Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 287 Debt Disputes

Chapter 287 Debt Disputes
Han Shuang was a little surprised at first, then laughed out loud, but immediately realized that it was impolite to do so, and turned her head away for a while, but couldn't help it, because she had never seen Chen Kai before. With the appearance of dark circles under his eyes, his shoulders were shaking non-stop.

Chen Kai knew what the other party was laughing at, although he was a little unhappy, but facing such a girl, he really couldn't get angry, so he could only sigh.

"Laugh if you want, and you don't have to turn around. There is actually a reason why I look like this."

Han Shuang could remember with her toes that Chen Kai must have been pestered by that girl last night. Although nothing happened, it suddenly made her unable to be so happy.

So he stopped laughing, turned around, and looked at Chen Kai seriously.

"Are you surprised why I appear in your office?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly: "Go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, if you come to me, it must be because of something, but it really makes me wonder why you will come to me for something, so The only possible explanation is that the president wants me to go up again."

There was a smile in the corner of Han Shuang's eyes again, thinking that Chen Kai was actually quite smart.

"Since you've guessed it all, I don't think you need to go to your office anymore. You should hurry upstairs with me. The president is waiting for you in the office. It's not good to make the president anxious if you go late."

Chen Kai sighed again helplessly, and followed Han Shuang to find the elevator door.

There was no one else in the elevator, and when there were only two people in such a closed environment, Han Shuang couldn't help remembering the last time he was taken away, and his face immediately turned red, so Chen Kai had to pretend that he didn't see anything.

Because he actually has a similar feeling, I am afraid there is no problem in front of others, but as long as two people get along alone, then he will involuntarily think of that day, so he also feels a little embarrassed in his heart, and seeing Han Shuang now This expression also knows that that matter has not passed in her heart.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't stay in the elevator for a long time, and soon the elevator door opened again. Chen Kai walked out first, not daring to look back, walked straight towards the president's office, and politely greeted him at the door. He knocked on the door and walked into the office after getting permission.

Han Shuang saw Chen Kai close the door, and a mysterious expression flashed across her face. She didn't know whether it was loss or sadness, or something else. In short, this feeling really made her feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Xiang saw Chen Kai coming in, and pointed to the empty chair opposite her.

"Sit down and talk."

Chen Kai had no choice but to sit down, and then raised his head to look at Qin Xiang.

"I don't know why the president asked me to come up again today, but let me tell you, I still have a lot of work to do. Yesterday, I managed to get Qin Yue's work done, and today I'm allowed to come to work for another day. "

Qin Xiang couldn't help but also laughed: "You said that you are a big man who can't even decide on a little girl like Qin Yue, so what do you want me to say about you?"

Chen Kai groaned secretly in his heart, thinking that if you hadn't agreed to let me take her out to play, would I have such troublesome things?
But he also knew that he couldn't say that, so he smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Let's not talk about the topics we don't want to do. The president just said that he called me up. Is it because of work? Or something about Qin Yue's side?"

When this question was asked, Qin Xiang's eyes suddenly dimmed, and Chen Kai immediately understood that he guessed right, it must not be because of work, but because of Qin Yue.

"Actually, since I have given you a guarantee, you should rest assured that Qin Yue will never be in any danger following me. If you lose a hair, you can ask me."

Qin Xiang shook her head lightly: "It's not that I'm worried about this, it's because I called you up to ask..."

As soon as I said this, there was a knock on the door again.

Qin Xiang had no choice but to keep silent, thinking that this person really didn't wink, he didn't come sooner or later, and he came when he wanted to ask the most important question.

She actually wanted to ask Chen Kai what he thought of Qin Yue, because Qin Yue had been sleeping in Chen Kai's room for a while, and as a big sister, she had to think about her sister's happiness.

Originally thought that if Chen Kai really liked his sister, then he would simply push the boat along and make the couple happy, so as to avoid any troubles in the future, such as having a child and getting married, and the Qin family's face would be a little unsightly.

But this question was interrupted before she asked, so Qin Xiang had no choice but to give up temporarily and shouted at the door.

"come in."

The door opened, and Han Shuang appeared at the door, walking in front of Qin Xiang with very graceful steps.

"I have work to report to you, so I apologize for interrupting your conversation just now."

Qin Xiang had no choice but to wave her hands generously: "After all, it's time for work, and what I'm talking about with Chen Kai is also about work. What do you think of?"

There was a smile in Chen Kai's eyes, because he already felt that Qin Xiang definitely didn't call himself here because of work, and what he said just now was obviously a lie.

Qin Xiang gave Chen Kai a hard look, and Chen Kai shrank his shoulders involuntarily, and stopped laughing.

Han Shuang sighed for a long time: "Do you still remember that there is a small company they cooperated with?"

Qin Xiang thought about it carefully for a while before realizing that there was indeed such a company, so she looked at Han Shuang suspiciously.

"I remember this company, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Han Shuang sighed softly again: "This small company owes us 300 million yuan in debt, and it has been in default for quite a long time."

Qin Xiang still had some impressions of this incident, so she nodded.

"I also know about this matter, and I have negotiated with the other party several times, but I don't know whether they are really unwilling to pay this matter because of the difficulty in capital turnover, and they have been delaying it all the time. Today Why did you suddenly mention it?"

Han Shuang's eyes showed anger: "I did some investigations secretly, and found that those small companies have no financial problems at all. The reason why they don't pay back is because of the mentality of reckless payment, so I want to get it back. ..."

Before finishing this sentence, Qin Xiang immediately shook her head and flatly refused.

"I don't agree with you asking for the bill."

(End of this chapter)

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