Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 297 Anxious Waiting

Chapter 297 Anxious Waiting

I thought it would be useless to say anything now, and you will understand my painstaking efforts when the debt is really recovered.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai's heart calmed down a little, so he walked into his office.

But he was no longer in the mood to go to work, so he was bored until he got off work.

When I got off work, I suddenly received another text message from Qin Xiang.

"I have to work overtime again today, so you go back and cook for the family first, and come pick me up when the time comes."

On the one hand, Chen Kai was thinking about the date in the evening, and on the other hand, he was also thinking about Han Shuang, but he had to cook for the family, because if he said that he would not go back, the girls at home would definitely not I am hungry, but I will definitely ask questions, and I have to explain myself.

Thinking of being surrounded by a few girls chirping, Chen Kai's head immediately grew bigger. Instead of doing that, he might as well go back early, take care of the girls first, and then tell them that he has something to come out.

Having made up his mind, Chen Kai drove home.

Several girls were there, Chen Kai deliberately pretended to be fine, and walked into the kitchen as usual. There were ingredients bought yesterday in the refrigerator, so cooking was relatively simple.

Almost half an hour later, several dishes had been fried, Lazy Pig brought all the food to the table, and then called a few sisters to come out for dinner.

No one noticed anything unusual, and everyone sat at the dining table happily.

Qin Min suddenly asked, "Is Eldest Sister still working overtime today? We've finished eating, should I let Eldest Sister eat the leftovers?"

Chen Kai shook his head and smiled wryly: "What are you thinking? When are we going to let the eldest sister eat leftovers? Don't worry, I've already left her portion. When she comes back, put it in the microwave and heat it up. You can eat."

Qin Min just nodded, stopped talking, and ate the rice in his own bowl.

Chen Kai looked at the time and felt that Qin Xiang should be done with work at this time, and you plan to pick it up.

"I'll pick up my eldest sister, you just wait at home."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for others to agree, he walked out of the room by himself.

When I drove the car to the entrance of the company, I found that Qin Xiang and Han Shuang had gone out together. The two were walking side by side. Han Shuang didn't show any strange expression, and didn't know what happened in the afternoon. Did you tell Qin Xiang?

Chen Kai came in front of the two beauties and looked at them with a smile.

"It's really better to come early than to come by coincidence. I thought I would wait for you outside for a while."

Qin Xiang looked at him with a smile: "Did you step on the spot?"

After speaking, he turned around and looked at Han Shuang: "There is a car, otherwise we will pick you up for a while, and you don't need to take a taxi."

If it was normal, Han Shuang would certainly not refuse, but thinking of what Chen Kai did today, she felt a faint unhappiness in her heart, so she shook her head lightly.

"Thank you, President. I don't think it's necessary for today. I still have some things to do."

Qin Xiang didn't think much about it, she thought she was in a bad mood because she didn't have to pay back the account today, so she nodded silently.

"Well, then I won't force you, but you don't have to worry too much about the account. I told you a long time ago that if the account is gone, it will be gone. Our company really does not lack that Millions, and a person like this will definitely encounter someone more powerful than him to deal with him in the future, as the saying goes, the wicked will be tortured by the wicked."

Han Shuang didn't know if she could listen, but she nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Chen Kai watched her gradually disappearing back, and suddenly felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and suddenly thought that Han Shuang went to find the boss by himself, right?

But after thinking about it again, the room card is here with her, and Han Shuang's attitude in the afternoon has already stated that she would never do such a thing anyway.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai felt a little relieved, so he opened the co-pilot's door and asked Qin Xiang to get in the car.

When sending Qin Xiang to the gate of the villa, Chen Kai looked at his watch, it was already close to the agreed time.

Immediately, an anxious look appeared on his face, because he knew that the boss might not wait too long. If he didn't come by the appointed time, it might not be so easy to ask him out next time.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said to Qin Xiang: "Sister, I won't send you into the house. I suddenly remembered a very important thing to do. As for what it is, I'm afraid I can't tell you until I come back. "

After speaking, without waiting for Qin Xiang to agree, she immediately jumped out of the car.

Qin Xiang looked puzzled: "What's wrong with this kid today?"

Unfortunately, no one has been able to answer this question.

It was already dark, and Chen Kai's figure quickly disappeared into the night.

He ran to the side of the road in a few steps, stretched out his hand to stop a taxi, got in the car, quickly reported an address, and the taxi drove away.

In the hotel room, the boss was waiting on the sofa in a bathrobe with a lewd smile on his face.

"That little girl at noon today is really juicy. To be honest, she is much better than the mistresses I kept. If I can really spend a spring night with such a beauty, it will be worth it even if I die."

But now it's already the appointed time, why doesn't that chick come?
The boss saw that Chen Kai took away the room card at noon, and he thought it was a certainty. He didn't know the relationship between Han Shuang and Qin Xiang, and thought it was Qin Xiang who sent him here to collect the bill. according to a certain ratio.

It's really hard for people not to think so with Han Shuang's look of being certain to win.

But it was eight o'clock soon, and Han Shuang hadn't come yet. The boss gradually became anxious and couldn't help muttering.

"Didn't this chick change her mind? Don't she really want the money?"

As he spoke, he looked at the wall clock on the wall again. It was 45:[-] on this one, and the boss sighed softly.

"I'll wait here until eight o'clock. If this little girl doesn't come, don't blame me for not giving her this chance."

In the minds of this kind of boss, taking advantage of girls is to give the other party a chance, not to say that they are hooligans, because they once thought that as long as they slept with themselves, they would be able to rise to the top in the future, and they would not even need to go to work. up.

It's a pity that there are still good girls in this world after all, although there are not a few girls who are willing to sell their bodies for money-the few mistresses he has kept are all of this virtue.

But you can't beat all the good girls in the world to death because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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