Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 248 2 Lesbian Sleep

Chapter 248 Two Women Sleeping Together
Chen Kai thought to himself, this is okay, although cooking requires experience and learning slowly, but washing dishes seems unnecessary, right?At most, it's just throwing a few plates.

And it's true that I can't get water on my hands. Now that the two girls have proposed it, it's hard for me to refuse.

So he nodded silently: "If you really want to, then I'll do my best. I'll cook something delicious for you when I recover from my injury."

Qin Yue and Qin Min rolled their eyes at each other, and then they packed up the dishes and went into the kitchen. Fortunately, they didn't hear any sound of plates and bowls being smashed, so Chen Kai felt relieved and walked into his room.

Lying on the bed, she was silently thinking about what to do with An Mengyao's part.

This is really a headache. Up to now, there are countless people who share the same bed with Chen Kai. Although none of them have a relationship, they must all fall in love with him.

Chen Kai wanted to think of a way to deal with all these things quickly, otherwise when he really confirmed his relationship with a certain girl, the other girls would not know how sad they were.

But there is no better way, the only gratifying and effective way is to get away from these girls as soon as possible, but if I really do that, what should I do if they are in any danger?I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life, right?
The more Chen Kai thought about it, the more he didn't know what to do. In the end, he simply told himself to take one step at a time. It was useless to think so much now.

Thinking of Chen Kai, he closed his eyes. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard a slight noise, and Chen Kai immediately opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the door was heard to open. Judging from the sound of breathing of the person standing at the door, the person who came must be Qin Yue.

Chen Kai's heartbeat quickened, and he thought to himself why this girl can't stop talking, if he sleeps in his own bed every day from now on, he might never be able to sleep well.

Originally, she wanted to sit up and speak clearly to Qin Yue, but then she thought again, that might make Qin Yue sad, and after much deliberation, she finally decided to talk about it later when she finds a chance.

Having made up his mind, Chen Kai closed his eyes again, pretending to be asleep.

Qin Yue just stood at the door for a few seconds this time, and then I climbed onto Chen Kai's bed like a cat.

He boldly hugged Chen Kai's neck and fell asleep.

Chen Kai groaned secretly in his heart, because the girl's mailbox only pierced his nose for a while, not only his heartbeat accelerated, but his natural breathing also became a little short, but he couldn't show it.

Because that would definitely let Qin Yue know that she was not asleep at all, and at that time, if something indescribable happened, it would be really troublesome.

Although Chen Kai has passed the previous tests, will he be able to stand this time?Then I am afraid that only God can know.

When he was feeling anxious, he suddenly heard a knock on the door again. Chen Kai couldn't pretend anymore, so he opened his eyes and shouted towards the door.

"Who is it?"

Qin Min's voice came from outside the door, and there was a bit of panic in the voice.

"Did you hear something just now?"

Chen Kai replied casually: "There is no sound, maybe it's a mouse?"

It’s okay not to say this sentence, the master regretted it as soon as he said this sentence, because it suddenly occurred to me that these sisters seem to be the most afraid of mice, especially Qin Min, she is the least courageous, but now the words I have already said it, and it is too late to change it.

As expected, when Qin Min heard that there were mice in the room, he immediately jumped up in fright, opened the door desperately and rushed in.

Qin Yue buried her head in the quilt, Qin Min was in a panic, and didn't care about the shape of the quilt.

Rushed in front of Chen Kai and pinched him hard.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is the place where the villa pays the most attention to hygiene, and I remember that the eldest sister once told you that only people are allowed in this room, and no live animals with fur are allowed. I believe you will never You will disobey the order of the eldest sister, so you must have been talking nonsense just now."

Chen Kai was about to argue, but something even more unexpected happened. Qin Min took off his shoes, jumped onto Chen Kai's bed, and then got under the quilt.

Chen Kai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thinking that there is a beautiful woman on the left and another beautiful woman on the right.

If I can sleep tonight, I will see a living ghost, and I can't even turn over at all.

Although this bed is very spacious, it is only for one person, and three people sleep on such a bed. People who have never experienced that kind of embarrassment may never be able to understand it.

Chen Kai suddenly remembered that the last time he was out in the same tent with Qin Yue and Gao Rourou, but the two of them knew each other that time, now Qin Min doesn't even know that Qin Yue is also on this bed.

Although I don't know now, I will know sooner or later, and at that time, there will definitely be another quarrel, and Chen Kai really doesn't know what to do.

Although Qin Min didn't hug Chen Kai's neck, his body was leaning against him tightly. He had a slightly different body fragrance from Qin Yue, and kept getting into Chen Kai's nose. It's about to flow down.

Finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"I said Qin Min, I am a big man, and you are an upright young woman, isn't it a bit inappropriate for us to do this? If Qin Xiang finds out, how will we be punished?"

Qin Min pretended to be scared on purpose, and grabbed Chen Kai desperately.

"You still have the nerve to tell me this now. You clearly know that I am the most timid, but you just said that there are some mice in this villa. It scares my heart so fast now."

Chen Kai could only smile wryly, thinking that this is really asking for trouble, what kind of mouse are you talking about in front of girls?
But Qin Min can't be allowed to sleep on this bed?
But so what?
Chen Kai now only hopes that Qin Yue hides better, and also hopes that Qin Min can fall asleep quickly.

But he also knows that this is simply impossible.

Finally, Qin Min suddenly felt that besides his own two legs, there were actually three legs on the bed.

Qin Min was so frightened that he let out an "Aw".

"What's going on? There's a third leg in here?"

Chen Kai was startled, and couldn't help but smiled wryly again, thinking that the most worrying thing still happened, how can he explain it now?
(End of this chapter)

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