Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 164 Beating Zou Yuan Violently

Chapter 164 Beating Zou Yuan Violently
After saying these words, Gao Rourou and Qin Yue showed worried expressions on their faces. They really couldn't believe that Chen Kai can still fight now.

Not only did the two girls not believe it, even Zou Yuan, who was opposite him, had a look of doubt on his face.

Although he saw that Chen Kai was still so majestic, he had a vague feeling in his heart that he made this appearance on purpose to be a hero in front of the two girls.

Thinking of this, immense courage immediately arose in his heart, and he felt that the time for him to take revenge had finally come.

He waved at the group of younger brothers behind him.

"Why are you still standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and beat this kid to the ground? Don't tell me he won't hurt at all when he hits you? It's hard to get this opportunity. If you pass this village, this shop will disappear gone."

In fact, these younger brothers were really unwilling to do anything, because they knew that even if they really took advantage of it now, after Chen Kai's injury healed, they might still find trouble with those people.

And we all live in the same city, and Qin Yue's family is so rich, not to mention Gao Rourou's family.

As long as you spend a little time, you will definitely be able to find the location of these people's homes. At that time, you were not afraid of thieves stealing, but you were afraid of thieves thinking about it. That day Chen Kai really remembered that if he wanted to trouble these people, none of them would be able to escape. .

So they were still a little hesitant, Zou Yuan was very impatient and asked him to look at them.

"If no one does anything now, I think you will follow whoever you like in the future, and you will never try to take advantage of me."

This sentence was indeed a trump card, because those younger brothers were relying on Zou Yuan to live their lives, now that he has been soft-spoken by others, and he has given the order to die, I am afraid that it is really unreasonable not to do anything else.

So he hesitated to take out the machete, and the two girls immediately turned pale with fright, Chen Kai had no weapons at all, was unarmed, and was seriously injured, no matter how you look at it, there was no chance of winning this kind of battle.

Gao Rourou shouted even more anxiously: "You are so shameless, you know that Chen Kai is injured now, but you are still holding a machete."

Zou Yuan is not in the mood to answer the question now, but looks at Chen Kai meaningfully.

"I know that the two beauties are worried about you now. If you don't want to have more wounds on your body and leave more unnecessary blood, I think you should tell me two nice things, and give me three knocks." Make a noise, maybe I will let you live, but if you are still obsessed with it, there is nothing I can do."

Chen Kai looked at him coldly: "Did you forget that last time it was one of yours who also held so many machetes. Who was the one who was injured? I'm afraid I don't need to say it now, everyone already understands it." ?”

At this time, the organizer Xu Zhixin also heard the movement, so he hurried out of the tent. He was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. He wanted to go up to stop Zou Yuan, but he knew Zou Yuan when he saw the swords on both sides. I'm afraid I won't listen to myself.

Although his family's power is much stronger than Zou Yuan's, but at a time like this, this is a personal grievance, and it may be difficult for him, an outsider, to intervene.

Thinking of this, I had to decide to observe the situation for the time being.

Chen Kai also got a little impatient for waiting. He really felt that his body was a little uncomfortable now, and he wanted to beat all these people away quickly, and let them know that he was not easy to mess with.

"I don't think you have any intention of doing it first, so I'll just do it first."

As he spoke, he leaned forward and immediately came in front of Zou Yuan. Before Zou Yuan realized what was going on, he was punched in the face, and immediately let out a miserable cry, and flew backwards.

No one could have imagined that Chen Kai would be able to exert such great strength at this time, everyone was stunned and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Some reacted quickly, and ran up to Zou Yuan and helped him up. The corners of Zou Yuan's mouth were already overflowing with blood, and two of his front teeth had been knocked out. This made him furious. He rushed forward and fought desperately with Chen Kai, but thinking of the speed and strength of that punch just now, he couldn't help hesitating again.

"I'm afraid I can't beat him alone, let's fight together."

Although he said so, he didn't intend to move at all, he just looked at those little brothers.

Chen Kai knew that these younger brothers probably had no way out now, and they were unwilling to fight with him in their hearts, but if he was always like this, it would not be a problem to stand in a stalemate with them, so he could simply beat them all.

One by one, they stumbled one by one, and it was enough to let them back out. After all, they didn't do anything particularly bad, and the leader was only Zou Yuan.

After making up her mind and not waiting for those people to react, she rushed over immediately. Gao Rourou and Qin Yue immediately heard a series of screams, and then saw those people with machetes all fell to the ground .

It wasn't until now that Zou Yuan believed that even if Chen Kai was injured, he would be more than enough to deal with his group of people, and now he finally behaved himself.

He helped the little brothers up one by one, and then moved the tent to the farthest place, and he completely gave up on Qin Yue and Gao Rourou.

Gao Rourou and Qin Yue were also stunned for a long time, and I don't know how long it took before they remembered that Chen Kai's body was injured at the moment, so they hurriedly supported him.

"How are you? You've already been injured, but now you don't learn to behave yourself and fight with others. What if the wound is affected?"

Gao Rourou looked anxious, Qin Yue was not in a hurry, because this was the line she wanted to say just now, but Gao Rourou preempted it, but now is not the time to dwell on these topics.

He had no choice but to help Chen Kai back to the front of the fire. After this round of activities, Chen Kai felt that his body was much better, and the zhenqi stagnated on his back just now was also unblocked.

It immediately made him feel refreshed. Although he has not fully recovered yet, after a night of recuperation, he is probably almost done.

Thinking of this, he smiled and waved his hands: "You don't have to worry so much, who am I? I am a person who can insert his finger into a rock. How could he be seriously injured when he was hit by a tree?"

Qin Yue and Gao Rourou felt a little relieved when they saw Chen Kai's aggressive appearance.

A few classmates around them also saw the scene just now, and immediately knew how Zou Yuan and the others got their injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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