Chapter 270
Chen Kai was speechless, thinking, do you think I asked you to pack these things?But I also know that saying this is a bit too hurtful, so I sighed softly and sat down in front of An Mengyao's bed.

"Okay, now that I've sat down, just tell me what you want to talk about."

An Mengyao originally wanted to say something, but when Chen Kai really got in front of her, she couldn't say a word.

The room suddenly fell silent, Chen Kai felt that the atmosphere was a little bit awkward, and he didn't know what to say.

In the end, he just coughed lightly: "You drank so much wine and tossed around for most of the night, you should sleep for a while, don't worry, I won't leave, I have to make sure you are safe and sound before I can leave. "

An Mengyao originally wanted to say that she was not sleepy, but before she could open her mouth, she yawned a lot and couldn't help but laugh too.

"It was you who sent me to the hospital, and I didn't move at all. If you are really tired, it is because you are tired. To be honest, I feel a little sorry for this, or you should take a rest."

Chen Kai thought to himself that you only have one sofa here, can you still let me sleep?Do I still have to sleep on the sofa?Although it is not impossible to communicate on the sofa, after all, if you are really in the hospital, you are still sitting on a chair and sleeping on the head of the bed.

"You don't have to worry about me, just sleep in your own."

An Mengyao also closed her eyes, but as soon as she closed her eyes, Chen Kai was all in her mind, and now that he was sitting in front of her, did she really have the heart to let him stay up all night with her like this?

Thinking of this, I suddenly opened my eyes: "You really make it difficult for me to fall asleep, or you should come to bed too."

After saying this sentence, his face immediately turned red again. Chen Kai suddenly felt that An Mengyao was so cute, and she was in this state now. Since she still didn't forget to worry about others, she wanted to refuse, because such a narrow bed, although It's much more comfortable than sitting on a chair, but An Mengyao must not be able to sleep well.

Seeing that Chen Kai was not moving, An Mengyao took the initiative to move to the other side of the bed, giving way to half of the bed.

"I've already had such a meaning before, why do you hesitate? As long as you promise to be as honest as last time, there will be no problem."

Chen Kai secretly groaned in his heart, thinking that that night was already enough for me, every time I share the bed with a girl, I am not willing, but the girl's body fragrance is very attractive, so I do it unintentionally. Liu Xiahui, who has met several times, this feeling is really not particularly pleasant.

He even wondered if Liu Xiahui had some regrets the next day after returning to the expo that night, and even felt that there was something wrong with Liu Xiahui, who was useless in front of girls, so he was able to sit in his arms Not messy.

Seeing that Chen Kai hadn't moved, An Mengyao looked at Chen Kai angrily.

"Do you dislike me for drinking too much today, so I smell like alcohol, and you don't want to be so close to me? If that's the case, I think you should go back."

As he spoke, he turned over in anger, turned his face to the wall and stopped looking at Chen Kai.

Chen Kai had no choice but to lie down on it. An Mengyao immediately turned around, with a smile in her eyes. Although she was in the dark, but because the distance was too close, and it was not absolutely dark, plus Chen Kai's With sharp eyes, An Mengyao's expression at the moment can be seen clearly.

The two were facing each other, and their breaths collided with each other. Chen Kai felt that he couldn't stand it anymore, but he still used his thoughts to force himself not to act rashly. He wasn't sure if he would cause trouble for himself if he really acted according to his heart. But what is certain is that An Mengyao will definitely be injured because of this, because no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai lay down again, not daring to sleep on his side.

Looking up at the ceiling, he said in a casual tone.

"Is it uncomfortable if you drink too much? Then you must never drink again in the future. If you really want to drink, at least you must have a very good friend watching you."

An Mengyao waved her hand immediately: "I usually really seldom drink alcohol."

As soon as the words fell, I immediately felt that there was something wrong with the words, but the words had already been spoken, and it was too late to deny them.

Chen Kai immediately sat up from the bed: "You don't drink, why are you drinking like this tonight?"

Seeing Chen Kai sitting up, An Mengyao had no choice but to do it herself, looking at Chen Kai with aggrieved expression.

"I didn't want to, but I'm really in a bad mood today."

Chen Kai sighed in his heart. When he came by himself, An Mengyao once said some drunken things, and they all said that he spoke the truth when he was drunk. Now it seems that it may be true.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai lay down again.

"It will almost be dawn in two hours, so hurry up and take a rest, we can lie down and chat."

An Mengyao also lay down obediently. The two lay side by side, but no one spoke anymore. This made An Mengyao feel a little boring. She wanted to start a topic, but she didn't know what to say, so she had to I closed my eyes.

Because this night's tossing was really exhausting, and Chen Kai was lying beside her, which gave An Mengyao a great sense of security, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep after a while.

Hearing the even breathing of the beautiful woman next to him, and taking another look at her perfect sleeping face, Chen Kai was filled with emotions, even a little hesitant.

Originally, I came to the Qin family to repay my kindness, but as time went by, some things seemed to be gradually out of my control.

The four sisters of the Qin family clearly have a clear liking for themselves now, no matter who they choose, it will be a great harm to the others, not to mention meeting some other beauties of the same level.

What makes Chen Kai feel a little weird is that these girls have expressed their affection to him to varying degrees, and they all say that Ruo Shui only takes one scoop of three thousand, but who should Chen Kai take this scoop of?

The more Chen Kai thought about it, the more headache he felt, and finally he shook his head lightly, expressing that it is better not to think about these things for the time being, and the future can only be discussed later, after all, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

But Chen Kai couldn't help but ask himself, among these girls, who do he really like?Or in other words, who do you like a little bit more, and even have planned in the depths of your heart, what will the life of two people be together?
However, Chen Kai soon discovered to his dismay that there seemed to be no answer to this question.

(End of this chapter)

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