Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1451 Disappears in smoke

Chapter 1451 Disappears in smoke (finale)

At this moment, the man gave up the idea of ​​leaving by plane again. He wanted to know why the nanny was approached by someone, probably because he paid off his debts.

Although men like to gamble, they are still relatively filial. Now that the matter about this child is causing a lot of noise in the city, it is not difficult for men to guess that this matter was done by their own mother. Moved.

Through the channels of his former gambling friends, the man found out that the nanny had hit the wall and committed suicide. All of a sudden, he felt that the world had collapsed; the gambling debt was important, and it was not as important as his mother. The man felt that this matter must have been arranged by someone. of.

Hurrying to look through the things his mother asked him to pack up, the man found an unfamiliar mobile phone, which contained the whole process of Shen Yue's transaction with the nanny.

The man with hatred stayed up all night, until now he found Chen Kai, which is the scene in the village now.

"What, Shen Yue instigated the nanny to do these things?"

Chen Kai subconsciously couldn't believe these things, but looking at the solid evidence on the phone, Chen Kai couldn't think of a reason to excuse Shen Yue.

I don't know why things turned out like this, Shen Yue would actually attack her own child, Chen Kai felt a little uncomfortable, and suspected that she had something to do with the mysterious person, so what about Shen Yue?Was it also sent by the mysterious person?

The anger and sadness caused by the betrayal immediately piled up in his heart, Chen Kai made up his mind and asked his brothers to take Shen Yue away, imprison him, and ask himself.

"Why do you attack children? Do you have anything to say?"

Looking at Shen Yue in front of him, the greater Chen Kai's hope was, the greater his disappointment now.

"I'm just afraid that you will leave me because of the child. If there is no child, we can always be together. I will give you a child, so that we will be happier."

Shen Yue had burst into tears a long time ago, Fei Hu was right, she fell in love with Chen Kai, the mission of the mysterious man was no longer important to her, this plan was more of her own selfishness.

Chen Kai was silent, perhaps without this child, Shen Yue and himself could indeed live a good life, but Shen Yue should never do anything to the child, this is something that he simply cannot bear.

Looking at the sad Shen Yue, Chen Kai was also a little moved, but the current situation was already in front of him, and the two of them could not go back to the past.

Seemingly understanding what Chen Kai meant, Shen Yue was unwilling and choked up.

"Chen Kai, can you forgive me? I know I was wrong, I can raise that child with you, and I can continue."

Only at this time did Shen Yue realize that she had always had too much prejudice against Qin Xiang before, so much so that she brought it on her child, obviously she could have a better way.

Hearing such words, Chen Kai was very uncomfortable in his heart, but now it is even more difficult to say, he can't let go of the person who touched his child, and he can only blame Shen Yue for not making a good choice.

Turning around, Chen Kai sighed heavily, those happy times with Shen Yue will eventually become his memories, he also has flesh and blood, Shen Yue's feelings for him are all in his heart, but now he can no longer bear it up.

After trembling his lips, Chen Kai closed his eyes, swallowed all the tears back into his stomach, and became ruthless.

"Send her away, send her to a place far away from Rongcheng, and let her choose the city by herself. For the rest of the day, I don't want to see her appear in Rongcheng again."

In the end, Chen Kai still failed to kill Shen Yue, but let Shen Yue leave his life; the bald man next to him took the order, and he could understand Chen Kai's current mood, and didn't say much.

Chen Kai, who was blowing the air outside the door, hadn't recovered before Lin Hui hurried to him. Seeing Lin Hui's anxious expression, Chen Kai felt a little helpless, and felt that something was going to happen again.

"Chen Kai, I found out that both Shen Yue and Fei Hu were sent by mysterious people."

As soon as Lin Hui saw Chen Kai, she hurriedly told all the things she had just learned.

"Last time I told you that something was wrong when Feihu and Shen Yue met, so I started looking for evidence; not just before I learned that Wang Feng betrayed the mysterious person; just today I heard Wang Feng chatting with Li Xiao, mysterious People's plans are Feihu and Shenyue."

At first, Chen Kai felt that Lin Hui was messing around, but the more he listened, the more he believed it. Shen Yue had just betrayed, and now the Feihu he trusted was also sent by a mysterious person. What was the friendship between life and death?
As for Wang Feng and Li Xiao's concealment, Chen Kai also understood a little earlier. The two had a high degree of loyalty to the mysterious person and had no feelings for him. The betrayal was only forced by the mysterious person. up.

Facing the lurking Feihu, Chen Kai became even angrier. Needless to say, Feihu might have saved him once, but it was only in exchange for his trust.Feihu had already been caught by Wang Feng who took the lead, and Chen Kai gradually regained some sanity.

When his child was lost and recovered, Chen Kai began to think about what kind of grievances and grievances there was between himself and the mysterious person. Now that he has a child, this is his weakness. good ending.

Looking at the captured Feihu, no matter what, Feihu risked his life to kill him. Even though there might be a conspiracy in it, Chen Kai still couldn't let go of it for the time being, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"Then, did you investigate the grievance between your master and me? Or do you know the reason for the grievance between the mysterious man and me?"

Feihu, who has been arrested and has been lurking for so long, is also convinced, but he has not forgotten that he belongs to the mysterious man's subordinates, and has made up his mind not to reveal the secret of the mysterious man to Chen Kai; but Chen Kai asked such a question, Chen Kai did not expect , I was stunned immediately.

"I don't know the reason, but when I went to investigate this matter, I couldn't find any truth at all. Perhaps time has washed away the traces long ago."

Hearing Feihu's answer, Chen Kai's thoughts were further confirmed, and he pondered for a while before continuing.

"There is another way of saying it. Maybe it was a complete misunderstanding from the beginning. There is no so-called truth, so no trace can be found."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked on the spot. They never thought that it might be such a simple reason; Chen Kai also expected the reaction of everyone, and he himself could not believe this guess. is the greatest possibility.

"Since it may be a misunderstanding, then it can be solved, and there is no hatred between us. What do you think? Feihu?"

Seeing that Feihu, who was a little moved, hadn't made a decision yet, Chen Kai knew what Feihu was worried about, so he looked directly at Feihu and continued.

"If you are worried that I will attack your master, you can call him now to see what he means. If he is worried, he can prepare a second move in advance."

Chen Kai's words have come to this point. After hearing this bold guess, Fei Hu has the idea of ​​not wanting to continue fighting. Seeing Chen Kai's position, he also began to seek peace. He is tempted. Who doesn't want to return to a normal life? .

"Okay, I promise you, let me get in touch."

Thinking of this, Feihu raised his head and agreed.

This met what Chen Kai wanted, and he let his subordinates let go of Feihu. Feihu also took back his mobile phone and contacted the mysterious person face to face.

After a long time, Feihu hung up the phone and looked at Chen Kai who had been watching.

"I'll take you to the mysterious man."

Under the guidance of Feihu, everyone came to a more hidden place, which is also the cautious style of the mysterious person; Feihu looked at Chen Kai, and Chen Kai also understood the meaning.

"You stay outside, Wang Feng and the bald head come in with me."

The light inside was very dim, and the mysterious man was sitting on the stool at the end. The table and stool next to him were out of tune with the environment, and it was probably brought here by the mysterious man temporarily.

Chen Kai came in front of the mysterious man, this may be the first time the two had a good truce and chat.

"Why do you hate me so much? I have never seen you in my memory, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Chen Kai, who had been troubled for a long time, couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his mouth first to break the delicate situation.

The mysterious man raised his ferocious face and looked at Chen Kai complicatedly. Knowing that Chen Kai wanted to have a good chat with him about hatred, he felt a little confused. Could it be a misunderstanding?This hatred is the motivation to support myself until now, if it is a misunderstanding, what should I do.

After a long time, the mysterious person spoke slowly.

"Then I have to tell you a story"

At that time, the mysterious man lived next door and had a lovely and lively daughter who often played with the young Chen Kai. None of these mysterious people stopped her. The daughter needed a complete and happy childhood.

Until the beginning of that day, the mysterious man returned home after work, and his daughter did not pounce on him as usual, but cleaned herself over and over again. At this moment, the mysterious man knew what happened.

But the daughter didn't tell who did it at all, and the mysterious man had no choice but to continue to support the family, so he could only wait for the daughter to think about it; but before he came, the daughter couldn't think about it anymore. It is a burning home.

The mysterious man couldn't accept it, and rushed in madly calling his daughter's name, but he couldn't go deep at all. The fire also burned on the mysterious man's body until the thick smoke made the mysterious man unconscious.

Fortunately, passers-by and firefighters arrived, and the mysterious man was rescued, leaving a hideous scar on his face, but his daughter disappeared forever in the ruined home.

The hatred has been piled up in the heart of the mysterious person until later, the mysterious person found out that the last person his daughter met was Chen Kai. At that time, Chen Kai had already moved away, and there was no news about it, and after that, it was the current grievance between the two.

This story had a great impact on Chen Kai. He never thought that such a thing would happen to him when he was young, and he felt very sorry for that girl, but gradually he remembered it, and looked at the mysterious person firmly and said.

"Indeed, the last person the girl saw might be me, but I saw that she was unhappy at that time, and she refused to tell me what happened, so I took her to my secret base. She was in a bad mood at that time. Much better; I didn't know it would be like this, and if I had known I wouldn't be leaving, she might not have killed herself."

The mysterious man didn't say anything silently, looking at Chen Kai's appearance, this probably was the truth; after seeing Lin Hui, he started to investigate this matter again, but at that time, he didn't know if there was any witness, and there was no camera. It was difficult for me to find evidence, but up to now, I can be sure that it has nothing to do with Chen Kai.

Thinking of this, the mysterious man turned around and waved to Chen Kai.

Chen Kai hesitated for a moment, knowing that the misunderstanding had been resolved and his goal had been achieved, he left with his men.

A month had passed since he confessed to the mysterious person. Chen Kai brought the child to Qin Xiang's place. Qin Xiang also seemed to be born again, motherly, looking at the lost child like a treasure.

At this time, Feihu came to the door and handed Chen Kai a letter; Chen Kai knew that it was brought by the mysterious person, and slowly opened the envelope.

'I'm sorry, my daughter's best friend.

Because of my misunderstanding, I have caused a lot of harm to you, and I cannot make up for my sins; hatred cannot disappear, I still have the rest of my life, and I will try my best to find the real culprit, regardless of life or death.

The only thing I can compensate you is Feihu and his subordinates. The resources in my hand need to be used to find the real culprit; after I find the real culprit, maybe I leave early so I can give these to you, please forgive me. '

All the grievances and grievances have disappeared, Chen Kai also has a child, and he understands the hatred of the mysterious man. He is just a poor father; but he still has a lot, and he has not lost it.

Chen Kai turned his head, but Qin Xiang didn't notice Feihu's arrival, and was still teasing the child; it was as if the time and place had come to the auditorium again, and the vows were lingering in his ears again; Qin Xiang hadn't changed, everything was still the same as before, Chen Kai couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke Qin Xiang's hair.

(end of novel)

(End of this chapter)

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