Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 216 Arriving Home

Chapter 216 Homecoming
The two girlfriends immediately looked at each other again, and then smiled mysteriously.

"Don't let people talk about it? I think this handsome guy is quite suitable for you..."

Qin Ying's face immediately turned red to the base of her neck, and she deliberately opened her eyes wide to look at her two girlfriends.

"If you don't talk, others can't treat you as dumb. Look at what you are talking about. Chen Kai and I don't have that kind of relationship at all. Let's explain to you when we have a chance."

The two girlfriends were a little confused, because Qin Ying's words were so serious, it seemed that they were not lies, but if they were not relatives or lovers, what was the relationship?

The more the two girlfriends thought about it, the more they felt that they couldn't figure it out. Since they couldn't figure it out, they simply stopped thinking about it, because Qin Ying would definitely be angry after making wild guesses, and what kind of anger does the second lady of the Qin family look like? These two girls have experience.

"Okay, okay, since you said no, it's not. I think it's almost time. Let's just forget about it. We will get together again when we have a chance. Remember to bring this handsome guy with you at that time. The three of us are here While drinking, he silently protected him, and his sense of security suddenly increased a lot, so he was not afraid that some rascals would come to make trouble."

Qin Ying looked at the time, and it was almost ten o'clock, which meant that when she got home, it would probably be eleven o'clock.

I still don't know if the sisters are still waiting for me, it's better to be asleep, otherwise, seeing myself and Chen Kai going back so late, I might guess something.

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to drink the wine in the glass, then stood up and looked at Chen Kai.

"Then let's go."

Chen Kai was already a little sleepy, he yawned for a long time, and stood up from the sofa, the two beauties smiled.

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate to let the two of you go back by yourself, because what happened just now, if these gangsters are still waiting on the road, it will be troublesome. I think it's better to send you all back along the way." , Qin Ying can rest assured."

The two girls wanted what they wanted, and they held Chen Kai's hand, one on the left and the other on the right.

"I really didn't expect that your martial arts are good, and even your heart is so good."

Chen Kai couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly, thinking, if it wasn't for Qin Ying, I really wouldn't want to cause such trouble, and after all, it was indeed because I beat up those little bastards.

Although they were the ones who provoked them first, I hit them a bit too hard. Although it may not necessarily hurt them, the problem must have been settled.

If he really ambushed on the road and took the opportunity to trouble these two girls, then he would definitely feel guilty, and Qin Ying would also be quite unhappy because of it.

Although this possibility is very small, Chen Kai has to be extra careful.

Of course, there is no need to explain this to the two girls, so as not to increase their worries, so after Chen Kai drove the two girls back enough, he brought Qin Ying back home. It was already past eleven o'clock. .

The door opened, and Chen Kai and Qin Ying appeared at the door.

Qin Min, Qin Yue, you and Jiao rushed out with a smile.

Qin Yue smiled at Qin Ying with an ambiguous face.

"So you're back, I thought you were all spending the night outside tonight."

Qin Ying's face suddenly turned red again. It was obvious that her sister was teasing herself on purpose. If she didn't come back tonight, she must have gone to a room with Chen Kai.

"I said you dead girl, why don't you speak lightly or seriously, where will I go if you don't come back?"

After saying this sentence, I immediately regretted it. This is equivalent to passing a message to the other party. The other party will naturally think of going to the hotel to get a room. If I didn’t say this sentence, the other party might not dare to say that sentence. .

Sure enough, before Qin Yue could speak, Qin Min rushed to speak first.

"There are so many hotels outside, and you have money with you, can you live in any one?"

Chen Kai also understood that the two little girls were deliberately making fun of the second sister, but it was inconvenient for him to say something. At this time, it was not right to distinguish, and it was not right not to distinguish, he could only smile awkwardly.

Qin Ying stamped her feet angrily, and pushed Qin Min and Qin Yue away.

"I'm really not in the mood to chat with you two here. I'm going back to bed first. You two don't stay up late, go back to your room."

Qin Min and Qin Yue glanced at each other, and at the same time stuck out their tongues mischievously.

Qin Yue looked at Chen Kai and said with a smile.

"I remember you said you were going to the dance, but why did you play until so late?"

That kind of thought has already dissipated, but thinking about what happened in the nightclub, I feel that it is not appropriate to tell these two girls. Why should I make them worry for no reason?So he just shook his head slightly.

"Actually, it's nothing. There were a lot of people going to the dance party today. We finally got together and wanted to have a good time, so we stayed until late."

As he spoke, he yawned again.

"Actually, to be honest, I've wanted to come back a long time ago, but the dance was not over, and your second sister didn't want to come back, so I had to reluctantly wait there, and now I really feel a little I'm tired, so I went back to my room to rest first."

Then he turned and went back to his room.

Qin Min looked at Qin Yue with some doubts.

"Why do I feel that tonight seems a bit unusual? These two people must have encountered something outside, but none of them is willing to say anything, which adds to the mystery of this matter. Guess what may have happened Woolen cloth?"

Qin Yue smiled wryly and shook her head.

"If you can't guess it, I'm sure I can't even guess it, but in any case, these two people didn't spend the night outside."

As he spoke, he walked to the sofa, picked up the remote control, turned off the TV, and then yawned.

"I've already taken a shower, so I'll just go back to my room and rest."

After saying that, he also returned to his room, where Qin Min stood there blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lying on his own bed, Chen Kai carefully recalled the scene of dancing with Lin Keke today, suddenly felt that thinking too much was probably not good, so he decided to practice for a while, and then fell asleep.

But before it could start, the door suddenly opened, and Qin Yue appeared at the door in her pajamas with a plush toy in her arms.

Chen Kai was startled, thinking what is this little girl trying to do?
(End of this chapter)

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