Chapter 251
Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai with some puzzlement.

"What's wrong? I told you to go back and rest, why are you pulling me?"

Chen Kai sighed again helplessly, and looked in the direction of his room meaningfully.

"Now there are two big beauties in that room. I closed the door on purpose to prevent them from coming out. Do you think if I go back now, I will be safe tonight?"

Qin Xiang's eyes widened immediately: "I can tell you, if you dare to touch a single hair of my two younger sisters, you will suffer. I don't care what those two little girls think about you, but you But you can’t do anything more polite.”

Chen Kai nodded heavily: "I think so too, but if I'm in the same room with these two flowery beauties, and they are so enthusiastic and proactive, what will happen to me? There is really no way to guarantee it, even if I am Liu Xiahui, but Liu Xiahui is just hugging a girl, I have two girls on the left and one on the right surrounding me at the same time."

A smile flashed across Qin Xiang's eyes, but she immediately straightened her face again.

"Then what do you say? Otherwise, you'll be wronged on the sofa all night."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Qin Xiang immediately thought that Chen Kai was injured on the sofa, and he couldn't rest well anyway, so she wanted to change her words hastily.

"Forget it, forget it, your current physical condition is really not suitable for sleeping on the sofa, but you can't just go outside and open a hotel for you just because of this."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly, looking at Qin Xiang with flickering eyes.

"Actually, I have an uninvited feeling. Can I sleep in your room tonight?"

Qin Xiang immediately turned red, stomped her feet and stared at Chen Kai.

"What are you talking about? No matter how dare you talk nonsense, do you believe that I will drive you out of here?"

Chen Kai hurriedly shook his head anxiously: "I didn't mean that, didn't you also say that just now? I have an injury on my body and I have a good rest. Is there any other place to go now? I just stayed in your room for a night. Don't worry I won't have any..."

Qin Xiang immediately interrupted him: "Why do I have to worry about it? Even if you have the guts of a big ambition, you still dare not touch one of my fingers."

Chen Kai laughed: "Since you know that even if I have the heart, I don't have the guts, then let's make a deal like this."

Qin Xiang originally wanted to agree, but immediately thought of a very serious problem, that is, there is only one bed in her bedroom, if Chen Kai is allowed to sleep on the bed, where will she sleep?I can't sleep on the sofa by myself...

But if you don't sleep on the sofa, you can only sleep on the floor, which is even worse. Thinking that if you agree to Chen Kai, you will have to share the same bed with him, Qin Xiang's face becomes even redder.

Chen Kai also felt that it was inappropriate to do this, but there was really no other way. If he went back to his room now, he would definitely be eaten alive by those two girls.

Now I can only endure it in Qin Xiang's room.

Qin Xiang hesitated for a long time, finally heaved a long sigh, and pointed at Chen Kai.

"I can tell you, it's best to behave yourself tonight. If I find out that you have any unruly thoughts or actions, I will kill you."

When Chen Kai heard that Qin Xiang was really willing to agree, he nodded hastily.

"Don't worry, don't see evil, don't listen to evil, and don't speak evil, I still understand the truth."

Qin Xiang thought to herself, there is no other good way anyway, Chen Kai is considered honest on weekdays, even if he is in the same room, nothing will happen.

Thinking of this, he nodded silently.

"Then you come with me."

Chen Kai also stopped talking, and followed Qin Xiang's footsteps silently.

When going to bed, Qin Xiang suddenly felt very nervous, and her heartbeat accelerated a lot, wondering why she agreed to Chen Kai just now.

But now that Chen Kai had followed him into the bedroom, it might be too late to change his mind, so he had to move around by the bed to make room for Chen Kai.

Chen Kai knew that Qin Xiang must be in an embarrassing mood at this time, so he couldn't say anything more, but just lay down on the other side silently.

Qin Xiang saw that Chen Kai was really well-behaved, so she gradually felt relieved.

Early the next morning, Chen Kai woke up. Seeing Qin Xiang who was still sleeping beside him, his heart beat faster, because this is really a beautiful woman who is almost impeccable, and she is not at all. Like the woman in the room, don't talk about sharing the same bed with such a woman, even if you sleep alone in such a bedroom, many men must be willing to squeeze their heads.

Thinking of Chen Kaibo, some sighed again, and walked out of the room slowly. He didn't dare to take his steps too hard, because he was worried that it would wake Qin Xiang up.

Now that the sky is already bright, Chen Kai can return to his room with peace of mind.

But as soon as he opened the door, he immediately saw Qin Yue and Qin Min staring at the door. He didn't know if he woke them up when he opened the door, or because the two girls didn't sleep all night.

Seeing Chen Kai coming in, Qin Yue jumped out of bed and quickly ran to Chen Kai.

"I said what's the matter with you? Didn't you say you have something to talk to my eldest sister? Why didn't you come back all night?"

Qin Min also jumped out of the bed, and stood on the other side of Chen Kai not to be outdone.

"You'd better explain it to us both."

Chen Kai had no choice but to smile bitterly: "I don't know, what should I explain to you, I didn't invite you last night, but you came to my room by yourself and took over my room, so I had no choice but to go outside went."

Qin Yue and Qin Min retorted in unison: "How dare you say that?"

Chen Kai had no choice but to smile helplessly: "It's really strange for me to say you two. It's you who let me talk about it, and you who don't let me talk about it. So what exactly do you want from me?"

Then I suddenly sighed again: "I actually didn't mean to leave the room. After seeing your elder sister, I remembered that there was something very important to talk to her, but I felt that the time was too long. It was getting late, and I thought that you two girls must have fallen asleep, and I couldn't bear to wake you up, so I simply fell asleep in the eldest sister's room."

Qin Yue and Qin Min couldn't help but glanced at each other. Although they didn't believe that Chen Kai was really talking about something with the eldest sister, Chen Kai did leave with Qin Xiang, so the two of them didn't pursue anything.

(End of this chapter)

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