Chapter 214
Chen Kai sighed again in his heart, thinking what reason can he talk to this kind of drunk at this time?
At this time, the more aggressive you are to this kind of drunk, the more energetic he will be. Unless you can really beat them to their knees and beg for mercy, the problem can be solved. The more irritated girls like you are, The more it can arouse the animal nature of these people.

Chen Kai knew that it was time for him to make a move soon, but don't worry, let's see what the drunk man will do next.

Anyway, no matter what, he couldn't let his dirty hands get on Qin Ying, otherwise his crime would be really serious.

If he was obedient and went home obediently, he probably wouldn't have this trouble, but watching Qin Ying being molested by others, it would be a heinous crime.

Sure enough, the drunk suddenly stretched out his big hand and touched Qin Ying, intending to pull Qin Ying into his arms.

Of course, Qin Ying refused, she took a step back, but behind her was the sofa that could no longer retreat, she fell down on the sofa and let out a scream.

The drunk looked at Qin Ying with a lewd smile.

"Oh, big beauty, why are you more anxious than I am? I just wanted to kiss you and fulfill the agreement just now, but why did you lie down suddenly? This is in this nightclub, in front of a large crowd, so that people I'm sorry, but if you really want to, then I can open a room for you."

The two girlfriends heard the drunk man's words getting worse and worse, so they got up and rushed to fight, but immediately thought of the two girls, how could they be the drunk man's opponent, not to mention that she had a wine bottle in her hand , it really annoyed her for a while, throwing a bottle on the heads of the two of them would really disfigure them.

Thinking of this, I was already secretly regretting in my heart, thinking that I really shouldn't have come to this place, and I just got into such a mess, but it's too late to say these things now, the two girls want to pull Qin Ying to leave quickly here.

But after such a commotion just now, the drunk man became even more interested, not to mention him, even the drunk people behind him were the same, they kept shouting and booing loudly, some even Someone whistled.

"I said, why don't you do it? Are you afraid? If you dare, come back quickly?"

The drunk man staggered and turned his face, looking at the group of buddies behind him.

"What are you talking about? You haven't seen the big beauty, are you all lying down now? This is an invitation to me, buddy, you can spend the spring night with such a big beauty today, you should be envious."

After speaking, he walked towards the sofa, obviously wanting to sit beside Qin Ying.

Qin Ying's face turned pale with fright, thinking that this person is already drunk and can't wake up, and he must be able to do anything. Today is really miserable for him, and now Chen Kai is not around, I really shouldn't have let people go just now.

Seeing that the drunk man had already sat on the sofa, he stretched out his hand again, but it was only holding the wine bottle in one hand, so he had to use the other hand to hug Qin Ying's neck.

Chen Kai sighed again, then stood up from the corner, and said something softly.

"Almost got it."

Although the voice was very small, every word reached the ears of everyone walking here.

Qin Ying's eyes lit up immediately. She had never expected Chen Kai to appear in front of her as much as she did now, and she had never expressed gratitude to Chen Kai for not listening to her. Today was the first time that Qin Ying even I was moved to tears.

He hurriedly stood up and carefully searched for the direction of the sound, and the two girls had already seen Chen Kai in the corner at this moment.

"Look, look, it's the man who went to the ball with you just now."

Qin Ying rushed in front of Chen Kai desperately, and slapped his chest with her pink fist.

"Where did you die?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"Of course I didn't listen to you, and died obediently at home? That's why I can appear here in such a timely manner at this moment. Don't be afraid, and don't worry about these things."

The drunk didn't see Chen Kai until now, and raised the wine bottle in his hand.

"Where did you come from? Let me tell you, it's none of your business here. If you're sensible, get out of here quickly, or our brothers will make you look good today."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"Actually, I should be the one who said this to you. If you disappear from here quickly, then the next tragedy may not happen, but I also know that you will not be obedient at all, so if you have the ability to Just use it."

The drunk man looked back at his companions, who would wink at him from time to time, wanting him to show some color, of course Chen Kai saw it, but he didn't care at all.

"Now that I have finished what I should say, you still have a wine bottle in your hand, you might as well try to see if you can hit me, but I advise you better not to try, because you have already stood still It's unstable."

Seeing Chen Kai's calm and composed look, the drunk man was already a little bit timid. If it was normal, he might have already left by this time.

But now that Jiu Zhuang is cowardly, and there are a few buddies behind him, and these three beauties in front of him, if he really admits that he is cowardly, where will he save his face?

Thinking of this, he widened his eyes, watching Chen Kai staggeringly raise the wine bottle, Chen Kai seemed to have been waiting for him to do this for a long time.

He waited until the wine bottle was about to hit his head, and when the three girls had already screamed, they shot like lightning and punched the drunk man in the arm.

Hearing a loud bang, the drunk man flew backward with his huge body, and everyone was startled.

Qin Ying was even more stunned. Although she had already understood Chen Kai's skills, she never expected that his fists would already have such strength.

Although the drunk fell heavily, he was not injured and got up from the ground with a grunt.

"I'm talking about my brothers. This kid is a practitioner. Don't be merciful, everyone. Let me do it. If it breaks, I will be the one."

In fact, there was no need for him to greet them at all. The few people sitting at the table saw that their buddies had suffered a disadvantage, so they immediately stood up and walked in this direction.

Chen Kai stared at them quietly, and waited until they walked in front of him before he suddenly let out a cold snort.

"You should have done this just now, and it saved you a lot of trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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