Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 25 See Big Brother

Chapter 25 See Big Brother
The bald man had been stunned by this scene for a long time, and now he was sitting there in a daze, and he probably forgot to close his mouth.

After tidying up these people, Chen Kai clapped his hands, and his casual eyes fell on the bald man.

"Did you see clearly?"

An unwavering voice sounded in the bar, standing in the middle of this group of people, he was like a king.

I didn't want to do anything at first, but looking at the situation today, if I don't let them know how powerful I am, it will probably be endless.

"How on earth did you do it?"

At this moment, the bald man only had this doubt in his mind.

With fifty people, how did he manage to defeat all of them without getting hurt?
And his speed just now is like turning on a motor, which is not owned by a normal person at all!
What would it be like if such a person became his boss?
Suddenly, the bald man had such an idea in his heart.

"You have something to say, Photon, remember to compensate the injured people and the loss of this bar."

The bald man stood up suddenly, and then walked towards Chen Kai.

"I have always admired powerful people. You are indeed stronger than me. I believe that under your leadership, we will be able to develop better. How about being my big brother?"

What he said was full of sincerity, and indeed from the heart.

Chen Kai is so powerful, if he hangs out with him, no one will dare to crush them recklessly in the future, and he can learn more skills.

Although at this moment he didn't understand why Chen Kai had to hide it even though he had such strength, but he could predict the future, and he would definitely not suffer from following this person!
"I can give you this bar as my sincerity!"

Seeing Chen Kai's indifferent appearance, the bald man was a little anxious.

Is he still angry about what happened just now?

"It was all my younger brother's fault just now. My younger brother has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and offended my elder brother. I hope my elder brother will forgive me!"

The bald man was about to kneel down, but Chen Kai grabbed his arm and couldn't move.

"Okay, I haven't spoken yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

He glanced at the interior environment of the bar. It was indeed very good, and everything was decorated with the latest trend. If he accepted it, it would be a good source of funds for his own operations.

The daily turnover of this location must not be low, which can lay the foundation for my future career.

"This bar is indeed very good, I like it very much."

"Really? Big brother likes it, so my younger brother will buy it and give it to big brother."

The bald man immediately took out the check and wrote 100 million on it, then respectfully handed the check to Chen Kai with both hands.

"This is?"

Chen Kai asked knowingly.

The bald man explained: "This 100 million can just buy this bar, and this 100 million can just buy this bar!"

Then he asked his subordinates to call the store owner.

"I have taken a fancy to your bar. There is 100 million in it. It is more than enough to buy your bar."

Said that Ze asked Chen Kai to give the check to the store, and then asked the store to draw up a contract.

When the bar was established, it only cost 60 million yuan, but now the other party buys it at double the price. Of course, the store will not give up such a cheap good thing.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll go to draft the contract right away."

Excitedly holding the check in his hand, he immediately went to draft the contract.

A full 100 million!

Not to mention buying this bar, buying two is enough!

There are so many good locations in this city, with this 100 million, it is not a problem to open another bar.

The bald man looked at Chen Kai standing, and then his eyes fell on the chair he was sitting on just now.

"Brother, wait a moment, the contract will be drafted in a while, and this bar will be yours."

As the bald man spoke, he moved the chair he was sitting on just behind Chen Kai.

"Brother, sit down!"

Chen Kai nodded, but did not sit down.

"Just call me by my name. You don't have to be so restrained in front of me in the future. You can do whatever you want in the future."

It's really hard to get used to listening to this big brother.

"But, this..."

That's not quite right, is it?

The bald man was a little embarrassed, after all, his identity was here, but seeing that Chen Kai didn't care at all, the bald man had no choice but to take back what he wanted to say.

I didn't expect the boss to be so peaceful, what a blessing!

The bald man standing behind Chen Kai was so excited that he was crying in pain, he was almost crying like a ghost.

The store quickly drafted it, and there was nothing special about the contract.After checking that there was no problem, Chen Kai signed it.

"All the utensils in this bar belong to you. Are these employees staying?"

The former owner of the bar looked at Chen Kai. Although the bar had changed hands, the placement of the staff was still a problem. Although it was no longer his turn to take care of these, as the original owner, he still needed to say hello.

"Then just stay here, just follow the previous salary and treatment."

Chen Kai said.

The development of the bar still needs to be managed by employees. Since they are all ready-made, why should I go to such trouble for a long time.

However, after doing all this, he remembered the time, looked at the time on the watch, and realized that more than two hours had passed before he knew it.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

The bald man who observed carefully noticed Chen Kai's movements, and asked tentatively, "Is it the two ladies from this afternoon?"

"Speak up."

"I'm leaving first. What are you supposed to do in the future? Remember, you are not allowed to do anything that hurts nature and reason."

"Yes, yes, with the words of the elder brother, the younger brother will definitely not mess around."

The bald man nodded and bowed while talking, sending Chen Kai away respectfully.

Chen Kai drove the car out of the garage and went straight home.

However, when he opened the door and walked into the room, he found that the four sisters were sitting neatly on the sofa, looking at him with burning eyes.

The atmosphere is not right!
Subconsciously glanced at the watch on his wrist, he was not late!
"It's so late, are you still resting?"

After changing his shoes, Chen Kai stepped forward and sat down at the other end of the sofa.

However, the eyes of the four sisters still did not change at all, and they kept staring at Chen Kai complicatedly.

"Is there something dirty on my face?" Chen Kai was even more surprised.


Finally, in this weird atmosphere, Qin Xiang finally broke the deadlock.

"It's getting late, let's go to rest first, and you should also go to rest early."

Qin Xiang led the three younger sisters back to the room to sleep, and Chen Kai was left alone in the living room again.

What exactly happened here?
Looking at the backs of the sisters leaving at the same time, Chen Kai scratched the back of his head in doubt, wondering what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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