Chapter 302
I feel a little unhappy about Chen Kai.

"Anyway, I just promoted you to be my secretary two days ago. How can a subordinate show embarrassment to his boss?"

This was just a joke, Chen Kai knew that An Mengyao must have heard this sentence, because she had already stopped, turned her face, and looked at Chen Kai meaningfully.

"Of course I am very grateful to you, but sometimes you are a bit too unskilled in talking to girls. I was in a very good mood just now, but because of you, I am not so good now."

As he said that, he turned around and ran away quickly, Chen Kai was not in a hurry, because he was his secretary, and he was supposed to work in his office. Even if he ran away now, the two of them still had a whole day to chat.

But he was worried about Han Shuang in his heart. If he stayed in the same office with her all day, no matter what kind of misunderstanding there was, I'm afraid it would have been solved.

But Han Shuang is working in the president's office now, and what makes Chen Kai puzzled is that since the other party has received the money, why doesn't he even say a word?And when they met in the morning, they still put on a bad face?
He couldn't figure it out, so he decided not to think about it anymore, shook his head slightly, and walked into the company's gate.

In the CEO's office, Qin Xiang frowned and stared at a book in a daze.

"It's strange why this place is missing 200 million? What is it for? Why do I have no impression at all?"

Han Shuang's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.

"What's wrong with you? What did you say is missing money?"

Qin Xiang pointed to a column on the bill: "This is this place. When did I approve this? If I didn't approve, who signed it? Hurry up and call the people in the finance department to explain the amount. where the money is going, and it needs to be filled right away.”

Han Shuang saw that the president said it was so serious, and knew the matter, although the amount of the account was not large, but if the investigation was not clear, more serious things might happen in the future.

So he immediately took out his mobile phone and wanted to call someone from the finance department.

But just after unlocking the phone, she suddenly found an unread text message. She was a little surprised, because since yesterday, it seems that the phone has only rang once.

And I didn't look at my phone all night. When I woke up this morning, I put it in my pocket and went to work at the company.

Seeing her staring blankly there, Qin Xiang couldn't help asking.

"What's the matter? Didn't I ask you to call? Why are you so dazed?"

Han Shuang was attracted by this short message and never heard the president's voice.

He desperately wanted to see what the content of this short message was, but when he clicked on it, he saw a series of 5s after the 0, and his eyes immediately widened.

"How is it possible? Since when did the money get into my account?"

Qin Xiang, who had been waiting for a response, tapped lightly on the table.

"Han Shuang, I asked you to call the finance department just now, what are you thinking about?"

Han Shuang woke up suddenly, and looked at Qin Xiang apologetically.

"I'm really sorry, I just discovered a very strange thing, so I was a little distracted for a while."

Speaking of handing over the mobile phone in her hand to Qin Xiang, Qin Xiang became even more puzzled. She has worked with Han Shuang for many years, and she seldom loses composure. Today's situation is a bit puzzling.

But when she picked up the phone and saw the content of the short message, she immediately wrinkled her head.

"Who called you such a large sum of money?"

A word awakened the person in the dream, and Han Shuang remembered that she was so busy looking at the money just now that she didn't even see who transferred it.

Just when she was about to take a look with her mobile phone, Qin Xiang had already spoken again.

"Didn't Chen Kai forward this to you?"

Then he handed over the phone: "I think that phone number is Chen Kai."

Han Shuang couldn't wait to take the phone, and she recognized it as Chen Kai's call, and was stunned.

"Why on earth did he transfer this money to me? Is he really going to get back the 300 million yesterday? It's impossible. He obviously has already thrown me out. I didn't agree to the boss's conditions. The other party How could you give him money?"

She couldn't figure it out, and the more she thought about it, the more strange she felt.

Qin Xiang sighed softly: "Don't think about this matter for now, let's call the finance department first to see where the money we are missing has gone? What can we do with it?"

Han Shuang regained her composure and hurriedly called the finance department.

"The president just showed me the ledger, and he doesn't quite understand the whereabouts of a sum of money. Please make a report quickly."

After hearing this, the finance department was not surprised at all, because it is common for a large company like this to occasionally make mistakes in accounting, but it is just a lot of trouble in my heart.

Because it is not an easy task to find out this account, and in many cases, all the employees of the financial department need to work overtime and stay up all night to find out bit by bit.

"Where is it? Please explain it to us carefully, so that we can save a little effort."

Han Shuang was anxious to ask Chen Kai what was going on, and immediately stomped her feet anxiously after hearing the voice of the finance department.

"Isn't the account book in duplicate? Forget it, or you can come here, or I will send the bill to the finance department. In short, this matter should be done as soon as possible. Whether or not the whereabouts of the account can be found out, this The holes must also be plugged."

Seeing Han Shuang's anxious appearance just now, I couldn't help laughing.

"I know you are also anxious, but you are always calm and calm in normal times, and few things can make you so flustered."

Han Shuang laughed helplessly and made a joke: "You don't know what happened, I was just thinking of finding an opportunity to tell you slowly in the future, but I really don't have such a mood now, I believe the finance department will soon Someone will come, and I have to ask Chen Kai now."

Qin Xiang also felt that it was a bit strange for Chen Kai to give this money, but she knew that Chen Kai was prudent, so the money must have some meaning, but she couldn't figure out what it was for.

Of course she remembered the matter of asking Chen Kai to follow Han Shuang to collect debts yesterday, but after the two of them came back and didn't mention a word, Qin Xiang knew that they definitely didn't want to come back. This was exactly what she expected, so she didn't care.

"This must be Chen Kai asking for the debt back, but why is Han Shuang so surprised?"

(End of this chapter)

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