would see through something strange.

"By the way, what happened to your investigation just now, this is also very important to our plan."

Hearing Wang Feng's question, Li Xiao remembered his achievements, looked down at the information, and read it out.

"I found it. I called up the latest data. Chen Kai is [-]% going to take Lin Fei out of the hospital, and Qin Ying is also with him."

"It's just two ordinary people. There is no major problem. The plan can proceed normally and there is no need to change it. If there is nothing else, let's start and pay attention to the time."

Hearing that it was these two ordinary people, Wang Feng didn't pay attention to it, and there was no threat; Li Xiao opened the trunk, and there were only some cleaning tools in it, so it was no problem to hide people, so he hid directly in.

After getting ready, Wang Feng got in the car and got used to it, then started the car and drove to the hospital gate.

"It seems that you are quite at ease. You didn't take anything when you came to stay in the hospital, just like traveling."

Chen Kai made fun of Lin Fei who was empty-handed, and the three of them came out of the hospital and got into the car parked at the door.

"Let's go, driver, you can go home."

Everyone did their best, the car was still the same as when they just arrived at the hospital, there was no difference, Chen Kai didn't doubt it, and asked the driver to drive.

Wang Feng pulled his hat down and started the car; the three of them sat in the back and started chatting. Too many things happened recently, and everyone hadn't sat down to talk properly.

"Brother-in-law, what's the situation with my sister, isn't she hurt?"

Although Qin Ying knew that Qin Xiang was fine, she still wanted to confirm with Chen Kai.

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that I've been frightened too much. It's much better now. You can see Qin Xiang when you go back. It's just a good time for us to get together."

"What good dishes are we going to prepare this time? Shall we have a few drinks? This incident is really scary lately."

Lin Fei sighed a little and rubbed his forehead.

Seeing Lin Fei pick up the conversation, Chen Kai still wanted to make fun of the two of them. Although he didn't gain much from this show, Qin Ying and Lin Fei gained a lot.

"What? Have a drink to celebrate the two of you? I'm relieved that you two can be together."

"Brother-in-law, stop talking."

Qin Ying couldn't listen anymore, her face was a little red, and her eyes couldn't help but drift to Lin Fei.

"If you don't want to stay in the female university, I will start to take care of Lin Fei's face now."

Chen Kai smiled, and since Qin Ying had spoken, she gave up the idea of ​​continuing to tease the two of them, and looked out the window; seeing this, Chen Kai's face tightened, and he immediately suppressed it, and he would stay in Rongcheng himself. After a while, the road to my home is still very familiar.

But now the road outside, I can see that it is obviously different from the route when I came here, and there is a problem here.

Chen Kai coughed lightly, suppressing all his anomalies, not knowing whether to show his emotions casually, a calm voice came out of his mouth.

"Driver, this route is wrong. Did you remember the wrong way? Why don't you turn on the navigation."

Wang Feng also expected that Chen Kai would ask this question, so he didn't panic, he held the steering wheel firmly with both hands, and adjusted the angle so that Chen Kai could not see his face.

"That's not a problem. I checked the road conditions while I was waiting in the garage. The road I came from just now was blocked, so we are in this lane."

This statement is also very reasonable, Chen Kai nodded pretending to believe it, but he had already begun to doubt; It's like the throat after a cold, and it's more like deliberately lowering his voice.

But this reason can't explain anything, but I can't see the driver's face clearly at all, and the hat is too low; judging from the chin that I can barely observe, it seems to be more serious now than when I came here. I'm younger, so I can't take the opportunity to shave my beard in the parking lot.

It is possible that he was dropped in the parking lot. Chen Kai guessed the matter pretty closely. He quietly observed the driver's back and the hand on the steering wheel. There was no big difference in body shape. But it can be seen from the hands that they don't look like they often drive. The fingers are very strong, and they look more like martial arts. That's right, they look like martial arts hands.

With so many coincidences in front of him, if he still didn't realize the abnormality, Chen Kai would have died in the previous conspiracy long ago.

It seemed that he had fallen into the trap again, Chen Kai didn't panic, and secretly squeezed Lin Fei's hand to send a signal.Lin Fei was a little puzzled, and turned his head to ask Chen Kai what's the matter, but when he saw Chen Kai sliding towards the driver's eyes, he blinked again.

Is there a problem with the driver?Lin Fei didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing again so soon. Looking at Chen Kai gesticulating with his hands hidden behind the seat, it seemed that he was leaving this matter to him to solve by himself and let him cooperate; it seemed that Chen Kai was prepared, and Lin Fei Fei didn't show anything unusual, and continued to chat with Qin Ying in a low voice.

After conveying the signal, Chen Kai adjusted his posture to make it easier to shoot; the speed of the car is not safe now, if he attacks the current driver, the people in the car will be in danger, and there are too many people on the road now, I have just suppressed my own rumors, but I can no longer come out with any public opinion that is not good for me.

He could only wait and seize the opportunity before making a move. If the situation couldn't be resolved by himself, he would just hijack the car and run away.

While Wang Feng looked at the road, he secretly observed the performance of the three people behind him through the rearview mirror. There was nothing abnormal, and Chen Kai didn't seem to notice himself, so the plan could continue.

The car kept driving and had already reached the outer ring. Chen Kai felt that if he didn't say a word, it would be as if he had discovered a conspiracy; thinking of this, Chen Kai asked again to avoid irritating the fake driver, and calmed down a bit. tone.

"Driver, why did you drive the car to the outer ring, what a waste of time."

Sure enough, this question dispelled Wang Feng's worries. Chen Kai's silence made Wang Feng a little worried. After driving so far by himself, such silence is very abnormal.

"Oh, there are too many cars in the urban area, it's hard to walk in the traffic jam, and there are few cars on the outer ring road. The road is far away, but drive faster, and the time to get home is even earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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