Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 167: Gathering 1

Chapter 167

Gao Rourou didn't know, in fact, Qin Yue was already a little impatient, but she didn't show it.

When only Chen Kai and Qin Yue were left, the driver graciously opened the car door, Qin Yue got into the co-pilot's seat and let Chen Kai sit in the back of the car alone.

Chen Kai felt a little strange in his heart, but soon remembered why Qin Yue did this, so he stopped talking.

Because he knows that when a girl is jealous and there is no threat to her safety, it is best for him to keep her mouth shut.

Because no matter what was said at this time, the girl wouldn't listen to it, and would be ridiculed instead. Of course, Chen Kai didn't want to cause such trouble.

After a while of silence in the car, Qin Yue couldn't hold back anymore.

"Why don't you talk? Are you missing Gao Rourou? If you really miss her, you can go to their house as a guest. For the time being, don't follow me back. My sister, I will help you for them That said, it’s like giving you a few days off.”

Chen Kai secretly groaned in his heart, thinking that I have tried my best not to cause trouble, but why are you not letting go, and what kind of jealousy is this, nothing happened with Gao Rourou at all, and the relationship with you The relationship doesn't seem to be clear, this vinegar is really a bit baffling.

Of course, I can't say this, because once I say it, I'm afraid it will make Qin Yue explode immediately.

He still hasn't forgotten what the four eldest daughters of the Qin family look like when they lose their temper.

So I had no choice but to sigh helplessly.

"Actually, why do you have to be like this? Gao Rourou is your good girlfriend anyway, and my good classmate is leaving now. I don't believe that you don't have a little bit of melancholy in your heart."

As soon as he said this, Chen Kai felt a little regretful, because he suddenly remembered that Qin Yue and Gao Rourou were classmates. The two of them were at school, and they would not see each other except on Sundays, and they could meet at any time on Sundays. They were always together .

It's just that it's a bit difficult for me to meet Gao Rourou, but now that I've said it, it's too late to change it.

As expected, Qin Yue let out another cold snort, and even turned around, staring at Chen Kai with wide eyes.

"It's obvious that you are reluctant to use me as a shield. I think you should get out of the car now. Before you are far away from Gao Rourou's house, go back and find him, and it's best to never Don't appear in front of me anymore."

Of course, Chen Kai knew that Qin Yue was just saying something out of anger. If she really asked the driver to stop now and went to find Gao Rourou, Qin Yue would definitely jump up, maybe even hold her back, even if she didn't Yes, if I tell Qin Xiang about this, I will be in even greater trouble.

Moreover, my task in the Qin family is not only to protect Qin Yue, but also the four sisters of the Qin family need my own care, so no matter what, it is impossible to get out of the car.

But what do you say now?

Chen Kai felt so embarrassed in his heart that he simply closed his mouth and refused to say another word.

Seeing that Chen Kai stopped talking, Qin Yue also felt a little boring, so she simply closed her mouth.

After returning home, Qin Xiang and Qin Ying were not at home, only the third child, Qin Min, sat on the sofa and watched TV boredly.

He suddenly heard the sound of the door lock turning, and looked towards the door involuntarily. Soon he saw Qin Yue walking in with a tired face, but behind her stood the lively Chen Kai, as if the I didn't go for an outing at all, but went for a walk outside and came back.

These sisters were not worried, because they knew that with Chen Kai by Qin Yue's side, no matter what, she would not be in any danger. Now that Qin Yue's complexion was a little tanned, they immediately laughed and joked .

"I said sister, did you go on an outing? Or did you travel to Africa? How did you make yourself a refugee and come back?"

Qin Yue was in a bad mood at first, but her eyes widened when she heard what Sanjie said.

"Okay, I'm so tired that I'm about to die now, don't you say hurry up and get me something delicious, or a bottle of drink to reward me, instead of talking sarcasticly over there, you see I'll be spared today You can't forgive you."

Said that this piece of claws rushed towards Qin Min.

Qin Min had obviously expected Qin Yue's move, and hurriedly ran away with a smile, laughing while running.

"Everyone, come and see, the African version of Qin Yue is back, and not only is she back, she's also infected with a whole body of bad habits, and she wants to beat anyone she sees."

Chen Kai felt that this kind of scene was really warm, and it was good, at least Qin Yue would no longer take her and Gao Rourou's matters to heart.

Even if it's just a temporary forgetting, it's something Chen Kai could only wish for.

So he said lightly: "You two sisters are watching TV here. It is not impossible to play around, but you must pay attention to safety. If you fall and touch it, it will be terrible. I will cook for you."

After saying this, he went into the kitchen, and there was still the sound of fighting between Qin Min and Qin Yue outside.

Chen Kai had just finished cooking, and Qin Xiang and Qin Ying had already returned home. The four sisters and Chen Kai sat at the table at the same time, having dinner happily.

Qin Min smiled at Qin Yue while eating.

Qin Yue's eyes widened and she saw the third child: "You always smile so maliciously, what do I want to do?"

Qin Min said to Qin Xiang while holding back a smile.

"Sister, you said that our fourth girl has been out for a few days, has she become a black African?"

Before Qin Xiang had time to speak, Qin Yue immediately dropped her chopsticks, stood up, and stared angrily.

"Qin Min, don't talk about black Africans one by one, and keep talking about me. I was really angry just now."

Qin Xiang looked Qin Yue up and down, and said lightly.

"Actually, it's nothing. Maybe I've been exposed to the sun for a long time these days. It's normal for my skin to be a little darker. Just stay at home for a few days."

Qin Min got the reason, so he looked at Qin Yue with a smile.

"I'm right. I said that your skin is tanned and you still don't admit it. Otherwise, you should look in the mirror yourself. The whiteness of your skin now is at least two degrees different from before."

Qin Yue glared at Qin Min again, but couldn't think of anything else to refute, because she also felt that her skin was indeed a little tanned these two days, so she sat down angrily and continued to eat.

Qin Ying took a bite of vegetables into her bowl and smoothed things over.

"Okay, eating can't stop your mouths, so hurry up and eat."

(End of this chapter)

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