Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 254 Gym Coach

Chapter 254 Gym Coach
"This is your first student, her name is An Le."

After the curator finished speaking, he quietly retreated. Chen Kai felt a little baffled by the curator. He didn't agree to come to work today, at least tomorrow, right?

But now the curator has long since disappeared, so helpless, Chen Kai could only shake his head with a wry smile, looking at the girl Anle in front of him.

"My name is Chen Kai, please give me more advice in the future?"

The girl showed a smile: "My name is An Le, I think I should ask you to teach me more, because you are your teacher, and your martial arts must be better than yours, right?"

Chen Kai saw how thin this girl was, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Such a girl should be protected by a strong boy.

But there is such a kind of person in the world, to be precise, there is such a kind of woman, who is so strong that she wants to learn martial arts by herself.

But learning martial arts also depends on physical fitness. People with good physical fitness can make great progress in a short period of time, but as this girl is so thin, no matter how long she practices, she will not be able to reach the level of success.

At most, it was just defeating two or three little hooligans.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai asked subconsciously.

"Why do you want to learn martial arts? Seeing that you are so thin and small, you should study hard, right? Even if you really want to exercise, at least there are many more suitable items for girls that you can train."

An Le obviously heard what Chen Kai meant, he clearly meant that he should not learn martial arts at all, but he didn't refute at the moment, just smiled faintly.

"You wait here for a while now."

As he spoke, he turned and walked out the door. Seeing the girl's back at that time, he sighed in his heart and felt a little regretful. The decision he made just now was really reckless. At least he should observe what kind of people the students here are.

Although those people met in a hurry during the fight yesterday, but because the time was too hasty, and at that time, the mind was not on getting to know these people at all.

So I didn't know too much about it, and I didn't expect that there are all kinds of students in this Taoist temple. Such a thin and small girl doesn't look like a martial arts learner.

Just as he was thinking about it, An Le had already returned, but this time he had an extra wooden board in his hand, which was often seen in Taoist temples, and it was specially used for martial arts training.

An Le looked at Chen Kai provocatively.

"I have been learning martial arts for a while. Although I haven't made much progress, I have learned a little bit anyway. Why don't I show my skills in front of the teacher and let you teach me."

Chen Kai is no stranger to the wooden planks in An Le's hands, and he remembers practicing with them when he was learning martial arts.

Knowing that under normal circumstances, with such a thin girl, it is absolutely impossible to break that piece of wood.

But listening to the girl speak so calmly and confidently, it is obvious that she has enough confidence in herself, and maybe she has tried this many times before.

Chen Kai had no choice but to watch quietly. An Le closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then opened her eyes suddenly. The eyes were as bright as the cold stars in the night sky.

Just seeing this pair of eyes, Chen Kai knew that his guess was really wrong, this little girl is really a good material for practicing martial arts.

It's just that I don't know the reason for being so thin, but the potential that burst out of the body is not allowed to be underestimated by anyone.

Suddenly there was a loud shout, followed by the sound of planks cracking.

An Le took another deep breath, then looked at Chen Kai with some complacency.

"Do you think this level can be your student?"

Although Chen Kai couldn't be said to be stunned, at least he felt a little secret admiration in his heart, and he had completely changed his view of this girl, so he nodded.

"It's true that people can't be judged by their appearance..."

I didn't say this sentence because I was worried that the girls would misunderstand after hearing it, and felt that I was saying that the parents were not good-looking.

Seeing that Chen Kai stopped talking, An Le smiled even wider.

"If there is no doubt, let's start training now. In fact, I still don't believe it when I hear the curator say that your martial arts are so good, but I can't believe it, because I rarely see the curator. There was that look of admiration on my face when I mentioned anyone."

Chen Kai didn't know how to answer this sentence, he just smiled lightly, and then coughed lightly.

"I don't need to say some compliments. I just practiced martial arts since I was a child. Hard training is the most basic rule of learning martial arts. As far as I know, only martial arts has no chances. There is a point to gain, I believe you must have already understood such a truth."

An Le had no choice but to nod, and Chen Kai began to teach formally.

With this contact, Chen Kai was even more surprised to find that An Le's talent was so high, as long as he handed in a move, the other party could immediately understand the essence of it.

Moreover, he was able to learn in a good manner very quickly, and he could master seven or eight points, which made Chen Kai very proud, thinking that I, Chen Kai, had someone to succeed me.

The master is serious about teaching, and the apprentice is even more serious about studying. Time flies very quickly, and soon the sky gradually darkened. Man, Chen Kai's time is almost over, no matter how much he likes this student, but now it's time It's time to get off work.

What's more, the future is long, and it is impossible for him to teach this little girl everything he has learned.

"It's getting late now, I think we'll stop here today."

An Le seemed to be a little bit unsatisfied. After hearing this sentence, she couldn't help showing a disappointed look on her face, but she also knew that what Chen Kai said was true. After a moment of silence, she suddenly looked at Chen Kai and smiled.

"Okay then, but in order to show your gratitude to you, I plan to invite you to dinner tonight. I hope the teacher will never refuse."

Chen Kai seemed to have expected that An Le would say this, raised his hand to look at the watch, and then pointed to the pointer on the watch with his right hand.

"It was already late when I went back today, and after eating..."

Before he finished speaking, An Le suddenly stomped his feet and looked at Chen Kai, saying very aggrieved.

"He just wants to have a meal with the teacher. Do you have to refuse me like this?"

This was clearly a coquettish tone, and he couldn't help but sighed in his heart again, his soft-heartedness in front of girls really should be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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