Chapter 267
Walking at the door, I heard a girl crying from inside the room. An Mengyao lived alone, which meant that there was absolutely no one else besides An Mengyao for this crying girl.

Chen Kai anxiously knocked on the door: "An Mengyao, I know what's wrong with you inside? Why are you drunk? Open the door for me quickly."

No one opened the door, and no one even answered, but the crying never stopped. Chen Kai became more anxious, but he didn't dare to knock on the door any more, because in this corridor, in the dead of night, very It was easy to wake up other neighbors, but at that time it was another trouble. Fortunately, it seemed that this kind of security door could not stop Chen Kai.

Although he was not as exaggerated as poking open a neighborhood with half a pack of instant noodles, it was still a breeze to open a security door with a few simple tools.

Chen Kai took off all the keys and forcibly surrounded the key ring into a small hook. This is of course a very difficult task for ordinary people, but Chen Kai has internal strength.

He exerted some internal force, and then easily broke the key ring into the shape he wanted.

"I originally thought that this kind of ability would never be used again in this life, but I didn't expect that I would pick it up again here today. I just hope that I will not be seen by others, or they will treat me as a Thieves are in trouble."

Fortunately, everyone was already sound asleep now. Chen Kai looked around carefully to make sure that there was no one there, so he inserted the straightened key into the keyhole.

It took less than half a minute for Chen Kai to open the door.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw An Mengyao was sitting in the corner crying, and there were already several beer bottles beside him. Chen Kai knew that An Mengyao didn't usually drink alcohol, and he drank so much today, it must be because of What a sad thing.

But Chen Kai couldn't figure it out, because today Wang Qiang didn't embarrass An Mengyao at all, and he has obviously grown up, so he should be happy, but An Mengyao's current state, no matter how you look at it, you can't tell that she is happy look.

"I said what's the matter with you? Why can't you tell me what's going on? Why do you have to force yourself like this?"

An Mengyao opened her eyes, saw Chen Kai in front of her, and suddenly burst into tears again.

Chen Kai was startled, and hurriedly turned around to see if the door was closed. This was due to the sound insulation effect of the old community, which was not that good.

"I said can you stop crying first, what's going on, tell me, you really worry me like this."

An Mengyao suddenly hugged Chen Kai's neck.

"Do you know that I have a crush on you? Almost from the first time I saw you, I thought you were a good man. I had fantasized about being with you countless times in my mind, but you and Qin Xiang's relationship is so good, he told me that day that you are siblings, although I would like to believe you, but I can't believe it no matter what."

Chen Kai had no choice but to listen quietly.

An Mengyao went on to say to herself, "Why do you want to approach me? Why do you treat me so well? Do you just want to treat me as a plaything, and when you're done playing, you get bored and throw it away."

Chen Kai felt a sense of grievance in his heart, thinking that I just saw that you are a good girl, and I just don't have the heart to let anyone bully you, and I don't have the kind of thoughts you think at all.

Although sometimes I will be distracted, but it is a normal reaction of a man, you can't say that I have any plans for you because of this.

And until now, I don't remember ever being rude to you.

But Chen Kai also knew these words, even if he said them, An Mengyao would definitely not be able to listen to them now.

Seeing her covering her stomach while crying, Chen Kai asked with concern.

"Do you have a stomachache? Is it serious? Or should I take you to the hospital now?"

As he spoke, he was about to help her up, but An Mengyao pushed him away.

"I don't want to go to the hospital, I just stay here."

As he spoke, he picked up the beer bottle in his hand again. Seeing that there was more than half of it left in the bottle, Chen Kai snatched it away and said to her angrily.

"Look at the white beer bottles on the ground, can you stop drinking, you are very irresponsible to your body, do you know that?"

An Mengyao saw that the wine bottle was snatched by Chen Kai, and she struggled to snatch it back, but she couldn't reach Chen Kai anyway.

An Mengyao was disappointed and cried again.

"Why is my fate so bitter? Why is it not enough to be coaxed and bullied by hooligans? Even the man I like already has other girls I like?"

Chen Kaiting felt sad in his heart, and felt that the most important thing for sleeping pills now was to rest.

But seeing An Mengyao's current state, I'm afraid he won't be able to fall asleep no matter what. The only way is to hit his acupoints, make him fall asleep temporarily, and then send him directly to the hospital.

Stomach pain can be big or small, if it's okay, it's fine, if something happens, it will be troublesome if it's delayed.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai immediately clocked An Mengyao's sleeping hole, and An Mengyao suddenly became quiet. Chen Kai picked him up and stuffed him directly into the car.

Then he quickly drove to the hospital. After some examinations, the doctor told Chen Kai that there was no major problem at all, it was because drinking too much wine irritated his stomach, so he should take a little rest and drink a little porridge when he woke up, and he would be fine.

Only then did Chen Kai feel relieved, looking at An Mengyao who was sleeping on the hospital bed, crying and laughing.

"Let me tell you what your name is? It's enough for some hooligans to make trouble for you. You don't think it's enough, but why do you want to make trouble for yourself?"

An Mengyao was still asleep and could not hear his voice at all.

Chen Kai's cell phone rang suddenly, and he didn't need to guess that it must be one of the four sisters in the villa.

Without even thinking about it, she connected to the phone immediately, and Qin Xiang's anxious voice came from the other end of the line.

"I said Chen Kai, where did you go in the middle of the night?"

Chen Kai was a little embarrassed, but he still told the truth.

"How did you know I came out? Actually, it's nothing. An Mengyao got drunk for some reason. I've brought her to the hospital now. I believe I'll be back soon."

After Qin Xiang heard this, doubts arose in her heart.

"How could An Mengyao be drunk? I've known him for so long. This little girl has never drunk at all. What's going on today?"

(End of this chapter)

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