Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 187 Two Silly Pick Ups

Chapter 187
Young Master Li's ability to ask this sentence means that he is obviously very interested in what he said just now. He was only angry with Chen Kai this morning, and now someone can finally help him out, which made Xu Hongyang momentarily Some excitement.

"I tell you that what I said is absolutely true, if you don't believe me, go and have a look at that place."

As she spoke, she pointed to the chair where Qin Yue and Gao Rourou were sitting.

Young Master Li's eyes straightened immediately when he saw these two beauties. Their family was rich and belonged to the elite class.It can't be said that she has never seen a woman, and the women she has seen over the years can be described as countless.

But they have never seen such beauties as Qin Yue and Gao Rourou. Although these two girls are both beautiful, they do have two completely different styles, one is gentle and quiet, and the other is lively and cheerful.

Li Dashao's mouth immediately raised a lewd smile.

He thought that if it was really a trick to get Qin Yue and Gao Rourou at the same time tonight, it would be really a blessing.

This can be regarded as Gao Rourou's non-existent embellishment, and Young Master Li already wanted to go over to strike up a conversation with these two beauties.

Xu Hongyang saw that Young Master Su stood up and was about to go in that direction, so he immediately rushed over respectfully.

Chen Kai had no choice but to deliver the wine just now, because he saw that those big men were a little too noisy, so he made a move to deliver the wine to them and let them be quiet for a while, but he didn't expect that it was just this. Immediately was regarded as a waiter by others.

At this moment, Chen Kai had returned to his seat, Gao Rourou and Qin Yue looked at her meaningfully, and suddenly smiled at the same time.

"If you don't say that you are very popular, this is a place where money is spent, and you are so willing to help others."

After Qin Yue finished laughing, some dissatisfaction suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"It's a pity that if those big men didn't get angry at the waitress just now, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so enthusiastic, would you?"

Gao Rourou immediately took over the conversation: "I guess it's true. If those big men got angry at a male waiter, I'm afraid you would still be drinking here, and you wouldn't even be able to move."

Chen Kai sighed for a long time, he knew that the two girls were already jealous, because there was already a clear feeling in their tone.

But I really complained secretly, because it was not like what they said at all. Chen Kai also knew that the more he argued about things like this, the more the two girls would laugh at him, so he just closed his mouth and said nothing. Did not say.

Gao Rourou suddenly felt a little boring, so she picked up the wine in front of her and took a sip.

"Qin Yue, why don't you drink? Hurry up and drink?"

Qin Yue also sighed softly, picked up the wine on the table and drank it down.

Now the atmosphere is a bit awkward. Chen Kai feels that if he doesn't speak, the two girls can't think of anything else to do besides drinking. Originally, the girls were sitting in the bar, and they should be chattering. They kept going, but suddenly something happened today, the two girls seemed to be relatively taciturn.

Just when Chen Kai didn't know what to do, he suddenly saw Xu Hongyang and a playboy coming in front of him.

Before Chen Kai could speak, Xu Hongyang looked at Chen Kai with a mocking expression.

"Who am I? Isn't this Chen Kai who showed his might at the gate of our school in the morning? It turns out that he fights with others during the day and comes here as a waiter at night. Has your life become so miserable? If If this is the case, I can introduce you to a job, and you can rest assured that you will earn more than you here."

Chen Kai could only listen, because he didn't know why Xu Hongyang said these words suddenly. Even if he was really a waiter, what kind of relationship did he have with this person?

Seeing that Chen Kai didn't answer, Xu Hongyang also felt a little boring, so he smiled again and looked at Gao Rourou and Qin Yue.

"I said that the two of you were originally the school belles in the school. If a girl like you really wants to fall in love, she can have any kind of man she wants. For example, this girl next to me Young Master Li, handsome, young and wealthy, he is hundreds of times better than Chen Kai in every aspect."

Young Master Li also had a smug smile on his face when he heard Xu Hongyang's compliment.

Xu Hongyang continued.

"It's a pity that although you two beauties are very good-looking, you don't have very good eyesight. It's a pity that the two beauties actually keep a waiter in a bar?"

After Qin Yue and Gao Rourou finished listening, they looked at each other. They really didn't know why Sun Wukong said these words all of a sudden, and it was so out of the blue that people couldn't figure out what this man meant.
Even if Chen Kai is really a waiter, what's wrong with coming here to drink with others?
Not to mention that the two girls don't understand, even Chen Kai really doesn't know what this person wants to do now.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of Chen Kai, Qin Yue and Gao Rourou, Xu Hongyang also felt a little embarrassed, because he thought he had made his words obvious, but it seemed that these three people didn't understand what he was saying at all. say something.

Now the only way to make things bigger is to make Chen Kai look ugly.

Young Master Li has been listening to Xu Hongyang's words since he arrived here, but he himself didn't say a word, because he saw that Qin Yue and Gao Rourou were really, really good-looking.

Looking at it from a long distance just now, it has already made people look like a country and a city, but now observing it at a close distance, it is even more beautiful, and it can even be described as a fairy descending from the earth.

Finally he coughed lightly and slowly opened his mouth.

"Two big beauties, my surname is Li, everyone who knows me calls me Young Master Li, it's a predestined relationship for us to meet in this bar today, so you might as well offer a price, I want to keep you two beauties .”

Qin Yue and Gao Rourou looked at each other, really didn't know why these people dared to say such a thing, so they all turned their eyes to Chen Kai, but Chen Kai suddenly smiled.

"Seeing that you look like a dog in your clothes, you thought you were a person who knew the rules. You are a fool after a long time of trouble, and you just ran over to ask others to take care of you. Do you know who these two girls are? Well, you know what kind of background the family is like? You are like this, fortunately you are in this bar, and fortunately you met us, if you were in another place, you might be opened up in minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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