Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 15 Let me introduce you to a girlfriend

Chapter 15 Let me introduce you to a girlfriend
And this time, she also had a long memory, so she brought the toolbox along with her.

"Look, what is the reason?"

"This kind of radio with a sense of history is no longer visible now. Let alone repaired, it is very good to keep it from rusting."

After pondering for a while, Chen Kai simply gave up.

This kind of ancient thing, not to mention repairing, even the materials may not be found.

What's more, even if it is repaired, the contents inside will not be retrieved, so it is better not to waste all that effort.

"Is there really no hope at all?"

Although the result had been expected, Qin Min still felt uncomfortable when he heard the veto again.

"Of course, you don't even look at the age of these things. It was already an antique when we were young. Let alone repaired, even parts are difficult to buy."

Chen Kai's words were like a splash of cold water pouring down from the top of Qin Min's head, chilling his heart.

"What's the matter? Is this radio important to you?"

Seeing Qin Min's dazed look, Chen Kai asked curiously.

It seems that this radio has been with her since she was very young. With such a background, she shouldn't miss a broken radio, not to mention that she was never seen holding a radio all day long when she was a child.

Qin Min, who was just about to speak, looked at Chen Kai's curious expression, and then realized that he was about to tell him the reason just now.

"Why ask so many questions? It's none of your business."

Qin Min suddenly leaned forward mysteriously: "Anyway, you have helped me this favor, and I am not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges."

"I have a very good sister, she is very beautiful, and her family background is not inferior to mine, would you like me to introduce you?"

"And you are the most suitable age to talk about a girlfriend, and the age of my friend is also very suitable. If you are together, you must be a handsome man and a beautiful woman, a match made in heaven."

"If you don't like it, I can introduce my other friends for you. You are still young, so it doesn't matter if you talk a little more!"

"It's been a long time, and I can always meet one or two people I like. When the time comes to hold a grand wedding, I will prepare wedding rings for you personally!"

"Don't you girls dislike men messing around outside the most?"

"Do you mean that state officials are only allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to light lamps?"

In short, Chen Kai is dizzy and flustered now, and he can't keep up with the IQ of Qin Min, who is about the same age as him.

Qin Min, who was still brooding about the radio, was successfully amused by his bewildered look, and the unhappiness in his heart disappeared.

"Hahaha... You seem to be right, but as long as I think of you being messy outside, I can't feel disgusted hahaha..."

So, all in all, it must be that I pamper him too much, so I don't care about everything about him!
"Don't tease you, let's go down for dinner. Just now, when you were taking a bath, Auntie had already told dinner to be ready."

Qin Min hugged the radio and left Chen Kai's room without hesitation. The place where he just lay on the bed still had a faint fragrance and even a trace of body temperature.

After smoothing the shaft marks on the bed, Chen Kai came to the dining room. Everyone had already sat down according to their respective positions, and he was the last one to arrive.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start!"

Qin Xiang thoughtfully handed the chopsticks to Chen Kai, this scene once again attracted the attention of the other three.

It's just that this time everyone didn't speak tactfully, and ate the food in their bowls very honestly, and the atmosphere at the table was extremely delicate for a while.

The seemingly peaceful dinner time is secretly turbulent.

The chopsticks collided in the air, but the final goal was a piece of fat but not greasy braised pork on the plate.

The owners of the two pairs of chopsticks were in a stalemate with each other, and neither of them wanted to take a step back.

"Third sister, do you want to grab this piece of fat with me?" The fourth child looked at Qin Ying with wide eyes.

"You can see clearly, it was I who brought out the chopsticks first, and you were the one who snatched it from me!"

Qin Ying did not back down, and a smell of gunpowder permeated the dining table.

Qin Min seemed to be familiar with such a scene, and still ate his own food calmly, showing an appearance of enjoying the delicious food from time to time.

"Elder Sister, look at Third Sister, she actually robbed me of this piece of fat again, you have to make the decision for me!"

The fourth younger sister suddenly looked at Qin Xiang, pouting how wronged she wanted to be.

Faced with the unreasonable troubles of the younger sisters, Qin Xiang certainly knew what was going on. To put it bluntly, it was just because she didn't want to marry Chen Kai that she deliberately made so many moths.

He's such an old man, he still doesn't let himself worry.

"Stop arguing, this pot of meat is not enough for the two of you? Since you both like this pot of fat meat so much, I'll give it to you two."

As Qin Xiang spoke, she picked up the bowl of braised pork full of fat and divided it into two halves, and put them into the third and fourth bowls respectively.

"It's all yours, eat as much as you like, don't waste it, don't leave until you finish eating today!"

The eldest sister's aura instantly suppressed the restless little thoughts of the third and fourth children without a trace.

At this moment, facing the cubes of fat in the bowl, Qin Ying wanted to die.

She hates eating fatty meat, especially such a big piece.

Originally, he only wanted to rely on the trivial matters in life to worsen his image in Chen Kai's mind, but he never thought that he would fail in the end and lose money.

"Fourth Sister, Third Sister suddenly felt that I shouldn't rob you. Come on, I'll give you all of these. You are a younger sister, so Third Sister should let you go."

Qin Ying had a flash of inspiration, and then poured the meat from the bowl into Simei's bowl.

Baby sister, these can only be 'hard work' for you!
(End of this chapter)

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