Chapter 264
The secretary became more and more inexplicable, and it's not that she didn't know the relationship between Qin Xiang and Chen Kai, but because of this reason, it would be a bit of a big deal to set up a special position for the company.

But thinking of the experience that An Mengyao had suffered a few days ago, the secretary immediately understood the purpose of doing so.

"Actually, that's good too. I heard that Chen Kai is a master of martial arts. If An Mengyao becomes his assistant, the two of them will definitely spend more time together in the future, so those bad guys will not dare to act rashly."

Qin Xiang nodded silently: "Actually, I think that's what Chen Kai meant when he sent me a message, so you go to the office of the sixth group and tell Chen Kai, just say what I said, and officially promote An Mengyao to become a Chen Kai's assistant."

The secretary suddenly looked at Qin Xiang and smiled: "Should I inform An Mengyao of such a matter first?"

Qin Xiang thought for a while and seemed to be the same reason, so she smiled.

"Okay, then you can tell An Mengyao first, and then tell Chen Kai."

The secretary nodded, then walked out of the president's office, heading straight for An Mengyao's desk.

An Mengyao was working hard and concentrating on her work, but she couldn't calm down, because Wang Qiang's fierce look always appeared in her mind, and she always remembered that this person would definitely be harmful to her in the future.

This made her unable to work with peace of mind, but now Wang Qiang hadn't made any substantive actions at all, and she couldn't take any measures because of the fear in her heart, which made her even more troubled.

Hearing the sound of high-heeled shoes, An Mengyao became even more disturbed, grabbed her hair vigorously and shook her head.

"It's really annoying."

The secretary just heard this sentence, so he looked at her with a smile on his face.

"I know you are very upset now, but soon you won't have to worry, because I have good news for you, and I can guarantee that it is a news that you absolutely want to hear."

Seeing that someone heard what she just said, An Mengyao blushed a little, and smiled again in embarrassment.

"Why are you like this? Don't you go out when you come here?"

The secretary pointed at the open door with a smile: "If you close the door, I won't say anything else, and when I came in, I gently poked at the door with my fingers, you don't know what you're thinking Something, has been fascinated, so I just walked in."

An Mengyao blushed even more after hearing this, and lowered her head, not daring to look at the secretary.

The secretary smiled even more happily, pulled up a chair, and sat beside An Mengyao.

"Actually, let me tell you that the president knows that you are troubled now, so he arranged a position for you, which is to let you become the assistant of the team leader, so that you can feel at ease?"

An Mengyao's eyes widened immediately, and she looked at the secretary in disbelief.

"Assistant to the team leader? Does our company have this position?"

The secretary shook his head lightly: "When I heard the news, I had the same reaction as you. I couldn't believe it at all, but after thinking about it, I think that ensuring the safety of employees is undoubtedly the most important thing, and it's better than you always like this Going to work in fear will greatly affect work efficiency."

An Mengyao nodded gratefully, almost shed tears, because the company was so thoughtful of her.

The news quickly reached Wang Qiang's ears, and Wang Qiang was furious because he also knew that this company only had six team leaders, and he had never heard of any deputy team leaders, let alone any assistants. The company's arrangement made it clear that it was protecting An Mengyao.

Or to be more precise, Chen Kai was protecting An Mengyao.

"Okay, Chen Kai, it's obvious that you are going to fight me to the end, but it's okay, let's wait and see, even if there is no such thing, I will settle with you. With this It’s even better if you go back and settle the old and new accounts together, I’ll pay the principal with interest, so you can’t afford to go around.”

Although the words were spoken happily, Wang Qiang didn't have any plans in his heart. After all, Chen Kai is now an existence with absolute strength, and it is simply not something that shrimp soldiers and crab generals can deal with with a large number of people.

What's more, I have already suffered a loss, as the saying goes, I have learned a lot from a pit, and I have been deposed as the most important part of a man, and I will never allow failure again.

The more I think about it, the more I can't think of an idea. Now that even my cousin has been killed, who else can I find who can help me?
An Mengyao's secretary had already left, but she couldn't catch her breath for a long time. She could figure it out with her toes. This was arranged by Chen Kai.

I also thought of what Qin Xiang had said to herself when she was in the hospital that she and Chen Kai were just siblings, although she didn't know whether the news was true or not, and it was precisely because she couldn't be sure that An Mengyao There was an inexplicable anxiety in my heart.

"No, since I've been asked to be the team leader's assistant, my desk has to be moved there, and I have to say hello to the team leader anyway, at least to express my gratitude to him."

Thinking of this, he stood up from his chair, walked straight to Chen Kai's office, knocked lightly on the door, pushed the door open and walked in after getting permission.

Seeing An Mengyao coming, Chen Kai stood up happily, pointed to the chair opposite him, and beckoned An Mengyao to sit down.

"You already know the thing, I said just now that I need to find two people to help you move the desk here, and then I saw that there happened to be one idle, so you just need to bring the parts over. , you will work by my side from now on."

An Mengyao blushed and said thank you.

Chen Kai waved his hand generously: "You don't need to be so polite, don't you know that Wang Qiang has already returned to work in the company, which means that he will not see you when he looks down. This kid will never forget you. Needless to say how to deal with you, just harassing you like this is unbearable."

An Mengyao nodded secretly, feeling that what Chen Kai said made sense.

"But the company actually created a new position for me, which really surprised me."

Chen Kai smiled faintly again: "This is just to ensure your safety."

After hearing this, An Mengyao was very happy. After all, with a martial arts master like Chen Kai, it would never be more suitable for her to be her bodyguard, but she felt a little lost for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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