Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 220 Strong Rejection

Chapter 220 Strong Rejection
But unexpectedly, Wang Qiang suddenly reached out to stop Chen Kai, and looked at him meaningfully.

"Just now, I heard Mengyao say that you are the leader of the sixth team, and that you have disappeared for a long time, which makes me feel somewhat puzzled."

Chen Kai looked at him helplessly.

"What's your doubt, and I just met you just now, I'm afraid I don't need to report some things to you one by one, right?"

It seemed that Wang Qiang hadn't seen someone talking to him like this for a long time, so he couldn't help but feel a little surprised, but then he had an angry look, which naturally appeared on his face.

"You really don't need to report to me, but I'm curious now, what kind of person are you?"

Chen Kai had no choice but to snort softly, and looked helplessly at An Mengyao, then at Wang Qiang.

"To be honest, I believe it won't take long for you to understand what kind of person I am, but now I really don't want to stay in this place any longer, so please let me go quickly, I'm going to eat. "

Before Wang Qiang had time to say anything, An Mengyao's mind suddenly went numb, thinking carefully about the meaning of what Chen Kai said just now.
Why don't you want to stay in this place?Could it be because of some legends he heard about himself and Wang Qiang?

So I feel that I am not a good girl, but after thinking about it again, this is not quite right, because just now Chen Kai has been talking and laughing with me, although I have always been stern, but Chen Kai talks Nothing escaped his eyes with that look on his face.

That didn't seem like they already knew the expression of the rumors in the company. On the contrary, after Wang Qiang appeared, things changed subtly.

But now the matter has reached a stalemate. Although An Mengyao hoped that Chen Kai could stay and rescue her, she didn't want to use Wang Qiang's method.

Wang Qiang still stared at Chen Kai coldly, guessing that Chen Kai wanted to pursue An Mengyao, so he naturally regarded him as a rival in love.

Chen Kai turned to look at An Mengyao helplessly.

"Or you'd better explain it."

An Mengyao still stood there numbly, not knowing how to deal with the situation in front of him. He had a vague premonition in his heart, knowing that if Wang Qiang continued to do this, Chen Kai might strike immediately.

Don't look at Wang Qiang who looks so big and thick, with a strong physique, but in front of Chen Kai, I'm afraid he can't even pass a round, so Chen Kai has to be beaten to the ground.

Seeing An Mengyao's expression, Chen Kai also felt a little strange, but now he didn't have time to think so much.

Since An Mengyao didn't explain for herself, she could only talk to Wang Qiang herself, but seeing the hostility on Wang Qiang's face, Chen Kai felt a little impatient.

"I said boy, I have never seen you in the company before, so you probably haven't heard about what happened in the company that day. Mengyao is my girlfriend, which means that you can't Talk to her again, if you let me know that there is any intimacy between you and Mengyao, or something that causes misunderstanding, I will definitely not let you have good fruit."

Chen Kai secretly groaned in his heart, thinking what is going on?Mengyao is a good girl, how could she like you like this?But it's hard to say about fate, maybe people have seen it right.

And now An Mengyao has no intention of explaining for herself at all, it must be because she is afraid that Wang Qiang will be jealous, and when she invited him to dinner just now, he still looked so hesitant, it must be for the same reason .

I still blamed myself a little bit in my heart, I was really too inconspicuous, because An Mengyao was single before, so it probably wouldn't hurt to make a joke casually.

But since he already has a boyfriend, and he is still so ignorant and talking nonsense, then I really feel sorry for him.

Seeing the expression on Chen Kai's face, An Mengyao immediately guessed that Chen Kai must also regard herself as Wang Qiang's girlfriend, which made her even more anxious and wronged.

Seeing that Chen Kai suddenly felt a kind of courage and strength that she had never had before, she stared at Wang Qiang coldly.

"I said, can you be responsible for what you say? You are in your 30s anyway. When did I promise to be your girlfriend? You spread rumors casually in the company, which has a great impact on my reputation. effect, do you know?"

Wang Qiang looked at An Mengyao in surprise. After saying this, even Chen Kai felt a little surprised because in Chen Kai's memory, he had never seen An Mengyao get angry with a person like this. Among them, An Longyao has always been soft and weak, even if there is any grievance, she will not easily resist and refuse.

The reason why he is so angry now must be because he has an unparalleled disgust for this Wang Qiang. It is really because the entangled sleeping pills have nothing to do, so it broke out.

After An Mengyao finished the passage just now, she suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, so she let out a long breath, took another step towards Wang Qiang, looked into Meng Meng's eyes bravely, and snorted coldly.

"I know that you have always been prone to misinterpret what others say, and you are also very keen on doing things that are easy to misunderstand others, so I might as well explain to you a little more clearly."

Wang Qiang was a little stunned, suddenly he couldn't turn a corner in his mind, he didn't know what happened to An Mengyao today.

An Mengyao suddenly looked at Chen Kai with a very resentful look, but it was only a glimpse, and then she shifted her gaze to Wang Qiang's face.

"I told you clearly today, clearly, you have invited me many times before, asking me to accompany you to dinner, I have never agreed, and I did not agree before, not because I'm not in the mood, or have time for anything."

An Mengyao took a deep breath, then continued slowly.

"It's because I don't like you at all. I really don't want to have anything to do with people like you, so it's absolutely impossible to go to dinner with you in the future. That's why you give up as soon as possible, or I'm afraid Take some steps.

An Mengyao was really a little unscrupulous, because after saying this sentence, she immediately realized that she couldn't take any measures at all.

(End of this chapter)

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