Chapter 218

Qin Min couldn't understand why Chen Kai remembered going to work before he came back, but this matter had nothing to do with him, so he didn't ask any more questions, the only thing he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart was that he wanted to let Chen Kai accompanied him to the street for a stroll or something.

Recently, it seems that the chances to get along with Chen Kai alone have become less and less, and Qin Yue and Chen Kai seem to have more and more chances to get along with each other. There is also Qin Ying, who is gradually being seen by Chen Kai. The line drifted away.

In this way, she felt somewhat uncomfortable, but now that she heard that Chen Kai wanted to go to work, she felt embarrassed to say anything more, so she just said something lightly.

"Then be careful on the road."

Chen Kai was vaguely aware of something, but he had just messed with Qin Yue just now, and he really didn't want to have anything to do with this Qin Min anymore, because just one Qin Yue had already given her enough headaches.

So he smiled lightly, turned around and left the villa. The employees in the company, especially the team members, showed surprise expressions on their faces when they saw Chen Kai. Some bold ones even walked over and patted Chen Kai Kay's shoulder.

"We remember that you disappeared the day after you became the team leader, and you just came back to work now. We all thought you were fired, but we didn't expect..."

When Chen Kai saw this colleague's smile, he also felt a little kind, so he gently removed his hand that was patting his shoulder, and sat down on the chair that he often sat on.

"You don't know, the reason why I haven't come to work is because I have asked for leave, and it is because I have to ask for leave. As for why, I can't tell you clearly. You just know that I have Just a normal reason."

These words were like tongue twisters, everyone frowned, but seeing that the team leader finally came to work, everyone often let out a sigh of relief.

Because during the time with Chen Kai, everyone was very happy and happy, and Chen Kai was very capable of working.

As long as there is this person, it means that the business of this group will definitely improve, or it will be greatly improved, and everyone's wages will also increase. This is good for everyone who comes to work. is good news.

Of course the happiest one was An Mengyao. Ever since Chen Kai came to work, she always felt a little uneasy, as if something was missing in her heart.

I also secretly felt a little strange in my heart, because there was no special ambiguous relationship with Chen Kai, and the two of them never expressed mutual affection.

It's just that sometimes, Chen Kai would half-jokingly say some flirting words that don't hurt or itch.

An Mengyao didn't take it seriously at the time, but after Chen Kai stopped coming to work, she still somewhat missed the past in her heart.

Every time I really want to call Chen Kai, but every time I make a call, I hang up again at a critical moment.

This kind of contradictory mood made her really feel a little unbearable, so she could only put all her energy on her work, trying to keep herself busy, so as to forget the impression Chen Kai left in her heart, but this There are certain things and people in the world that are like this, the more you want to forget you, the more you will not be able to forget.

So when An Mengyao saw Chen Kai just now, although her heart jumped wildly immediately, when Chen Kai sat in the chair he often sat on, Yang Long deliberately kept a straight face and didn't talk to him. The downgraded girl who is angry is acting like a baby with her boyfriend.

Chen Kai didn't know what was going on, so you looked at him with a smile and asked.

"I haven't come to work for so long, how are you doing these days?"

An Mengyao snorted coldly and rolled her eyes inadvertently.

"It has nothing to do with you whether you are doing well or not. You must have been drinking and drinking these days, or you wouldn't even go to class. A boy like you seems to have no shortage of girls around him, so he must be You've already forgotten about me."

At first, Chen Kai felt that this was a bit inexplicable, but after thinking about it, he immediately understood. It turned out that the girl seemed to be jealous, which made Chen Kai feel a little strange.

I thought to myself that the relationship between two people is not a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, so I just know each other better among colleagues, so is it going to be like this now?

However, he also felt that it was too hurtful to say that. From Anmen Yao's tone of voice, he could tell that the other party still cared about him a little.

I haven't seen each other for such a long time, and I really should call someone to say hello or something, but I was too busy a while ago, and some ambiguous things happened with a few beautiful women, so that he didn't Take care of other girls in your spare time.

"Judging from what you said inside and outside the meaning, it seems that you are a little dissatisfied. In fact, haven't I already said that I have a legitimate reason to ask for leave, and I didn't go to a place of luxury and wine as you guessed."

An Mengyao's mood was a bit complicated, and she didn't want to just talk with a straight face like this, but she also felt that she really didn't know what attitude she should have when facing Chen Kai.

Seeing that An Mengyao had stopped talking, Chen Kai couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I have finally finished all my work this time. I believe that in the next few years, I may have to come to work on time every day for a period of time, so we still have a lot to do." After getting along for a long time, do you think it's unreasonable for you to keep such a straight face all the time?"

An Mengyao raised her head and looked at Chen Kai seriously. Chen Kai quickly felt a glint of joy flashed in the other party's eyes, which made Chen Kai more convinced that the other party had a good impression of him.

This made him even more headache. He really didn't want to deal with so many girls, although this was the dream of many men.

But when there are really so many girls around me, the feeling is really a bit too headache, a little disturbing, or at a loss.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time, what should happen will happen, and you can't hide it even if you want to."

Chen Kai comforted himself like this in his heart, and finally it was time for the noon break. Everyone packed up the things on their desks and went to the restaurant for dinner.

An Mengyao also stood up, ready to eat, when Chen Kai suddenly stopped her.

"Otherwise, shall we eat together?"

(End of this chapter)

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