Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 2 Sister from Heaven?

Chapter 2 Sister from Heaven?

"younger brother?"

When Qin Xiang opened her mouth, everyone present was shocked!This beauty who drives a Ferrari actually calls Chen Kai her younger brother?

Lin Dongsheng was even more stupid on the spot!

The Qin family, the largest family in Haicheng!He started his business as a merchant and covered a wide range of businesses. In Haicheng, at least [-]% of the shops belong to the Qin family!

Qin Xiang's younger brother?Let him borrow money?

Even the distant relatives of the Qin family wouldn't be in such a desperate situation, right?

"Boss Qin, I'm afraid you've got the wrong person? This kid is my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend!" Lin Dongsheng's chubby face was full of panic. Half of the Lin family's business depends on the Qin family!

To a certain extent, it is no exaggeration to say that the Qin family is his food and clothing parents.

What if Qin Xiang didn't admit the wrong person?

Then he...

"Oh?" Qin Xiang raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the words, looked Li Xiaoli up and down, and smashed her mouth. "so so."

Afterwards, Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai again. "Brother, you haven't answered my question yet, why do you seem unhappy to me?"

"Is it..." As she said that, Qin Xiang's eyes drifted to Lin Dongsheng. "Someone bullied my brother?"

Chen Kai understood that this strange beauty wanted to stand up for him!
"Crack!" Lin Dongsheng slapped his backhand!It slapped Li Xiaoli's face fiercely!

"Damn it! You bastard! After seducing Mr. Qin! Seduce me? This caused a misunderstanding between Mr. Qin and me!" In desperation, Lin Dongsheng forgot even Chen Kai's surname.

Lin Dongsheng, who has been in the arena for so long, can understand things that Chen Kai can understand. Right now, it doesn't matter whether Chen Kai is Qin Xiang's younger brother, what matters is that Qin Xiang is on Chen Kai's side.

If Qin Xiang wants to make him a pauper, I'm afraid it only needs one sentence!

As soon as he turned around, Lin Dongsheng immediately lost his smile and grabbed Chen Kai's hand tightly. "Hey brother! It really was flooded into the Dragon King Temple! I really didn't know you were Mr. Qin's younger brother! If you want to know, it's only 30 yuan? Just tell me!"

"What did you say? My Qin Xiang's brother asked you to borrow money?" Qin Xiang raised her eyebrows, "Let me correct you one more thing, my brother's surname is not Qin! His surname is Chen!"

Lin Dongsheng was dumbfounded!It seems that I heard Li Xiaoli say that this kid is indeed surnamed Chen!
"Yes! Chen! Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen!" Lin Dongsheng didn't care about what Chen Kai's last name was.

But Chen Kai was taken aback, he could call out his own name?It seems that this beauty really knows him!But why doesn't he have any impression?
Now that this beauty is backing him, he has to get the 30 today no matter what!
"Also, how did I hear about your relationship just now..." Qin Xiang frowned, with a little displeasure on her pretty face. "The woman who robbed my brother? Boss Lin, do you feel that life is peaceful?"

Qin Xiang's voice without any emotion made Lin Dongsheng's hair stand on end!
The Qin family is notoriously protective of the calf, can this account be counted?


Without any hesitation, Lin Dongsheng knelt down in front of Chen Kai, flustered and stuttering! "Yes! Yes! I'm sorry! I really don't know, it was...she seduced me first! I really don't know your identity."

Li Xiaoli stared at all this in a daze, all this was too sudden, she hadn't reacted yet, and she had never heard Chen Kai say that he had such a powerful sister before!
Chen Kai squatted down, looked at Lin Dongsheng's panicked face, and asked expressionlessly: "You mean, I'm blind and fell in love with a flirtatious woman?"

Lin Dongsheng was taken aback!
If the answer is yes, then it is true!

But obviously the facts were not what Chen Kai wanted to hear. Lin Dongsheng could tell that Chen Kai didn't seem to let him go.

"No! It's all my fault! I'm leaving her right now! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Lin Dongsheng kowtowed to Qin Xiang repeatedly, and Qin Xiang smiled. "Don't hit me, you stole my brother's girlfriend, you have to see if he forgives you!"

Lin Dongsheng hugged Chen Kai's thigh when he heard the words, his nose burst into tears.

Chen Kai kicked him away, walked up to Li Xiaoli who had been stunned for a long time, and looked at the diamond necklace on her chest.

Although it was not big, it was given to her by Chen Kai's savings for a year.

"Whether you separate from her or not is not important to me, but you should pay for the money I spent on her, right?" Although Chen Kai looked at Li Xiaoli, he was speaking to Lin Dongsheng.

Lin Dongsheng was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood that this was going to kill him!

Too late to think about it.

"I understand! I understand!" Lin Dongsheng quickly picked up his phone, asked for Chen Kai's number, and transferred 100 million to Chen Kai without saying a word!

Qin Xiang quietly watched from the side, looking at Chen Kai with distressed eyes, how could she not know what Chen Kai wanted the money for?
Having achieved his goal, Chen Kai didn't want to stay here anymore.

Just when Chen Kai was about to leave, Li Xiaoli stopped him.

"Chen Kai! Do you really think I'm a flirtatious woman!"

Li Xiaoli had tears in her eyes, and she seemed to be more wronged than Dou E.

Chen Kai chuckled lightly. "I've known you for so long, I really didn't know that your play is so good! Hypocrisy!"

After all, Chen Kai had already walked out of the piano shop and got into Qin Xiang's car.

Before, Li Xiaoli told him that he left him because she wanted to pursue a life that he couldn't give, and he could still understand.

At that time, she told him that she still had feelings, and Chen Kai could believe it.

But today, he came to the door for his father's life, and turned out to be a tool to curry favor with other men?To put it bluntly, Chen Kai would not believe that Li Xiaoli still has feelings for him!

"Brother, it's okay, this kind of stuff won't be able to enter our house, and I will hang out with my sisters from now on! Do you want any kind of woman?" Qin Xiang started the Ferrari and comforted Chen Kai with a smile.

She could see that Chen Kai was a little lonely.

"You haven't said, who are you?" Chen Kai didn't mention anything about the previous incident, just laughed it off.

Chen Kai was really curious about the identity of this Tianxiang sister.

(End of this chapter)

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