Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1441 Chaos situation

Chapter 1441 Chaos situation

Hearing Butler Hua's anxious voice coming from the phone, Chen Kai was still a little worried subconsciously, but soon, he suppressed this emotion, remembering that not long ago, Qin Xiang and the butler also used this method I tricked myself into going home, but this time, forget it, how could I be fooled twice in the same way.

"Okay, okay, how can I still believe this? It's better not to think of such a way, let Qin Xiang sign that."

After finishing speaking, Chen Kai hung up the phone directly.

Butler Hua heard what Chen Kai said, but this time it was true. Before he came and continued to explain to Chen Kai, there was only the busy tone of the phone hanging up.

It's really worse, butler Hua is a little uncomfortable, it seems that Chen Kai will definitely not come back now, so what should I do, let's find Qin Xiang first.

Now is not the time for me to give advice to the two people's relationship problems. Now that the situation is urgent, Steward Hua is helpless, and continues to look for Qin Xiang everywhere, but I just called Chen Kai to remind myself of what happened last time. If you really want to do something stupid, there are only a few ways.

After having an idea, the housekeeper saw that there was no sign of Qin Xiang in the room, and finally locked on to the roof, and hurried over. As expected, Qin Xiang was staying on the roof well.

"Qin Xiang, Qin Xiang?"

Although Qin Xiang has not had an accident yet, no matter what Steward Hua called Qin Xiang, Qin Xiang ignored her, which made Steward Hua feel a little headache.

It seems that Qin Xiang doesn't want to talk to her anymore, but she can't let Qin Xiang stay on the roof. If she gets excited after a while, she can't afford it; thinking of this, Steward Hua can only I called Qin's family, Qin Xiang should always take care of the family.

After receiving a call from Butler Hua, the Qin family was in a mess. Soon, Qin's mother brought Qin Ying and others to the roof of the house.

"Qin Xiang, what stupid thing are you going to do? There is still room for redemption. Chen Kai might just be impulsive."

When Qin's mother saw this scene, her blood pressure was almost unbearable, so she quickly spoke, hoping that Qin Xiang would get off the roof quickly.

"How could I not know that there is room for redemption with Chen Kai's thoughtfulness? Isn't the cold war for so many days not enough, and now I have a secretary's new love, what else do I need?"

The more Qin Xiang talked, the more excited she became, her body wobbled, as if she was about to fall;
Seeing this astonishing scene, Qin's mother felt her brain tremble, her blood pressure instantly rushed to the top, her eyes began to darken, and she passed out immediately.

This time the scene was completely messed up. Qin's mother couldn't take it anymore and fainted first. Everyone hurried to check on Qin's mother. Fortunately, Qin's mother was fine, she just passed out.

Seeing that Qin's mother's condition was not serious, Qin Xiang stopped the idea of ​​going down to have a look, and continued to stick to the edge of the roof, ignoring everyone's dissuasion.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, Qin Ying slowly came to her senses. It was useless for everyone to be anxious, and they couldn't solve the current problem.Thinking of this, Qin Ying asked everyone to disperse first, so as not to block the air Mother Qin was breathing.

Then, Qin Ying felt that everyone might not be able to persuade Qin Xiang, so don't waste time. Since Qin Xiang's mood is not particularly extreme now, let a professional rescue him, lest there will be accidents later, thinking Here, Qin Xiang quickly called the fire department, and by the way, quickly called an ambulance for her mother.

Everyone has also seen Qin Ying's actions now, and they simply listened to Qin Ying's command, and the scene became much more orderly, but Qin Xiang was still in a dangerous place, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Now it has stabilized for the time being, and the situation is not so tense. Everyone just needs to wait for professional personnel to take over. But at this time, you can also persuade Qin Xiang, but none of you dare to speak up, and you are afraid to speak up yourself. It will irritate Qin Xiang.

Seeing the scene quiet down, Qin Ying remembered to call Chen Kai, and while everyone was not paying attention, she quickly went downstairs quietly. Of course, when calling Chen Kai, she must avoid Qin Xiang, as it would definitely irritate her.

But what I didn't expect was that I couldn't get through to Chen Kai's phone, and Chen Kai's phone was turned off, so how could I contact him;

When the time came just now, Chen Kai hung up the phone call of Steward Hua. It is estimated that more people will come to ask about this matter, and about Qin Xiang. He simply turned off the phone, so that A lot of people are less disturbed.

Therefore, Qin Ying couldn't get through to Chen Kai's phone at all, so she had to give up the idea of ​​letting Chen Kai come back to deal with the matter; just now, the professionals she called arrived, and Qin Ying hurriedly brought these people to the building. top.

The rescuers hurriedly took Qin's mother down first, and checked Qin's body; the rescuers only came up, and there were still people below to prevent the worst situation, and be careful that Qin Xiang might fall.

Everyone started talking to attract Qin Xiang's attention. Taking advantage of this time difference, the rescuers rushed up. After this move, Qin Xiang jumped, but if she couldn't stabilize herself, she was about to fall down. Fortunately, everyone responded in time and took Qin Xiang away. Shan held back.

Worried that Qin Xiang would still resist, she quickly gave the stimulated Qin Xiang a shot of tranquilizer. Qin Xiang calmed down slowly, feeling exhausted, and gradually closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The farce ended safely, and everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, nothing happened to Qin Xiang and Qin's mother. They didn't need to be sent to the hospital for examination, and they stayed at Qin Xiang's home to take care of them.

The matter of Qin Xiang's suicide was suppressed, and not many people knew about it, that is, only those who should know would know that the Qin family had brought this matter under control.

And Chen Haoyan is exactly the part of the people who should know. Hearing the news, Chen Haoyan also let go of everything in his hands; some time ago, the relationship between the two was still good, why are they starting to divorce now? Yes, and almost died.

This anger was bubbling up in Chen Haoyan's mind, no matter what was going on in this matter, but just because Chen Kai pushed Qin Xiang to this point, I felt that what Chen Kai did was very excessive , How can this make people calm down.

Chen Kai made such a mistake, no matter how he felt, he had to be held responsible. Chen Haoyan, who had a bad temper, couldn't care about other things, so he rushed directly to Chen Kai's company to let Chen Kai know the seriousness of the matter , remedy it.

Chen Kai also learned about Chen Haoyan's coming to the company here, and his own news in the company is still very well-informed; Chen Haoyan's sudden visit to the company is still at this point. Xiang came here to communicate.

But after all, the relationship is there, no matter what the purpose is, Chen Kai hurried out to meet Chen Haoyan, wanting to know what the purpose of Chen Haoyan came to him.

"Why do you have time to come to me today, and you didn't say anything in advance?"

Before Chen Kai could finish his greeting, he was slapped heavily on the face, still under the gaze of most of the employees; but Chen Kai could also react, but he didn't choose to dodge, he chose to trust the two of them Chen Haoyan must have a reason for beating him.

"Chen Kai, if you dare to choose to divorce Qin Xiang, then there is no need for you to live a good life, and we will directly sever the relationship between father and son."

These words came out of Chen Haoyan's mouth, and Chen Kai was shocked to the spot, with labor pains on his face, and this matter was laughed at by the employees in the company, and he didn't even want to use his internal strength to heal it; Chen Haoyan's slap didn't hold back, and the corners of Chen Kai's mouth began to bleed.

Without waiting for Chen Kai to say something or explain anything to him, Chen Haoyan turned around and left, just like when he came, he was in a hurry; the speed of coming and going was extremely fast, and not much time passed, which made people feel anxious Feeling that the matter was very unreal, seeing Chen Kai's silence, the employees did not dare to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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