Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 31 We will meet again

Chapter 31 We will meet again
"Okay then, let's go."

Seeing Chen Kai's honest appearance, Qin Xiang pondered for a moment and finally agreed.

What he said was indeed good. Although he did not know how many times he had participated in this kind of entertainment, it was always good to have one more person by his side. At least for some people with ulterior motives, it could make them restrain themselves a bit.


Throwing the car keys to Chen Kai, Qin Xiang directly got into the co-pilot of the car.

With a kick of the accelerator, the car drove off the road.

"Is this partner important? You were asked to come out to socialize at such a late hour."

Glancing at the woman beside him, Chen Kaizhuang asked casually.

"It's okay! It's just that I'm preparing to open a branch recently, and I have already selected the location. It's a pity that the boss only rents it and doesn't sell it, but the price is still fair."

"I thought about renting it first, but I didn't expect that the establishment of a subsidiary this time would attract so many people's obstruction, so that the subsidiary I planned to be listed recently has been unable to open for a long time."

Having said that, Qin Xiang sighed.

"Once the subsidiary company is successfully opened, it can take away a lot of attention from the head office, which will be beneficial to the head office without any harm."

It's just that there are too many wolves staring at this piece of fat!

Although I don't know what the situation will be like tonight, but since the partner is willing to see me, there must be hope.

If it doesn't work, it's not that there are other ways, but it's relatively troublesome.

Chen Kai nodded half-understanding: "I see."

"So the partner we're going to meet later is the person in charge of this land?"

"Well, although he is the person in charge of the land, can the land be successfully operated? He also occupies a position that cannot be ignored, otherwise, I wouldn't have come out at night."

Qin Xiang understands Chen Kai's fast-moving thinking.

So quickly I realized that the person I wanted to meet was the person in charge of the land, not the villain in the middle.

This guy has a brain.

Just when he arrived at an intersection, the signal light turned red by chance, so Chen Kai had no choice but to park the car firmly on the line.

"You seem to be a little different recently. I heard from my little sister that you fought with someone again today?"

While waiting for the red light, Qin Xiang mentioned the day's events.

"It's just that there were a few gangsters who came to harass Qin Yue, and I cleaned them up casually. Otherwise, they will mess around again in the future."

"Whatever?" Qin Xiang raised an eyebrow.

Chen Kai smiled and stopped talking.

The signal light turns green, put in gear, step on the accelerator and focus on driving.

In the Fishing Hotel full of industrial atmosphere, Chen Kai parked the car in the parking space at the entrance of the hotel, and then went to the passenger seat to help Qin Xiang open the car door.

Qin Xiang smiled slightly, entered the hotel with Chen Kai, and arrived at the corresponding box according to the number left by the partner.

At this time, the partner opened a bottle of red wine alone in the box, and while waiting for Qin Xiang to arrive, he quietly tasted the red wine.


The door of the box was opened, and the partner raised his eyes to look, and when his eyes touched Qin Xiang's impeccable and beautiful face, he was instantly amazed.

However, her gaze was soon drawn to the man behind her.

Who is this man?

Why did she bring a man here?
In an instant, countless doubts filled the partner's head, which made him a little unhappy, feeling that he had been deceived.

At that time, she clearly said on the phone that only Qin Xiang was invited to come, but now she brought a man with her. What's going on?

"President Qin, could it be that what I expressed on the phone was not clear enough?"

The partner, Li Fugui, expressed his displeasure straight to the point. At this time, he is the one who is in charge of everything.

As soon as his words fell, Chen Kai looked at this partner.

When he just walked into this room, he already felt Li Fugui's hostile eyes on him, that kind of eyes were like looking at a rival in love.

Also as a man, with that kind of eyes, one can tell the dirty thoughts in his mind.

I'm afraid that the party tonight is because the ulterior motives are not in the bar!

"I don't care whether you are Mr. Qin's assistant, secretary, or the driver."

"Now is the time for me to cooperate with Mr. Qin. I don't want some irrelevant people to appear around us when we are discussing cooperation, so where do you come from?"

Li Fugui pointed directly at the door that hadn't been closed. He didn't want to give him face at all for this unknown man.

However, Chen Kai turned a deaf ear to his words, and his attention was always on Qin Xiang.

Who does he think he is worthy of dominating himself?
Qin Xiang also turned cold and didn't like his attitude: "Mr. Li, our cooperation tonight is not a secret, not to mention that he was brought by me, and he has to go through me if he leaves or stays." agreed."

Even if she is a partner, she is not qualified to judge her behavior.

"Boss Qin is really a rose with thorns, and his ability to protect the calf is really enviable."

Li Fugui said angrily: "It's just Mr. Qin, don't forget your purpose tonight."

"Does your subsidiary still want to continue to operate normally?"

After drinking the red wine in the glass, Li Fugui suddenly threw the glass on the ground without warning.

The shiny goblet fell to the ground and shattered, splashing glass shards all over the ground.

Qin Xiang watched his actions and did not speak.

"President Qin, as far as I know, you have attracted a lot of people's attention by holding a subsidiary company this time. It's a piece of fat, and everyone wants to take a bite. If you miss this opportunity today, it may not be so in the future." There is another chance.”

Li Fugui suddenly stepped forward and approached Qin Xiang, greedily sucking the scent of the perfume on her body.

"Tomorrow night, Room 302 of Nuanai Apartment, wait for me!"

There was a cold smile on his face: "Otherwise, your subsidiary will never even think about opening a business!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and returned to his seat to sit down.

Qin Xiang looked at him expressionlessly, and the air pressure around her instantly dropped to freezing point.

This guy offended her!
Unbearable, Qin Xiang turned around and left angrily, not wanting to see this guy again for a minute.

After Qin Xiang went out, Chen Kai did not leave in a hurry, but instead took a serious look at the partner.

Suddenly he burst out laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

Seeing Chen Kai's inexplicable smile, the partner suddenly felt a little gloomy.

Chen Kai didn't explain much, but restrained his smile: "We will meet again!"


Significantly waving his hand, Chen Kai followed Qin Xiang's footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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