Chapter 292
Fortunately, the road was not particularly long. Chen Kai stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and soon arrived at the destination.

Seeing a few people waiting in front of him from a distance, Chen Kai knew that they were the people called from the security department.

So I found a place to stop the car.

"We're here."

After speaking, he opened the door, and Han Shuang got out of the car, but his face was still a little unnatural. Chen Kai didn't have the heart to say anything else, and quickly walked in front of those people.

"Have you been waiting here for a long time?"

These people shook their heads hastily.

"I can't help it. You said it. Let us wait here. I wanted to make a phone call, but I don't know what you are busy with. If I disturb your good business..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by another companion.

"You're impatient with life, do you still want to do it? Some things can be said, and some things can't be said. Can we make jokes like this with them casually?"

Chen Kai smiled indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I know that sometimes you like to think about things, otherwise it would be so boring to go to work every day, not to mention that the departure of Han Shuang and I just now can really arouse people's attention." Unlimited daydreams, but unfortunately what you are thinking is too nasty and a bit too boring."

The bodyguards smiled awkwardly, and even Han Shuang behind him immediately became popular overnight. After the journey, his mood had gradually calmed down a little. Now that he heard Chen Kai making such a joke, Han Shuang immediately remembered what happened just now. .

Glaring at Chen Kai with a resentful look, Chen Kai suddenly felt that he had said something wrong, and secretly blamed himself for not having a long memory. What did the bodyguards say?

But now that the words have been spoken, it is too late to change.

"Or you can wait here now, Han Shuang and I will go in first, and I will contact you at any time if there is anything."

After speaking, he turned to look at Han Shuang: "Do you think this is okay?"

Han Shuang nodded silently, and walked straight to the door of the small company.

Chen Kai followed immediately, but he didn't expect to be rejected.

There are security guards at the entrance of the company, which is not surprising, because any company of a small size must hire security guards in order to prevent irrelevant people from entering and leaving at will.

But what made Chen Kai feel a little strange was that these security guards were unusually responsible, and found that he had already reached the door, and suddenly stepped forward to stop him.

"What do you two do?"

Before Chen Kai could speak, Han Shuang had already let the document in his hand.

"Your company owes our group several million. Your boss must have said that he would pay it back a long time ago, but it has been owed for several months. Today we all came here specially to see what your boss is planning. .”

Chen Kai secretly groaned, thinking that this girl really doesn't have much social experience, if you just make up something else, maybe the security guards will let you in.

But when he heard that you came to ask for a bill, he would definitely be worried that he would lose his job after letting you in, so he wouldn't let you in even more.

Sure enough, the security guard immediately frowned.

"We don't know about this kind of thing. We are just the company's security guards, and we have to get the boss's permission."

Chen Kai nodded: "That's okay, you can call the boss and say that we are waiting at the door, and you might as well tell him that he can hide from the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day, and even the monk can't run away from the temple. If you don't plan to see us, then we'll be at the door of this company every day, and let's see who can take care of who."

A troubled look appeared on his plump face, and after a while, he finally gritted his teeth.

"Well, you guys wait here for a while, and I'll make a call."

After speaking, he turned and walked into the house, but he didn't come out after a long time. Chen Kai got a little impatient waiting, so he knocked on the door vigorously.

"I said, have you finished calling? You refused to come out for so long?"

At first, no one paid any attention to him, but Chen Kai's knocking on the door became louder and louder. Finally, the security guards couldn't bear it anymore, and walked out of the room again, but this time they were not as polite as before.

As soon as he went out, he yelled at Chen Kai: "What's the matter with you? Didn't you tell you to wait for a while? Why are you in such a hurry? Our boss is very busy and has no time to answer the phone."

Let alone Chen Kai at this moment, even Han Shuang already understood that the other party did it on purpose, and felt embarrassed, because in her impression, she had never encountered a similar thing before, so she didn't deal with it at all. experience of that kind of thing.

She looked at Chen Kai with pleading eyes, and Chen Kai couldn't do anything about it, because after all, he came to ask for a bill, and if the security guard didn't let him in, he couldn't smash the door of his house, right?In that case, things will become stalemate, and people will have even more reason not to pay.

Chen Kai couldn't help but sighed: "You have to be responsible for what you say."

The security guard snorted coldly with disdain: "You can do whatever you want, anyway, I have already called, but no one answered there, you can wait at the door if you want, and leave if you want, I don't care .”

Han Shuang suddenly remembered that she had the phone number of the boss's assistant, so she winked at Chen Kai, signaling him not to bother with the little security guard in front of him anymore.

Chen Kai saw Han Shuang took out her mobile phone, and immediately understood what she meant.

"Really, why don't you just call the boss if you have the phone number?"

Han Shuang shook her head lightly: "This is not the boss's call, it's just an assistant beside him."

As he spoke, he made a silent gesture and dialed the phone.

"I'm the assistant of the president of the Qin Group. I came to you today to talk about the debt you promised to pay back a few months ago."

After the assistant finished listening, he was silent for a while, and then suddenly responded coldly.

"What Qin Group? What kind of assistant... I don't remember knowing you, and I'm very busy now, please don't call me again. "

After speaking, he hung up the phone, and Han Shuang looked at Chen Kai in a daze.

Chen Kai smiled awkwardly: "Don't worry, there will always be a way."

The security guard was watching them at the door as if watching a joke, but suddenly the phone rang, and he immediately connected the call.

Unexpectedly, the call came from the boss's assistant.

"What on earth are your security guards doing? Why don't you hurry up and drive those irrelevant people away?"

(End of this chapter)

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