Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 295 Dirty Requests

Chapter 295 Dirty Requests
The boss smiled hey.

"Do you think this is not about asking you to meet at this place to discuss this account? Anyway, you have already come, I know you must have not eaten yet, so let's go and talk slowly."

Han Shuang felt that it was not appropriate to stand and talk. After all, this is a high-end hotel, and what the boss said was right, they have already come, so let's listen to what the other party has to say.

No matter whether he gives money or not, he doesn't care whether he has to give an explanation today, or else there is really no way to deal with Qin Xiang. It's not good to step down.

Thinking of this, he reluctantly nodded and sat down.

At this time, the boss's mistress curled her lips in dissatisfaction, but before she had time to speak, the boss gave her a sideways glance, which made the woman afraid to speak immediately.

Seeing Han Shuang sitting down, Chen Kai thought about sitting down too, but just as he pulled out the chair, the boss suddenly spoke again.

"I only invite beauties to dinner, as for some idlers, let's just watch from the sidelines."

Chen Kai's face immediately sank, and soon he knew what kind of idea the boss was playing, and he was about to have a fit at that time, but when he looked at Han Shuang, Han Shuang seemed to be winking, which made him feel very nervous. Don't act rashly.

Chen Kai had no choice but to hold back and stood by.

The boss smiled with satisfaction.

Han Shuang sighed lightly: "Actually, we didn't come here to eat, so it's better to say some things straight to the point. You have been in arrears for this money for a very long time."

The boss listened absent-mindedly, picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip of that virtue, no matter how he looked at it, he wanted Chen Kai to beat him up.

Han Shuang also showed a look of disdain on his face, and continued to speak lightly.

"Although our company has a large scale, it has been difficult to turn over funds recently. But even if there is no such thing, we have to pay back the money. Otherwise, how will we do business in the future?"

The boss put the wine glass on the table, looked at Han Shuang and smiled meaningfully.

"Actually, I also know that this debt should be paid back, but it is several million. If you want me to make it so easy, I will give it to you..."

Chen Kai's eyes widened immediately: "It's only natural to pay off debts, do you still want to renege on your debts?"

The boss suddenly snorted coldly: "I'm just talking to Miss Han, it's better not to talk too much about irrelevant people, so as not to spoil the atmosphere of our conversation."

Han Shuang shook her head slightly: "The boss means that if you want, you can settle the bill immediately."

The boss snapped his fingers very frivolously.

"Miss Han is really smart."

Han Shuang immediately asked, "According to your opinion, what do you have to do to be willing to pay back the money from our company?"

The boss pondered and said, "Well..."

Although Han Shuang looked calm on the surface, she had already faintly guessed what the other party wanted to say in her heart, and Chen Kai was even more aware of everything, but at this time Chen Kai had already calmed down, because there was already a calculation in his heart.

The boss suddenly smiled again: "It is said that peony flowers are romantic even when they are dead. If a beautiful woman like you comes to ask for such a large sum of money, if I don't take advantage of it, wouldn't it be a little too sorry for myself?"

Han Shuang's face was already flushed, and she asked subconsciously.

"What do you mean?"

The boss took out a hotel VIP card from his pocket and threw it on the table.

"The meaning is very simple, that is, if you want the money, then you have to stay with me tonight."

Han Shuang's expression finally changed, and he said coldly, "What if I refuse?"

The boss smiled indifferently: "If you refuse, then the money will not be discussed."

Han Shuang suddenly stood up from the chair and stared at the boss viciously.

Finally, without saying anything, he turned around and left immediately.

Han Shuang has been in the class for so many years, of course she knows that some rich people rely on their power to satisfy their selfish desires.

Judging by the virtue of this boss, I don't know how many girls have been harmed by this method.

I thought that I can't get this account today, I'm afraid I have to wait until later.

But just as he turned around, two men suddenly appeared in front of him, and they were dressed in neat suits, tall and thick.

Han Shuang couldn't help but turned to look at the boss. .

"What does it mean?"

The boss also pretended to sigh helplessly.

"What do you mean, don't you understand? This is my territory. Of course, no one stopped you when you came, but if you want to will not be so easy."

Han Shuang looked at him with a livid face: "Then what do you want to do?"

The boss smiled again: "Didn't I already say it just now? Let you stay with me for one night. You have to agree to this condition, and you have to agree to it if you don't agree. You have to take this room card now. Tonight at 07:30 , I am waiting for you in the room, if you can come, then I will pay you back all the debts, if you don't come, don't say that I don't pay the debts. "

Han Shuang stopped talking. Although she knew that there were bodyguards waiting outside, she didn't have the time or opportunity to inform them now.

And he only has Chen Kai alone, can he deal with these two people?And this is just the person who appeared in front of him, and I don't know how many people are lurking in the dark.

The boss looked at Han Shuang meaningfully, and didn't speak or move, because he knew that all words were superfluous at this time.

After Han Shuang took a deep breath, she wanted to calm herself down as much as possible, but because she was too excited and angry, her body was already trembling slightly.

The boss's subordinates are watching them covetously, and there is a condition that if you agree to the boss, you will definitely not be able to show the momentum of this room today.

Chen Kai sighed helplessly: "In this case, if we don't agree, I'm afraid we will die."

As he spoke, he reached out and picked up the room card on the table. Han Shuang immediately widened his eyes, and looked at Chen Kai in disbelief. The good impressions he had left on him before disappeared in an instant. She never thought that Chen Kai would be such a man.

She stomped her feet vigorously and asked, "You..."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly: "Is there any use in talking about anything else at this time?"

The boss then looked at Chen Kai with appreciative eyes and smiled.

"He who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, young man... I really think you are a bit pleasing to my eyes now, at least much more than just now..."

(End of this chapter)

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