Chapter 245 Triangle Embarrassment
The wound was finally treated, the doctor looked at Chen Kai and smiled meaningfully.

"There are two beautiful girls who worry about you. It's really a good fortune for you to cultivate. After you go back, take good care of your injuries. When you're free, don't fight with others again."

Chen Kai didn't hear these words, but Qin Xiang and An Mengyao's faces turned red all of a sudden.

Because An Mengyao liked Chen Kai in her heart, she lowered her head and dared not speak.

Qin Xiang's mood was extremely complicated, but she also knew that it was difficult to refute at this time, and topics like this could only become darker and darker.

He just muttered in a dissatisfied voice.

"What are you talking about?"

Seeing the expressions of the two beauties, the doctor immediately guessed about it, and hurriedly smiled and waved his hands.

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything just now."

Chen Kaijue's hospital made him extremely embarrassed, and at this moment he coughed lightly.

"Now that the wound has been treated, I think we should leave the hospital?"

An Mengyao didn't want to stay here for a long time, but she didn't leave because she couldn't bear to part with Chen Kai. Now that she heard Chen Kai say this, she nodded immediately, turned around and walked to the door of the hospital first.

Qin Xiang was a little dissatisfied that An Mengyao left without saying hello, she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just looked at Chen Kai resentfully, and followed An Mengyao's footsteps.

The two beauties had already left Chen Kai, so they looked at the doctor with some embarrassment and smiled.

"I made you laugh."

The doctor also smiled, and then patted Chen Kai on the shoulder.

"Being liked by a girl is undoubtedly a very happy thing, but being liked by two such beautiful girls at the same time is a headache."

Chen Kai thought that I was more than just liked by these two beauties, no, I still don't know how Qin Xiang feels about him, but the attitude of the sisters in that family towards him is undoubtedly very obvious.

An Mengyao already had some very subtle and embarrassing relationships for the two of them, plus Lin Keke and Gao Rourou, thinking of these beautiful beauties pestering her every day, it made Chen Kai's head shudder. A little bit older, but it was inconvenient to say these words to a doctor, so in the end, I could only let out a long sigh.

After Qin Xiang walked to the door, she suddenly found that Chen Kai hadn't followed, so she turned around and shouted at the door in dissatisfaction.

"I said Chen Kai, what are you still doing here? Why don't you come out quickly?"

Chen Kai looked at the doctor embarrassedly and smiled.

"I really have to go, thank you."

After speaking, it's no wonder that she walked towards the entrance of the hospital. An Mengyao was already waiting at the station, and Qin Xiang was standing at the entrance of the hospital. When she saw Chen Kai coming out, she complained dissatisfied.

"Why so long?"

Chen Kai smiled lightly.

"I just asked the doctor if I needed to take some anti-inflammatory drugs or something. The doctor said that this kind of wound has been bandaged, and it is enough to change the medicine every two days, and there is no need to take the medicine taken internally."

After hearing this, Qin Xiang secretly blamed herself for being careless, and her expression softened.

"Then have you taken the medicine?"

Chen Kai patted his pocket lightly, indicating that the medicine had already been packed, but in fact he didn't bring any medicine with him at all. According to Chen Kai's intention, there was no need to change the medicine at all, but he also knew that Qin Xiang couldn't tell Qin Xiang what to say. explain.

An Mengyao looked at this side with some resentment, she was already a little anxious, but she didn't dare to rush.

Fortunately, Chen Kai saw An Mengyao from a distance, and couldn't help being moved.

"Let's go home first."

Qin Xiang nodded silently and said in a low voice.

"If I hadn't been waiting here for you, I would have already driven away. Who made you so slow?"

Chen Kai couldn't talk and walked quickly to the front of the car, Qin Xiang was still sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and An Mengyao sat in the back of the car.

The car started, and after leaving the hospital, Chen Kai pretended to be nonchalant and asked.

"Should we send An Mengyao back first?"

Qin Xiang thought that this is what it should be, otherwise she would have to be beaten away, and after going through such a serious incident, An Mengyao must have a strong psychological shadow.

At this time, we should pay more attention and love, not to mention the employees in our own company, it is really unreasonable to put them down here.

He nodded silently again: "Of course, do you still need to ask?"

A smile rose from the corner of Chen Kai's mouth, he stopped talking, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped towards An Mengyao's residence.

Nothing happened on the way, and a few people came downstairs to An Mengyao smoothly.

An Mengyao got out of the car carefully, walked around to the window of the driver's cab, and tapped lightly on the window.

Chen Kai rolled down the window and looked at An Mengyao with some doubts.

"what happened?"

An Mengyao looked at Qin Xiang, the co-pilot intentionally or unintentionally, but Qin Xiang deliberately looked out the window on the other side without saying a word.

An Mengyao hesitated for a long time, and finally asked in a low voice.

"That tonight, are you still here?"

Although Qin Xiang looked out the window, her ears kept listening to what An Mengyao was going to say to Chen Kai.

After hearing these words, her delicate body shook, and then she realized that Chen Kai didn't go home last night and was with this girl, and she didn't bother to ask why, she just felt an unknown feeling in her heart. The fire came up slowly.

Chen Kai was extremely embarrassed in his heart, thinking how could he ask such a question in Qin Xiang's face?

Of course he didn't know that Qin Xiang had already explained to An Mengyao that he and he were siblings, and it was precisely because of this that An Mengyao hesitated for a long time before finally deciding to speak out.

Since Qin Xiang is Chen Kai's older sister, once she and Chen Kai are really together, everyone will be no outsider in the future. Anyway, Qin Xiang will know sooner or later that she is Chen Kai's girlfriend, and there is nothing to avoid.

But she forgot to ask, what is Chen Kai thinking deep in his heart, if he regards himself as a girlfriend, then of course there is nothing wrong with doing so, but if he just treats himself as a more intimate friend...

Chen Kai really didn't know how to answer this question. Seeing that An Mengyao was still waiting patiently, his eyes full of expectation, he couldn't bear to refuse immediately, let alone agree, so he sighed lightly.

"I guess I won't come tonight? Don't worry, I will call you. "

The most sensible thing to do now, of course, is to do this, Qin Xiang is not the only one here, there are three sisters too.

(End of this chapter)

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