Chapter 199
The words were clear, several people glanced at each other, felt that Gao Ming might not be in any danger, so they nodded silently, everyone sent Gao Ming out together, and watched Gao Ming drive away in the bodyguard's car.

Gao Ming arrived at the place where Liang Zong was located very smoothly.

As soon as the two met, Liang Zong immediately ran over and hugged enthusiastically.

"Oh, I'm Young Master Gao. You haven't had anything to do these few days. You really scared me to death. You don't know if something happened to you, it's really difficult for my father and I to explain it to you. .”

Gao Ming had clearly thought of this meeting scene, so he smiled lightly.

"Fortunately, I don't lose a single hair now, but the shock I received that day was a bit serious, so I have been recuperating quietly at home for the past few days, turning off the phone and so on, so it is really a shame that you can't find me. normal."

There was a bit of reproach in Liang Zong's eyes.

"Then you have to tell your elder brother anyway, you see, let this elder brother look for you everywhere, and I can't find you. I am so anxious that I even thought about calling your father, but then I thought again, I want this The news told him that my lord is not going to take me alive? So I dare to find you first, and then report to my lord that I am safe."


Gao Ming felt that Liang Zong was a little too enthusiastic now, but he quickly realized that he was really worried that his family would cause trouble for him.

That's why he had to put on such an appearance, not to say whether it's true or not, but this attitude made Gao Ming feel a little relieved in his heart.

The conversation was divided into two parts. After Chen Kai went back, he turned out to have set the alarm clock, thinking about making breakfast for the four sisters in the early morning, but this day was so tiring that he didn't even wake him up with the alarm clock. When I woke up, it was morning.

Chen Kai opened his sleepy eyes, sat up from the bed, put on his shoes and prepared to go out to do laundry, only to find out after going out that the four sisters had already gone out.

Looking at the wall clock on the wall, Chen Kai couldn't help crying and laughing, thinking that it's already this time, everyone should go to work, and those who should go to school should go to school, whether they cook for others in the morning, at least at noon Good compensation, right?

Otherwise, after the four sisters came back, they still don't know how to settle accounts with themselves?

Thinking of this, he immediately walked into the kitchen, ready to make early plans, show his best craftsmanship, and cook a sumptuous feast for the four sisters.

But when he opened the refrigerator, he was immediately dumbfounded. It turned out that the refrigerator was empty, except for a few bottles of drinks, and there were no other ingredients. Chen Kai shook his head and smiled bitterly again, thinking that this is really unlucky, and he will be unlucky in everything he does.

But I immediately thought that I was going to the vegetable market in the first place, because even if I had some ingredients at home, it might not be enough for a sumptuous banquet, so I was relieved.

Chen Kai changed his clothes for going out, and then went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. It seemed that he had never personally come forward for things like this before.

It's the nanny at home, or some other servant. Today, because Chen Kai is in a good mood, or maybe because he feels a little guilty, he wants to come out in person.

When he arrived at the vegetable market, he carefully selected some fresh vegetables, because he had made up his mind to make a very good meal, so he had very high requirements for the ingredients. I can't ask for it.

This made the owner of the vegetable seller a little impatient, because if he picked so many things like this, the rest might not be easy to sell, so he protested beside him.

"I said buddy, can you make a little of your grocery shopping as a big man, and let others do business if you pick and choose like this?"

Chen Kai also felt that doing this was a bit too much, but he felt helpless in his heart.

"I'm the boss. Don't talk now. At most, I'll give you more money in a while. I wouldn't choose this way in normal times, but today is really special, so please bear with me."

The boss didn't like it when he heard this, so he didn't say anything more, thinking, anyway, just pay more money later.

Chen Kai quickly picked out some vegetables, and took out a hundred of them, and handed them to the boss.

"You don't need to look for the money."

The boss immediately smiled when he saw the money. As if he was afraid that Chen Kai would regret it, he took the money, put it in his pocket, and smiled politely.

"Oh, you should have said it earlier. If I really knew that you are so generous, I wouldn't have said those words just now. If you need anything in the future, just come to my place, and it will be fresher than other food stalls."

Chen Kai was secretly complaining in his heart, thinking that these dishes cost only twenty yuan at most, but I gave them one hundred, but there was no way, who made himself want to cook today?Don't worry about these little money.

But he didn't buy all the vegetables, so Chen Kai walked to another vegetable stall thinking about buying some more, but at this moment, three young ladies of seventeen or eighteen came by.

With smoky makeup and dyed hair in colorful colors, and even wearing very simple clothes, Chen Kai has seen a lot of people like this, and knows that although they are all at school age, some have already dropped out of school, and some are still in school, But the heart is no longer on study, every day is not in love, or thinking about where to go to play.

Chen Kai has never had a good impression of this kind of young lady, and he doesn't know her, so he doesn't have the mood to talk to her, and picks vegetables on his own.

But at this moment, an accident happened suddenly. An old lady at the stall knocked over the watering can for spraying vegetables for some reason. three girls.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old lady quickly reached out to grab it, but after all, she was old and her hands and feet were already inflexible.

Instead of grabbing the watering can, he almost fell down. Chen Kai had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly helped the old lady, but the watering can had already reached the middle of the three girls.

The girl immediately widened her eyes, pointed at the old lady and yelled loudly.

"I said, do you have eyes, you dead old woman? Didn't you see someone standing over here? Do you know how much my clothes are damaged? Can you afford to pay for them? You are so old, don't stay at home and take care of yourself." Stay here, why come out to join in the fun?"

The old lady had nothing to do, she hurriedly apologized to those girls because she was wrong.

For things like this, just say "I'm sorry" and it's over, but these three little sisters quit.

(End of this chapter)

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