Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 279 Threatening Chen Kai

Chapter 279 Threatening Chen Kai
The group leader got a little angry and looked at the sales executive with an angry face.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you think it's right to have a bowl of water to balance the time? Now that Chen Kai already has a female secretary, he should add a female secretary to each of our six groups. In terms of order, our group should also be the first, to put it bluntly, you must send me a female secretary first."

The sales executive really listened, and waited until the team leader had finished speaking before responding lightly.

"You just said that you can't work without a female secretary, and the company doesn't seem to have any plans for it, so since you can't work, I think you should go to the finance department to get two months' salary, and then leave the company Company."

The group leader obviously didn't realize what he meant by these words? After a long time, he looked at the sales director and asked tentatively.

"You mean... fire me from the company?"

The sales executive nodded slightly.

"If you can't even understand this sentence, then I think the sales performance of your group in the past was also the credit of the team members, and I'm afraid it has nothing to do with you, and the company has no reason to keep you. "

A team leader stared at the sales executive dumbfounded, his mind went blank, he didn't expect to take all his job in order to get a female secretary.

At his age and ability, I am afraid that he can only achieve success in sales, or earn the most salary. He finally managed to get to the position of team leader in this company. Seeing that after three to five years, he will have a brighter future. future.

But now that he has lost his job because of such an inexplicable thing, how can he be convinced?
"Sales director, do you want to reconsider? I'm afraid it's a bit reckless to do this thing? I'm fine. If you let me go, I will leave immediately, but if other team members hear... …You fired a very sales-capable team leader so easily, what do you think they will say?"

The sales executive shook his head lightly.

"I don't need you to remind me about this kind of thing. You said it yourself. You can't work without a female secretary. Even if your previous sales performance is very good, the company can't agree to your request, so you still leave. This company is better."

Said, smiled contemptuously.

"Now you are no longer an employee of our company. Standing here will hinder my work, so after I finish this sentence, if you don't leave, I'm afraid I'm going to find security."

Only then did the group leader realize that the sales executive's decision could not be changed, and felt wronged and angry.

I thought it was all because of Chen Kai. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't want to find a female secretary, and I wouldn't have come to the sales director. Now I'm still drinking tea with my team members in the office. We're kidding.

But now all of this has become a thing of the past, he is really reluctant to part with it, but he also knows that it is useless to say anything, the most urgent thing is to go to Chen Kai to settle the score, even if there is nothing he can do now, but at least let him know that he is not so good Bullying.

Thinking of this, he stomped his feet heavily, and then quickly walked out of the sales executive's office.

He has been working here for a long time, at least I have been working here longer than Wang Qiang, and I am very familiar with the terrain here, so I found Chen Kai almost as quickly as possible.

Through the glass door, Chen Kai saw a team leader angrily walking in this direction, and immediately guessed that this must be another conspiracy by Wang Qiang.

But he was not nervous at all, because soldiers came to block him, and water came to flood him. Chen Kai already knew that if he wanted to use force in this company, no one would be his opponent, and other than this, any means were impossible. cause harm to yourself.

A team leader came to the door angrily, without even knocking, he kicked the glass door open. For a moment, Chen Kai even worried that the door would be smashed by the team leader's kick .

Fortunately, it was still intact, so Chen Kai could only stand up and smiled lightly.

"Isn't this a team leader? Who is this who made you so angry?"

A team leader pointed at Chen Kai and said viciously.

"Chen Kai, I really have you. It is because of you that I lost my job today, but don't be complacent. Don't you think that you have a good relationship with the president? Do you think that no one can touch you like this? You wait for me, if I can't let out this breath, I will swear not to be human."

After speaking, before Chen Kai could respond to him, he left the office angrily. Of course, he knew that if he fought in public, he would be taken away by the security immediately, and he was not sure that he was Chen Kai's opponent. to warn or threaten.

Seeing his back gradually going away, Chen Kai couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly, thinking that Wang Qiang really has a knack for sowing dissension, and he used it so proficiently.

A team leader was walking on the road, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt angry. He and Wang Qiang had some relationship, and they knew each other before, but he never paid attention to Wang Qiang, because he played earlier than him. , and the strength is much greater than him.

Since there is no way to get Chen Kai, it can only be found by those brothers in Jianghu.

So as soon as he walked out of the company's gate, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"You know who I am, now you immediately call a group of brothers, the more the better, I am right now at the door of the company where I used to work, yes! I have been fired now, don't ask so many questions, just prepare Good guy."

After speaking, he hung up the phone, with a vicious smile on the corner of his mouth, because he knew that he still had some status in the rivers and lakes, and it would not take long for this call to gather a large group of people.

So now he waits patiently at the gate of the company, because it is not yet dark and the sun is very poisonous, so he found a shady place, waited for a while, and felt that waiting was not an option, so he went to a nearby small The supermarket bought a few bottles of beer in cans.

When he finished drinking the third can, he finally saw a few taxis driving in the distance, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"Chen Kai, if I don't show you something today, you really don't know that Prince Ma has three eyes."

Soon those taxis stopped in front of him, and the team leader was not happy when he saw these people, but showed an angry look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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