Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 243 Must see a doctor

Chapter 243 Must see a doctor
Suddenly, An Mengyao yelled in surprise, the sound was so sudden that both Qin Xiang and Chen Kai were startled.

Chen Kai hadn't been particularly exaggerated yet, but Qin Xiang really jumped up, and then looked at An Mengyao with reproachful eyes.

"You are really surprised. Are you trying to scare me to death? What did you see?"

An Mengyao pointed at Chen Kai's hand, panicked.

"You're hurt and your hands are bleeding."

Only now did Qin Xiang notice that blood was dripping from Chen Kai's palm, but she was too excited just now, so she didn't notice it at all, but now An Mengyao brought it up first, making Qin Xiang's face a little red After a moment, he blamed himself for being too careless.

"How are you? You're all injured. Why don't you act like him? Tell me quickly where the injury is. Is it serious?"

She asked so many questions like a cannonball, but Chen Kai was secretly complaining in his heart. Xinxiang didn't want to tell the two girls, but he didn't expect to be discovered by them. Seeing this, he couldn't hide it, so Chen Kai just shook his head slightly.

"You guys are really exaggerating. I beat so many people by myself. I'm afraid it's only natural to suffer such a small injury. It will be fine if you rest in peace for two days, so you don't have to worry too much at all. .”

Qin Xiang and An Mengyao answered in unison.


Immediately afterwards, the faces of the two girls turned red. Qin Xiang felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so she deliberately changed the subject.

"Hurry up and tell me where it is?"

An Mengyao suddenly remembered that she had fought with dozens of people yesterday, so Chen Kai was injured on the back. Just now, she had fought with a few gangsters, and they all had machetes and sticks in their hands. Chen Kai must have been injured even more. Seriously, this made her even more anxious.

Regardless of Qin Xiang watching from the side, she walked in front of Chen Kai in two steps.

"I have to go to the hospital anyway."

Qin Xiang nodded immediately: "You are bleeding, this kind of thing is no small matter, hurry up and follow me to the hospital."

Chen Kai thought to himself that it is too easy to make his body too bad. Isn't it too common for a big man to get injured in a fight?Why shouldn't these two girls be so exaggerated now? Although they knew that they really cared about themselves, Chen Kai still felt reluctant to go to the hospital.

"It's really unnecessary. I was just scratched by a knife when I was fighting."

Qin Xiang's eyes widened immediately, she hurriedly grabbed Chen Kai's hand, and rolled up his sleeve.

"It turned out to be a knife wound? Thank you for being so light-hearted, let me see where the injury is?"

An Mengyao felt that Qin Xiang was still checking where the wound was at this time, which was a bit inappropriate, so she took up the conversation beside her.

"Oh, does it matter where you were born at this time? Let's go to the hospital quickly."

Qin Xiang felt that what she said made sense, so she nodded, took Chen Kai's hand, and walked towards the car.

Chen Kai felt that it was really unnecessary, so he used a little bit of strength to break free from Qin Xiang's hold on his hand.

"Really, your performance is too exaggerated, I don't even know what to say."

An Mengyao's eyes widened immediately, and she looked at Chen Kai with some dissatisfaction.

"What are you talking about? I just bandaged it in class last night. The old injury hasn't healed yet, and a new injury has been added. How can I make people not worry? You can't say anything, hurry up and go obediently Hospital."

Chen Kai thought helplessly, I'm afraid I have to go to the hospital today anyway, but I feel a little embarrassed in my heart, not talking about anything else, but after arriving at the hospital, in case the doctor says there is nothing wrong, How embarrassing is it to just rub a little alcohol for disinfection?

Seeing Chen Kai's dawdling manner, Qin Xiang immediately turned around and glared at him.

"I said, are you alright? Even if you really don't want to go today, even if I call the security guard to carry you, you have to follow me to the hospital."

Chen Kai really had no other choice, so he could only lie down gently and look at Qin Xiang with a wry smile.

"Okay, well, since you've said that, if I don't go, I'm afraid I really don't know what's good or bad. Then don't hold my hand like this. It's not like I can't go by myself."

Qin Xiang forced a smile.

"So you also know that you don't know good from bad? I really can't let go, because you run so fast, if I let go of you, you will disappear without a trace. At that time, where can I find you?" you?"

An Mengyao also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes, I was going to take Chen Kai to the hospital last night, but he refused desperately, and finally went to my place for a simple bandage. Up to now, my heart is still hanging. If it really causes inflammation, it will be really troublesome."

Chen Kai thought to himself, An Mengyao is a real girl, although she knows that the other party really cares about her, but if you say this, doesn't that make Qin Xiang even more worried?
As expected, Qin Xiang immediately widened her eyes again, and looked at Chen Kai with some doubts.

"Then why didn't you tell me in advance? If you let me know that you are really injured, I'm afraid I will let you have a good rest at home today instead of letting you come to the company. "

Chen Kai thought to himself, this is not what I want to come here at all.If I hadn't heard that An Mengyao was being troubled by those gangsters again, I would really like to rest at home.

But since I know An Mengyao is in danger, how can I stay at home?

Thinking this way in my heart, but the footsteps of the three people did not stop.

An Mengyao suddenly felt like a light bulb. On the one hand, she was very concerned about Chen Kai's safety and wanted to know what the doctor said. On the other hand, from the bottom of her heart, she was also willing to accompany Chen Kai at this time. .

So it wasn't close or far away, and slowly followed behind, Qin Xiang finally opened the car door, and let Chen Kai sit in the co-pilot's seat.

An Mengyao sat alone in the back seat, and when everyone was done, Qin Xiang started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and went straight to the hospital.

Fortunately, the hospital is not too far away. After more than ten minutes' drive, Qin Xiang drove the car into a hospital, then parked the car, took Chen Kai's hand, and walked into the gate of the hospital together.

(End of this chapter)

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