Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 241 One Blow

Chapter 241

This made the boss mistakenly think that there is hope, his eyes lit up, no matter how you look at the current scene, it looks like Chen Kai can only parry but has no power to fight back.

When Chen Kai saw the boss's eyes, he went crazy again, thinking that the reason why I didn't fight back now was just to see how much power you can use.

Once I feel like I'm going to make a move, I will never hesitate again. If you think that you can defeat me like this, it is really a bit too whimsical.

Now even the boss feels that the situation is not quite right, because although Chen Kai has been avoiding all the time, these few brothers of his have no way to hurt him, and Chen Kai is still calm after beating for so long, Still so calm.

It seemed that these thugs were not taken seriously at all. In Chen Kai's eyes, those machetes and sticks were like children's toys.

The boss was sweating coldly, and he couldn't help thinking, what is the origin of this Chen Kai, and how could he have such terrifying strength?

Now those thugs are already exhausted enough, they are already panting, even the power of chopping down with the machete is not as powerful as before, Chen Kai knows that it is almost the same, now is the time to formally defeat these people.

"It seems that all of you are little donkeys pulling carts, and you don't have any strength at all. If your strength can only show this level, then I don't have to be polite to you anymore."

These thugs had already felt that this time they had really encountered an iron plate, not only could they not hurt Chen Kai, but they might also annihilate their entire army.

Everyone is already filled with fear, and in such a state of mind, there is no way to exert their full strength, not to mention that this round of fighting is really exhausting.

Chen Kai sighed softly, and kicked the boss with lightning speed, but the boss didn't react at all, and was just staring at the fighting scene in front of him, never expecting that Chen Kai would be in front of him. At this time, he will suddenly attack himself.

Caught off guard, he had already been kicked in the lower abdomen. The pain caused him to forget his waist immediately. Big drops of sweat dripped from his face on the ground. Of course, this was partly because of fear, and partly because of the pain.

This is not over yet, the boss thought that the strength of this kick did not hurt him, but only suffered a little physical pain temporarily, but soon he realized that he was really wrong.

The sharp pain in his lower abdomen, one after another, at first he could barely stand on the ground, although the posture was a little too ugly, but he didn't fall down after all, but then he gradually felt that he couldn't stand anymore, He fell to the ground with a plop, and rolled on the ground in pain.

When those brothers saw the virtue of the boss, their expressions had already changed.

They didn't even dare to launch an attack on Chen Kai. Although everyone still held weapons in their hands, they stopped. The boss is too busy to take care of himself now, and has no mind to pay attention to the fighting scene.

He even faintly felt in his heart that this kick might ruin his own life.

Chen Kai looked at this group of people meaningfully, and suddenly smiled faintly.

"Why did you stop? If you think that you can avoid being beaten by admitting defeat, I think what you think is really too simple, because if you don't follow me to this place, maybe I can show mercy and let go You die, but now..."

As he said that, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately kicked the nearest thug, but instead of hitting his lower abdomen, he kicked his wrist.

This man was hesitating whether to help him who kept rolling, but the boss suddenly felt a pain in his wrist, and immediately after, the machete flew into the air, spinning continuously.

Then there was a soft sound, and the machete was nailed straight to the beam. You must know that the beam is not made of wood. Although the machete is sharp, it is not easy for anyone to nail it to the beam. It can be done.

The face of this subordinate changed immediately, and cold sweat immediately flowed out. Seeing this scene, the other thugs subconsciously dropped the machetes and sticks in their hands, and turned around to run away.

Because at this moment anyone could see that staying and fighting would be a dead end. Of course, Chen Kai would not let them go so easily.

In the beginning, they were facing themselves, and it was impossible for them to hurt a single hair of their own, let alone now that they were facing away from each other and wanted to escape.

Chen Kai quickly chased after him, kicking one by one, knocking down these seven or eight people.

"Yesterday, dozens of you thugs were beaten to pieces by me, and now there are only a few of you, you are looking for death."

Those people clearly wanted to go, but they were already in so much pain that they couldn't speak at this moment. Although the injury was on their leg, the bursts of severe pain let them know that the bone must have suffered a comminuted fracture due to the blow just now.

This means that even if the injury heals, he will probably be crippled in the future.

But now these thugs don't have the heart to think about that anymore. The only thing they want to know is whether they can go back alive this time, and some people are already thinking, if they can really escape from Ascension this time, then they must see each other in the future. After meeting Chen Kai, I hid far away, hoping never to meet him again in this life.

Chen Kai didn't make any further moves, he walked up to the boss step by step, but the boss was still rolling on the ground because it was in too much pain.

Seeing Chen Kai walking in front of him, the boss was also filled with fear, and asked subconsciously.

"What else do you want? Since you have already won the battle, we will not look for you again according to the previous agreement, and the trouble is over."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly again.

"I thought the same way at first, but suddenly I changed my mind again, because I know you guys can't change your shit, if you don't hurt you this time, you will definitely make a comeback, So I decided to..."

As he spoke, he suddenly grabbed the boss's skirt and lifted him up like a chicken.

"That's why I decided that I must kill you all."

The boss turned pale with fright, hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head, and looked at Chen Kai with a mournful face.

"Brother, forgive me, brother, we didn't know you were so powerful, we now know that we have offended the wrong person, please let us live, I have an 80-year-old mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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