Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 307 Qin Min Does Not Return

Chapter 307 Qin Min Does Not Return
But in Qin Xiang's mind, she couldn't help but think of the video Chen Kai said, so her face was always red along the way.

Of course Chen Kai realized it, and felt secretly funny in his heart. If it was in normal times, he might have said a few joking words, but the current scene is really not a good occasion for joking.

Qin Xiang always felt that her face was running hot, but she couldn't let it go, so she just went back home with her face blushing.

Qin Ying also watched the two come back at the same time, and saw that the elder sister's face was a little unnatural, so she smiled mischievously.

"Sister, you're a little out of order today. Did you go off to do something? To be more precise... did you go off to do something with Chen Kai?"

Qin Xiang's eyes widened immediately: "What nonsense are you talking about, you little brat?"

Although Qin Ying was ranked second, she still looked like a little sister in front of the eldest sister. Seeing that the eldest sister was angry, she shrugged hurriedly and stuck out her tongue.

"If you don't have it, you don't have it? Why should you be angry? And when you are so angry, it makes me feel that I guessed it right."

Qin Xiang raised her hand and pretended to hit her: "How dare you say that? Believe it or not, I tore your mouth off?"

Seeing the appearance of the eldest sister, Qin Ying hurriedly ran away with a smile.

After running to a slightly safer distance, he kept winking at Chen Kai.

"You mean it, what did you do to my eldest sister?"

Chen Kai could only shake his head and smile wryly: "What do you want me to say?"

Qin Xiang glared at him: "What can I say? Are you messing around with Qin Ying?"

Chen Kai hurriedly sent a director, so he didn't dare to speak.

"Well... it's getting late, so I'll make dinner for you."

After speaking, he walked into the kitchen, then closed the kitchen door, let out a long breath, and murmured.

"If this elder sister is really upset, it will be really scary. When you are free in the future, you can't just joke around."

There are still ingredients in the refrigerator, which is a good habit that Chen Kai has developed over the years, and putting those meals in the refrigerator will not lose much freshness after a day.

So I took it out, quickly made a sumptuous dinner, and put it on the dining table.

While eating, Chen Kai unexpectedly found that there was one person missing from the dining table.

"Where did Qin Min go? This little greedy cat seems to be the first one to come to the table every time it's time to eat. Why did he suddenly change his temper today?"

Qin Yue rolled her eyes angrily: "You will miss her."

Chen Kai immediately realized that the words of concern just now made Qin Yue jealous, so he could only smile helplessly.

"Don't worry, one day we will lose you when we eat, and I will care about you as much."

As he spoke, he picked up a chopstick dish for Qin Yue.

Qin Yue said lightly: "Before you came back, Qin Min already said that he was out on business."

Chen Kai was a little puzzled: "This doesn't seem right? It's time to eat, what else is there? I mean, what can't be done after dinner?"

Qin Yue shook her head lightly and sighed helplessly.

"You ask me, who should I ask? Third sister, this person has always been mysterious and will never say anything to my younger sister."

Chen Kai felt that this was true, because ever since the two girls met in his room, they seemed to be in harmony on the surface, but there were some small tricks secretly, such as always making jokes about each other, And there is also a sense of infighting.

Chen Kai felt a little uneasy, so he put down his chopsticks and took out his phone.

"Eat first, I'll call her, don't be in any danger."

Qin Yue said dissatisfied while eating the rice in the bowl.

"How could there be any danger? When she went out, she obviously walked away happily. Maybe she was on a date?"

Speaking of this word, Qin Yue herself laughed first, because this was what she was looking forward to in her heart. If Qin Min found another boyfriend outside, no one would rob Chen Kai from her.

How could Chen Kai not understand her thoughts, but now he was really worried about Qin Min.

He dialed the phone, but a cold voice came from the system.

"The person you are calling is busy, please try again later."

Chen Kai gave up the call, feeling even more puzzled in his heart. He thought that Qin Min usually answered his call immediately, but what happened today?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong. Seeing Qin Yue who was still eating as if nothing had happened, he walked up to her and asked with a serious face.

"There's something wrong with the situation. You must answer me truthfully. Did she tell you anything before she left?"

Qin Yue put down her job with some displeasure: "Didn't I tell you just now? The third sister really has something to do, and she won't tell me, so apart from knowing that she has gone out, what else is there?" Do not know at all."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly, thinking that this matter might really be troublesome.

Seeing Chen Kai's anxiety, Qin Ying panicked.

"Don't worry, maybe you were playing with some friends, so you didn't hear the phone ring, right? Or I'll call her again later."

Chen Kai stomped anxiously: "You don't know something, I always feel that this matter is not that simple, even if Qin Min is really playing with his friends and doesn't come back for dinner at night, at least he has to make a phone call , has any of you received a call?"

Qin Ying and Qin Yue looked at each other, what did Qin Yue say angrily.

"It doesn't seem necessary? She has already said hello when she went out. Don't let everyone know that she is not at home. Even if he didn't come back when he was eating, there seems to be nothing wrong with it, right?"

Logically speaking, this is indeed the case, but Chen Kai is still very anxious.

"No, let j party know about this matter, I really think she might be in some danger."

Qin Yue stood up in surprise: "Isn't this too exaggerated? Even if you report him missing, I heard that it will take a day and a night."

Qin Ying immediately corrected her: "That's called no more than 24 hours, Party J will not file a case."

Qin Yue rolled her eyes: "You know a lot, okay?"

Chen Kai slapped his hands vigorously: "Can you stop arguing? What's going on with Qin Min that everyone doesn't know yet, and you guys still want to quarrel."

Just as Chen Kai was about to take out his phone to report j, the phone rang suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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