Chapter 275
Chen Kai looked at her meaningfully, Han Shuang looked even more uncomfortable, and his tone was a little flustered.

"Why do you keep looking at me like this... You must have been out of the office for a long time, right? Maybe your team members are waiting to find you, why don't you go back soon?"

Chen Kai nodded silently, then suddenly smiled.

"Actually, your figure is really good. Although there are many beautiful girls in our company, there are really very few girls with a figure as good as yours."

Han Shuang blushed again, turned around hastily, and left in a hurry.

After walking a long distance, Naru heard an indistinct voice.

"Really, what are you talking about every day?"

Chen Kai laughed immediately, and suddenly remembered the incident where she disappeared from her house last time. In fact, men are more impressed by such things than women.

Although Chen Kai has a bottom line in life, he is not a gentleman, because most of the people who think of themselves as a gentleman these days are hypocrites.

Although Chen Kai has had the experience of sitting still a few times, he is still unwilling to give himself the reputation of a gentleman, because it is too tiring.

Thinking of this, he shook his head slightly, and took the elevator back to his office, but he didn't expect that there would be a guest here.

If there is anyone else in the company that he doesn't want him to see besides Wang Qiang, it's probably this person. like.

This person is, of course, the head of the sales department.

Chen Kai couldn't remember her name, but he knew that he was in trouble.

Now that we met, it seemed unreasonable not to say hello, so Chen Kai coughed lightly to remind the sales director whose back was turned to him.

"I said supervisor, what brought you here today?"

The sales director was taken aback, and he didn't know that it was because he was thinking about something on his mind, so he didn't notice that Chen Kai was approaching him at all. sound.

The sales executive turned around and touched his chest, looking at Chen Kai angrily.

"What's the matter with you? Where did you go during working hours? Abandonment of duty, do you think this is the image a company employee should have?"

Chen Kai smiled wryly and shook his head: "I said sales manager, you didn't say hello to me before you came, and I didn't know you were coming. Just now the president asked me to go to her office to explain some work matters. Are you saying that I am here waiting for a supervisor who does not know when to come? Or should I report to the president first?"

The sales executive's face flushed immediately, and he stomped his feet and looked at Chen Kai.

"Okay, you dare to use the title of president to suppress me at every turn, do you think I came to you because of work?"

Chen Kai really didn't want to provoke this sales executive, because he knew that this person's temper was notoriously bad, and there was nothing to criticize in terms of his behavior. Life in the company is quite difficult.

Seeing that he was angry now, he hurriedly smiled and waved his hands.

"I said supervisor, I was just joking with you just now, you don't have to be really angry, and I'm telling the truth, the real president asked me to go to her office, if you don't believe me, you can ask the president's secretary Han Shuang, it was she who delivered the order."

The sales executive waved his hand impatiently.

"I'm too lazy to listen to your explanation. I'm here this time to verify one thing with you."

An ominous premonition rose in Chen Kai's heart, but on the surface he remained calm. Instead, he walked slowly to his office chair and sat down, then pointed to the chair opposite him and asked the sales director to do the same.

Instead of acknowledging it, the sales director asked Chen Kai to stand up and speak with a cold face.

Chen Kai had no choice but to stand up again, thinking that the sales executive had probably reached menopause, and he had a bad temper at first, but now he must be even more difficult to deal with.

The face of the sales executive calmed down a little.

"Let me ask you, I heard that the president recently assigned you a secretary. Is this true?"

Chen Kai sighed in his heart, thinking that I knew it must be because of An Mengyao's affairs, but how should I explain it to you, I can't say that I did this because of my own selfish desires, right?
That would make me seem too perverted, but what should I say if I don't say that?Should I tell the sales executive the truth?

No, if he really told her the truth, then Wang Qiang would definitely become angry from embarrassment. He was already unwilling to let go of An Mengyao. If Wang Qiang lost his job because of this incident, the next matter would be even more difficult to deal with.

Now Chen Kai is not worried about Wang Qiang working in this company, because we meet every day, Chen Kai can still try his best to protect An Mengyao, but if Wang Qiang is expelled from the company, then he will not be afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking about her. up.

If Wang Qiang had been lying in ambush on An Mengyao's way home every day, something would definitely happen one day.

Seeing that Chen Kai remained silent for a long time, the sales director immediately widened his eyes.

"Why don't you speak anymore? Did you hear the question I asked you just now? Hurry up and give me a satisfactory answer."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly: "I said supervisor, can you stop staring at me all the time? Occasionally, you should pay attention to other employees, right? There are six team leaders here, and I just It's just one of them, and I don't know what offended you..."

The sales executive interrupted him impatiently: "Don't change the subject here, I'll just ask you if you have this matter?"

Chen Kai smiled reluctantly. When he was elected as the team leader, he was also appointed by the president. At that time, the sales director felt that he was a related party, and he was able to gain a foothold in the company by going through the back door.

That is to say, from that time on, I have never been very pleasing to the eye. Now I heard that I have a secretary, and the team leader has a secretary. There has never been a precedent in this company. From this point of view, I am really a little It's so special.

I'm afraid it would be hard for anyone not to consider this matter from the perspective of related households.

The sales executive couldn't help but spoke again: "Don't pretend to be dumb for me, just say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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