Chapter 195
The target of No. [-] person is actually not too small. After watching for a while, he immediately found a dark shadow in front of the right, and vaguely heard voices coming, Chen Kai's heart moved, and immediately Guessing that this must be the place where Gao Ming and the others were besieged, so without saying a word, he immediately quickened his pace and rushed over.

Although Chen Kai ran fast, he didn't make the slightest sound under his feet, because he knew that at this time, it is absolutely impossible to startle the snake. Gao Ming and the others are in extreme danger. Maybe they will do it right away.

At that time, Gao Ming and the others were really in danger, and now they are obviously negotiating, which means that at least Gao Ming and the others are not in danger of their lives.

It only took Chen Kai half a minute to come behind those people.

The situation was really not optimistic, because Gao Ming could be seen through the hazy moonlight. They had already been injured, and it was obvious that they had been through a fierce fight just now.

Now that the distance is very close, the voices of Gao Ming and the others gradually became clearer.

Chen Kai heard a person next to Gao Ming talking to the gangster's boss.

But the voice was too low, and there was wind at night, so even Gao Ming couldn't hear it very clearly.

Chen Kai thought to himself, it's already here, why bother so much?Hurry up and knock down all these gangsters.

On the one hand, it's been too long for me, and I haven't had a hearty fight. Although I have fought with a few people, it's all about it.

I can't remember the last time such a scene where one person dealt with a hundred or ten people alone.

Thinking of the time when he was about to exhaust all his strength, Chen Kai's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. This kind of excitement has really been absent for a long time.

He took a deep breath, then let out a loud drink.

"Where did the bastard come from, he didn't know his life or death, but he was acting wild here."

Those gangsters originally thought that Gao Ming and the others would definitely be defeated this time, but they never expected that there would be reinforcements at this time. They were really taken aback. Suddenly, they relaxed again, and the gangster's boss suddenly snorted coldly.

"You take a good look at the situation. There are so many people here, and you are only one person. If I were you, I would have lost it in a hurry. How could you think of rushing to die? I see you It’s really tiring to live.”

This sentence was not finished, because he had already been punched in the chin, and before he even had time to make a miserable cry, he had already fallen on his back to the ground.

The people around were startled, and several people ran over immediately to help the gangster's boss up.

The boss obviously didn't quite believe what happened just now, and he was a little dumbfounded looking at Chen Kai.

But he soon thought that he might have been a little too careless just now, and Chen Kai launched the attack suddenly, so he succeeded.

Now that his whereabouts have been discovered, with so many people, as long as they surround him, I believe it will not take long before he can be chopped to pieces.

Thinking of this, he violently pushed away the people who were supporting him, and then looked at Chen Kai with a sneer.

"Good boy, you really have the guts. Today I let you leave alive, and I will hang out with you from now on!"

Then he yelled at the people around him.

"What are you still doing here in a daze? Don't hurry up and hack me to death!"

These gangsters seemed to have just realized it now, so they immediately launched an attack on Chen Kai. The sound of shouting and killing was loud for a while, and Chen Kai even thought that it was fortunate that he was in the suburbs.

If they were in the city, they would be able to attract the attention of others just by their shouts, and they might have been arrested by this time.

But now is not the time to think about these issues, Chen Kai cheered up and started to circle around with the hundred and tenth person.

Immediately afterwards, there were screams one after another, and soon a large area fell on the ground. Gao Ming was stunned, thinking, could this be Chen Kai's real strength?
I have compared him before, and although I know that the other party has shown mercy, I think that the other party has shown at least half of his strength.

But from the current scene, the last time he competed with him, Chen Kai showed less than [-]% of his strength, which is really terrifying.

Although the two had known each other for a while, and had seen Chen Kairu fight several times, it seemed that such a large-scale battle had never happened before, so it was very likely that Chen Kai would not have the opportunity to display his full strength.

Now he finally had such an opportunity, but Gao Ming was asking himself in his heart, is this really what he wants to see?
This is simply not a human martial art, and it is impossible for a human to achieve physical strength. Even if Chen Kai has internal strength in his body, this is really too appalling.

Gao Ming was thinking about his own thoughts in a daze, as if he forgot where he was for a while.

Those subordinates behind him were not much better, their calves were already trembling with fright, although when they were surrounded by those people just now, their faces were pale with fright, and their minds were bewildered.

Now they clearly saw rescuers coming, but it still made them feel chills, and some even couldn't even stand up.

Chen Kai didn't even bother to pay attention to what Gao Ming and the others were doing now?His eyes were already bloodshot at this moment, and he became more and more excited as he fought.

When had this bastard No. [-] seen such a scene?Originally, no matter how good the opponent's martial arts were, twenty or thirty people here would be enough to deal with it.

But now there are so many people, and they all hold weapons in their hands, but now they can't even hit a single person. Chen Kai seems to be in a no-man's land now, punching here and there, kicking here and there, and soon more than half of them The bastard was knocked to the ground.

The gangster's boss was also stunned by this scene, he was wondering what kind of background Chen Kai was?Are you living in this city?If this is the case, why have I never heard of it?
What should we do now?Should we run away quickly, or should we wait until Chen Kai beats these people down?
But immediately, the gangster's boss understood that when Chen Kai really knocked all these people down, it would be too late to escape.

But he is the boss of this group of gangsters. These people are brothers who have followed him through life and death. If you leave them now and run away by yourself, wouldn't it be a little too disrespectful?
(End of this chapter)

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