Chapter 147
Chen Kai obviously didn't want to argue about this kind of thing again, so he stood up to smooth things over: "Qin Yue, I think it's better to forget it."

Qin Yue looked surprised: "But..."

But Chen Kai interrupted her: "There is nothing wrong with it, with me here, there will be no danger."

Qin Yue stopped talking.

Chen Kai turned his face and looked at Zou Yuan: "It's just that we have traveled a long way here, and neither of us brought much food. For the next day and a half, only you can find ways to fill your stomach with your real skills."

When Chen Kai said this, his eyes flickered, because he knew that in this kind of mountain forest, there must be edible mushrooms—although there are also poisonous mushrooms, but Chen Kai couldn't help it, he could tell the difference.


Zou Yuan was already a little dizzy from hunger, but secretly regretting in his heart, why didn't he wake up those younger brothers and let them go with him.

Wouldn't it be nice to even wait in the camp by yourself and eat a ready-made one?Who asked me to give them so many snacks from yesterday, and now they do something for themselves, maybe it's not impossible, right?

But then I thought again, since Chen Kai said that they should fill their stomachs with their own abilities, since there is no river here, and they can't cook fish for the two beauties yesterday, should they still catch fish today?

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, because he saw Chen Kai coming back holding something from a distance.

Needless to say, those had to be mushrooms.

Zou Yuan immediately thought, if Chen Kai can pick mushrooms, why can't he pick them?After picking the mushrooms, let the two beauties know that what Chen Kai can do, he can also do.

Thinking of the two beauties looking at him with admiring eyes, Zou Yuan gritted his teeth and insisted on moving forward.

Ahead is Chen Kai's way out, so Zou Yuan found a large piece of mushrooms without any effort. Although there are some traces of just being picked, there is another large piece, which Chen Kai has not touched. .

Zou Yuan couldn't help showing a smile: "Let me just say that I'm extremely smart. That Chen Kai left me so much, and soon I picked them all up and gave them to my younger brothers."

Thinking of this, he immediately took off his coat and picked up all the mushrooms, but he was a boy from a rich family and never knew these plants in the wild. Although he had heard that some mushrooms were poisonous, he couldn't tell them apart. So I picked them all up in one go.

Soon he was sweating profusely, and returned to the camp in disgrace, but when he came back, the two beauties had already started eating, and what made him feel even more irritated was that Gao Rourou admired Chen Kai's handicraft. add.

"Chen Kai, I really don't know what to say. I just thought you could grill fish, but now I know that you are good at frying, frying, frying and stewing."

Qin Yue looked at Gao Rourou with a smile while eating the mushrooms in the bowl.

"You know that he is still very young. When you have time later, you will come to my house as a guest, and I will ask him to cook you a sumptuous banquet, so that you can know his ability."

Zou Yuan heard every word in his ears, but he couldn't believe it in his heart, but seeing Chen Kai's performance, he couldn't help but believe it.

Thinking of this, he felt a little ashamed. If it was a comparison of cooking skills, he might not be able to compare with Chen Kai in his whole life.

But now he is not in the mood to think so much, he has to cook all these mushrooms quickly, and then take a bite first to recover some strength, otherwise he will be really hungry and dizzy.

At this moment, those younger brothers had already woken up one by one. Seeing so many mushrooms wrapped in Zou Yuan's coat, they all showed excited expressions on their faces, and ran over to help one after another. But when they saw the mushrooms in Zou Yuan's coat, When he saw the mushroom, his face immediately changed.

"Brother, where did you pick these mushrooms? These are all poisonous, don't you know?"

Zou Yuan's color also changed, and he thought to himself, fortunately there are younger brothers who know poisonous mushrooms, if they didn't wake up and tell themselves this in time, if he ate it, the consequences would be unimaginable, maybe he would die here directly.

What was even more frightening was that if Chen Kai hadn't been here, but he picked these mushrooms and cooked them for those two beauties, he might have killed those two as well.

Thinking of this, cold sweat dripped down his face, and he stood there in a daze for a long time, unable to say a word.

The little brother also couldn't help sighing: "I said, brother, this thing is not edible. Although I don't know all the types of these mushrooms, I recognize these types, and the rest don't dare to eat them." It’s not poisonous, just to be on the safe side, let’s throw it away quickly.”

Chen Kai threw his coat on the ground with a dejected expression. He was very excited just now because he would have something to eat soon, but now it was just a waste of work. His sense of loss is self-evident. figurative.

Suddenly, Zou Yuan's stomach began to protest again, but the sound was very loud, and several younger brothers around him had already heard it, but this made them very embarrassed, because the food they brought was also very limited.

Although there should be reciprocity, since I accepted Zou Yuan's gift yesterday, I should take out my own things and give them to Zou Yuan today, but everyone thought in their hearts that they were not the only ones who ate it, since no one else took it. Why should I start this myself?

Because everyone thought this way, they were stunned for a long time, but no one was willing to take out anything.

Zou Yuan was so hungry that he couldn't take it anymore, so he took out money from his pocket.

"You just give me some of the food you brought, and then take the money away. Is it okay if I buy it from you?"

These younger brothers thought to themselves, after all, they will have to hang out with others in the future, and if they don’t even sell it now, I’m afraid it’s really unreasonable, so they gritted their teeth reluctantly.

Seeing that someone finally moved them, the other younger brothers were also affected by this emotion, and began to donate generously. Several younger brothers piled up those things together.

"I said boss, the brothers are also very difficult. You can eat these things as you go. After you go back, the brothers will treat you."

Zou Yuan snorted angrily: "Do I still need your treats after I go back? It's time for me to treat you after I go back?"

As he said, he threw the money forward: "I keep my word, you can take all this money."

Those younger brothers were just stunned for a moment, and immediately picked up the money. Although it was useless in this mountain forest, once they went back, there was probably nothing more useful than money.

Zou Yuan didn't even look at these people, and immediately started to eat hungrily.

Qin Yue and Gao Rourou had mushroom soup, and some canned food brought by Chen Kai. The whole thing was stewed into the mushrooms. It tasted very delicious. The two girls felt that this was better than the food in any restaurant. They looked at it with satisfaction. With Chen Kai.

"We've eaten and drank enough, what should we do next? We can't just sit here stupidly, what kind of outing is that?"

Qin Yue looked at Gao Rourou helplessly.

Gao Rourou suddenly smiled: "If we just let us sit here foolishly after eating and drinking, I'm afraid it won't take three days. Let's move around freely and see if there are any interesting places around, and then we can have a good time." Adventure."

The light in Qin Yue's eyes immediately glowed, she stood up and said with a smile.

"Then why are you still here in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and follow me?"

(End of this chapter)

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