Chapter 257
Hu Qingteng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Boy, take your life for me today."

As he said that, he rushed towards Chen Kai fiercely. His huge body became extremely flexible at this moment. I am afraid that this kind of skill cannot be mastered without decades of hard work, but this kid looks like he is only in his thirties. Could it be? Did you start learning martial arts from an early age?

Chen Kai was immersed in his own thoughts, but Hu Qingteng's fist had already rushed to the door.

Chen Kai didn't pay attention to it at all, and waited until the fist was about to hit him, before he slammed back and let the punch pass.

Hu Qingteng was taken aback, originally thought that this blow would definitely succeed, he had fought many masters before, and few of them could escape his punch with all his strength, but the Chen Kai in front of him was so light Quietly dodged his own attack.

"Boy, sure enough, there are two tricks, but if you think that you can escape with your life, I think you should stop daydreaming, and I still want to advise you, you should suffer less flesh and blood, and let me kill you obediently .”

Although he said this in his mouth, the fist in his hand did not stop, and each punch was faster and harder than one punch. Chen Kai still smiled, looked at him calmly, and avoided him. Fist coming.

"Actually speaking from conscience, it's not bad for you to have such martial arts. This at least means that you became a person at the management level of your organization, not by luck, but by real kung fu. But if you think It's really wishful thinking to be able to defeat me with this kind of martial arts."

Hu Qingteng has already punched more than ten times, but he didn't even touch the corner of Chen Kai's clothes at this moment. He already knew that he had encountered a top expert, and beads of sweat were already oozing from his face. Of course, part of it was because of surprise, but The other part was because I was really tired.

All these years, he has been pampered and living a good life, so he has little time to practice martial arts, and if he does not practice martial arts for a few days, he will inevitably become unfamiliar.

Although Hu Qingteng understands this truth, people are like this sometimes. Everyone has laziness, especially after reaching a certain level of life or climbing to a certain stage, they will gradually forget the original intention .

Seeing that his breathing had gradually become short of breath, Chen Kai became more confident in his heart, and at this moment he was not in a hurry to defeat him.

Instead, I want to see how long this person can last, and also want to know whether he can use such subtle tricks-although this possibility is very rare.

The more Hu Qingteng hit, the more frightened he became, and the more he hit, the more angry he felt.

"Why don't you fight back? Do you think that if you don't fight back, I can be merciful by your subordinates? I have just said that the hatred of taking my wife is irreconcilable."

Chen Kai couldn't help but sighed again: "I said that our fight was really inexplicable. I talked about it for a long time, but I still didn't clarify the problem. You always said that I robbed your wife, but you Didn't you say what your daughter-in-law's name is?"

Hu Qingteng spat fiercely on the ground and stared at Chen Kai viciously.

"What are you, you don't even deserve my wife's name, and you're obviously pretending, which is even more hateful."

Chen Kai was really speechless. He knew in his heart that there might be no reason to talk to this person. If he really wanted to know who his girlfriend was, he could only defeat him by himself, and then use other means.

"Since this is the case, then I don't have to show mercy to you anymore. You should use up all your strength quickly, and don't show mercy."

That's exactly what Hu Qingteng thought. Hearing what Chen Kai said, he flew over in a rage. The attack just now was very clear, at least it looked good, but now he was obviously overwhelmed by anger. Dazed, at this time Hu Qingteng was no different from fighting with street gangsters.

Then he knew that it was almost done, and when he rushed in front of him, he raised his foot suddenly, reminding this person of his knees.

Hu Qingteng watched the kick come out, but had no way to dodge it, and then hugged one foot and jumped up on the spot.

"Okay Chen Kai, you actually hit me, I'm going to fight you today!"

Chen Kai shook his head slightly: "Frankly speaking, although I have fought many times before, there are very few people who are confused like this. Otherwise, let's make things clear."

Hu Qingteng no longer had any desire to communicate, and rushed towards Chen Kai desperately.

Chen Kai's kick just now was just to let the opponent know how powerful it was, and it was only a small amount of strength. This kind of strength can only make the opponent temporarily hurt, but it will not really cause any harm. But I didn't expect this kid to be so ignorant.

"I said we really need to stop for a while, or if I really hurt you, you will be wronged."

Hu Qingteng frowned and snorted coldly.

"Don't say such beautiful words, who doesn't know, you are obviously afraid, and you want to ask for forgiveness but you can't save face, so you say such things on purpose."

Chen Kai knew quite a lot of people. Over the years, he had met all kinds of people, but there were not many people who were so stupid and stupid and had a little bit of martial arts.

If it was in normal times, Chen Kai would even think this person is very interesting and cute, and even if he is in a good mood, he can have a drink or two with him, but now he is really not in the mood.

Now I also know that I don't have any deep hatred with him, there must be some misunderstanding, and he refuses to say who his girlfriend is.

This put Chen Kai in a dilemma. Although he could be defeated in one shot, but judging by his appearance, it seemed that he was not resistant to beating. If he was injured, he would really feel a little bit sorry.

Hu Qingteng roared and rushed over again at this moment.

Chen Kai had no choice but to keep backing away, and only shouted loudly after avoiding this move.

"I advise you to calm down. If you are so ignorant of flattery again, I will really be rude to you. Let me tell you one last time. I really don't know who your wife is. If you just want to find someone If you have an excuse to fight with me, then we can definitely make another appointment, I am really not in the mood today, and I have no time to waste here with you."

(End of this chapter)

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